Vol 10 Chapter 2006: Metamorphosis of Eugenes

Han Dong and Pope, who came from King Cheng, knew that Eugenes was in an important "stable" stage, so they didn't stay in the main tomb area to disturb him.
Come and hang out in the rest of the Tomb of the Sleepless, and wait for Eugens to fully stabilize.
Han Dong can also ask Pop to help him popularize this forbidden area.
Although it is far less dangerous than the planet of the unclean, it feels very interesting here. The entire planet is shrouded in a curse that can affect the king level, and can assimilate any life into a sleepless person.
According to Pope,
In ancient times, a [Pillar] who was extremely paranoid, refused to sleep, and even constantly rejected and criticized fantasy dreams,
He was completely expelled during the sharp angle meeting, depriving him of all the title deeds under his command.
Who knows, this Zhu actually dared to resist,
Take the largest planet land deed in his hand as a stronghold, which is the current [Tomb of the Sleepless].
Before the final Lord came to suppress him,
Self-sacrifice is directly carried out through the formation formed by the large tombs lined up on the entire planet.
Sacrificing everything and the throne, turning it into a curse of immortality shrouded in this planet,
Any outsider who sets foot on the planet will be subject to the curse of the "sleepless", never able to sleep, and will be obsessed with any substance related to the "eye",
eyeballs as food,
Eyeballs are even made into various costumes, props and jewelry.
Pope also naturally talked about the current situation of Eugenes he saw just now,
"This guy, Eugenes, seems to have comprehended "The Ritual of Corpse Food" to a very deep level, so he took such a huge risk to come here to find and kill M.O.
After all, M.O. is also a low-ranking old king. Even if he is injured or his energy is depleted, it is not easy to kill him.
No wonder the teacher will be very concerned about this kid in the near future. "
Han Dong showed a sincere smile, "It's good, the stronger Eugenes is, the better... I also hope to see the full rise of the Shoggoth family one day.
This guy's King Cheng can bring such a big movement,
If you can fully understand the "Ordinance of Corpse Eater", combined with your own potential as the master of Shoggoth, you should be able to impact the final lord during the "coronation", right? "
"...Well, there is indeed a possibility."
No matter how fast Eugenes progressed and how terrifying potential he showed, Pop didn't care.
What he cared about was Han Dong next to him.
Half a year ago, the two met once in the virtual space. At that time, Han Dong gained a great understanding by watching the superior battle between Walter and Mr. Ke.
Pope also intuitively noticed that there is an extra attribute in Han Dong's body, a certain black vortex, which is a 'tool attribute' responsible for coordinating the whole body and does not affect the main ability.
This attribute is almost the same as that of the upper powerhouses among the black towers.
Only half a year has passed.
The black vortex attribute in Han Dong's body has undergone a qualitative change, sublimating into a special ability in the shape of a lotus flower, which has become the axis of the body... Such a shape can barely fit in a corner of the memory palace of Pop's brain.
"Nicholas, where have you been in the past six months?"
"Isn't Kit a king half a year ago? I stopped by the planet of the unclean, and a lot of things happened during this period, which gave me a great opportunity for transformation by chance."
"Unclean one! Could it be that... the white lotus in your body is related to the ancestor of the demon?"
"more or less.
At the bottom of the source pool, I fully accepted the 'mistake' and blended it with the attributes of the black vortex, which allowed me to take a big step forward on the road of false kings. "
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Han Dong's seemingly understated description made Pope sweat profusely.
Pop's knowledge covers the entire S-01. He is very aware of how dangerous the unclean planet is, and also knows what the [Origin Pool] symbolizes.
It's not comparable to [The Tomb of the Sleepless] at all, and it's not at the same level at all.
Pop couldn't imagine how Han Dong could stay in the source pool without being affected, nor could he imagine how to complete his self-transformation at the bottom of the source pool.
This is completely suicidal.
Now he can only pretend to be calm and deflect the topic:
"Nicholas~ By the way, are the rumors true? That "Ancestor of Demons" has assembled into a stable humanoid avatar. "
"Oh, there's something you don't know about Pop?"
Pope explained proudly: "The deeds of the ancestors of demons are often accompanied by filth... My growth must not be disturbed by such filth, and naturally I will not take the initiative to acquire knowledge in this area.
However, now that my foundation is solid, it is no problem to ask for some news. "
"Why don't you come and see for yourself."
Han Dong grabbed one of Pop's fingers and gently pressed it to his forehead.
Scene by scene, the stars in Pop's brain continued to explode on a large scale.
this moment,
Pop had a feeling that he might not be able to keep up with Han Dong...but the next second this feeling was rejected by himself.
Like a strong needle into Pop's heart, the stimulation was even greater than the hatred for Green in the past.
"I want to talk to you about the 'white lotus' in detail. If necessary, I can even have an in-depth communication of consciousness and soul. Do you have time?"
Han Dong was a little surprised.
Pop, who has always been arrogant, would actually take the initiative to ask to know him.
Even Han Dong himself couldn't fully understand the 'Lotus'.
It is an opportunity to have an in-depth communication with a living library like Pope.
When Han Dong was working on some difficult topics, he often took the initiative to have long group discussions with some high-level professors.
that's all,
The two sat opposite each other in a quiet area somewhere between the tombs,
A blood line similar to a dog leash is implicated in the separated blood dog, and the earl is responsible for ensuring the safety during the communication.

Day and night passed.
Eugenes with great appetite,
M.O.'s body has been digested from head to toe.
The burp that resounded through the forbidden area was issued by the large mouths all over the body,
Something is pushing up in the throat,
A heart that could unleash the plague indefinitely, the surface covered with green gelatin and hair was spit out from Eugenes' mouth and held in his hand.
"Plague Heart (M.O.
For the high-level application of "The Ritual of Corpse Eating", Eugenes perfectly transformed the corpse of the ghoul king into this heart through the 'eating process'.
It can be regarded as an imperial-class living equipment.
Since M.O. also practiced this magic tome before his death, this heart was 100% compatible with Eugenes.
Once embedded in the body, it will endow it with the attribute of "Plague of Natural Disaster", and each attack, field or ability will be blessed with the effect of the plague.
At the same time, "Blood Supply Enhancement" will also be obtained, and various action skills, regeneration and distortion will be improved by a fixed percentage.
Even if you are fatally wounded and your main heart is destroyed (soul destruction), you can use the plague heart instead of the main heart, which will not have any effect on the individual.
quack quack!
Eugenes grows a meat mouth of a suitable size on the right chest, without a tooth structure, and the heart is perfectly embedded in it.
in an instant,
Power and confidence filled Eugenes' body.
"This is what I really want to become a king!"
Slap the palm of your hand!
Bouncing between the ruined thrones of M.O., it settled firmly in the center of the main tomb.
"Exactly, Nicholas, you are here... warm up with me."
Find a familiar atmosphere.
Eugenes quickly found a tomb chamber.
Just when he thought about the content of the challenge letter and wanted to dictate to Han Dong inside the secret room.
When I stepped into the secret room and saw the pictures inside,
Eugenes was stunned for a moment, and instantly lowered his breath, made no sound as much as possible, quietly exited the secret room and stuck to the outer wall.
Breathing a little short, and even a little blush...
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