Vol 10 Chapter 2018: teacher

I wandered around the holy city for six or seven hours.
Han Dong finally detoured to the civilian area of ​​Ghana where Sally was located, No. 34 Blackbird Street.
"Huh? It's unexpected... I didn't expect Sally's adaptability to be so high."
Han Dong squatted on the top of a building, looking through a restaurant called [Havendel] on the opposite street.
Sally, dressed as a conservative maid, is serving as a waiter inside.
To avoid trouble with her appearance, Sally deliberately created some unsightly purple spots on her face, which covered a large area and needed to be covered with a veil.
The figure is still there, otherwise, you will not be able to apply for the job.
So many days of life have made her completely integrated into it,
Even if you do something wrong, you will be scolded and abused silently in your heart. .
that's all,
Han Dong just hid in the dark and watched silently, and did not step forward to disturb Sally's current life.
Ding Ding Ding ~ The night is deep
When the last table of guests in the restaurant leaves.
When Sally cleaned up the remnants of the table, she was suddenly wrapped around her neck by a strong arm, and her face was greeted by a cheerful and sunny girl with short hair.
"Sally, hurry up~ everyone is waiting for you."
Sally has long since mingled with her colleagues in the restaurant.
After all, this is a maid restaurant. As women, the probability of being threatened during off-duty hours is quite high. Everyone will return to the collective dormitory not far from the restaurant together.
Among them, there is a short-haired lady with a relatively large physique and obvious arm muscles. She takes special care of the new Sally... On the way back, she often hugs and hugs her, as if she treats Sally as a careful heart.
Although they traveled together at least five people each time, and the journey was not far.
But because each of them is dressed as a maid, they have to wait until they get home to change their clothes, and every time they leave work, they are basically in the middle of the night, so there will always be something wrong.
Encountered again today.
"Several maids and sisters, leave work so early? We just need some services, can I trouble you?"
In the dark street, four figures suddenly emerged from different positions and gathered in front of Sally and the others.
The head of the person is scraping the thorns on the tongue with a dagger, and his body has also undergone some illegal transformations, and his elbow joints seem to have some kind of turbine structure.
The short-haired lady immediately blocked Sally from behind,
"Sally~ This group of people is a little different, I'll hold them off with the sisters later.
Your body hasn't been remodeled, it's not their match! You take the opportunity to slip away and go to the nearest sheriff. "
Between the words, she took out the finger tiger she carried with her from her pocket, and glared at the line of stinky men in front of her.
"We heard before that there is a maid in this shop who is quite capable of fighting, so it's you~ Then... let's start with you first.
I still like a muscular woman like you who likes to resist. "
The voice just fell,
The leader rushed over directly,
The illegally modified mechanical turbine at the elbow spewed out strong steam, which instantly erupted twice as fast as the normal swing speed.
It is impossible for ordinary people to react at this speed.
Emergency moment.
A crow who came out of nowhere suddenly swooped in, poked into the man's eye with precision, and directly took away the right eyeball.
While screaming in pain,
The dagger in his hand is also completely empty,
Before he could recover from the pain, the Iron Finger Tiger had greeted him on the face and smashed it heavily on the ground... His entire face was severely deformed, and his tongue was bitten off by himself.
The severe pain and concussion made him faint.
As the leader was defeated, the remaining three immediately fled.
"Haha, these wicked people have done a lot of evil, and today they finally got their retribution... Let's go back to the dormitory.
This dagger seems good, Sally, take it for self-defense. "
She threw the dagger to Sally.
Unexpectedly, Sally's eyes were not on her at all, but at a roof somewhere across the street.
Seeing that the flying dagger might be dangerous, when he was about to shout Sally's name,
Without looking at Sally, she easily caught the dagger flying in the air with one hand,
"Thank you, Sister Marlene..."
"Um... By the way, what is Sally looking at?"
"Look at the crow that helped us just now, it has now flown away~ Let's go back."
Sally turned her head with a smile on her face, stepped forward and took Marlene's arm. For some reason, she seemed very happy today.

View switching.
Han Dong took back the crow that Heisha had transformed into and left from the roof.
After observing this night, he has made up his mind not to disturb Sally this month, and let her stay here and continue to live a human life.
Unless [End Game] is turned on.
Now Han Dong needs to find out a 'strange thing'.
When he stepped into the holy city, he felt an inexplicable "energy traction", which was not directly expressed, but only took effect when using magic.
Some of Han Dong's magic will be displayed in the 'raven shape'.
Including teleporting away from the suicide tree before, and just helping Sally secretly have encountered such a situation.
Although it has no effect on the magic foundation,
But it was the first time that Han Dong had seen this kind of weird 'traction'.
associated with crows,
The first person Han Dong thought of was his former teacher - "Mr. Black and White".
ample time,
Han Dong still chooses to walk between the holy cities, and takes a ferry to cross the [Mosrabi Ring River] that separates the civilian area from the inner city.
Han Dong was also quite emotional when he stepped on the familiar ladder of the Three Gods.
Back then, the ladder meant class differentiation, and stepping on the ladder meant that an individual rose to a whole new level, and the people and things they came into contact with were not comparable to the commoners.
"The ladder of the three gods is named after the main of Greek mythology. Now it seems that there is a different feeling... The world corresponding to Greek mythology is [S-06], which is also famous among the black towers, and is completely open to the public.
As long as the strength is sufficient, it is completely possible to go over there to obtain a place, and even set foot on the corresponding rank.
Captain Alex is an outsider who has set foot on Mount Olympus. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com may have won the throne there. "
After arriving at the Knights Academy,
Han Dong immediately called a school carriage and drove straight to the Darkmoon Forest where the Department of Mystery was located.
"Huh? It really has something to do with the teacher... The density of such crows is at least ten times higher than before."
The forest branches are full of crows,
At the top of the Darkmoon Tower is a circle of dense crows hovering.
The door of the [Stargazing Room] was locked.
It's kind of weird,
According to Mr. Black and White's divination and perception, he will definitely know Han Dong's arrival in advance, and there will be no lock-up.
"Huh? With a king-level aura, is the teacher also a king?"
Stars flickered between Han Dong's body and he easily passed through the door.
The scene inside made him stunned for a moment.
Countless crows are scattered all over it, as if stepping into a crow's lair.
A large number of lines with crow feathers are implicated in the stargazing room, conveying some kind of evil power.
"What's the situation...how can there be two auras that belong to the teacher?
One of them already exudes a pseudo-king breath,
The stock that belongs to the crow is still growing, and it seems to be about to break through..."
at this time.
A figure appeared in the darkness,
Its half body is white, without any debris, a perfect human body that is clean and flawless, and a white star dust is suspended in the palm of its hand.
The other half is black, full of feathers, and the crow's claw arm like a monster is dancing frantically, and it is not complete.
Two black and white wings are also spread out on the back, obviously white is heavier
Taking a strange step, he is galloping towards the intruder Han Dong... The killing intent is full.
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