Chapter 205: Unexpected intelligence

"The original kitchen knife in Chen Li's body can absorb" chaotic weapons "? Unexpectedly, I unexpectedly learned a method to enhance Miss Chen Li's ability.
I'm saying that this kind of props similar to destiny equipment should also be worth a lot of money ... This method is a bit of a burn.
Next, find the apple tree first. "
When Han Dong returned to the manor house, he did not explore the surrounding area, but walked through the town.
‘The‘ Apple tree ’mentioned in the quest scroll will appear randomly in any area of ​​the town, and naturally it may also appear inside the town.
In addition, Han Dong is walking in a small town. He also wants to observe the progress of other Cavaliers by the way, and consider whether his team needs to ‘speed up’ or ‘speed down’.
"The junior team is not slower than us. Many teams have already completed a basic task ... and they also know that there are a limited number of" basic tasks "that must be completed in the early stages. "
Squads came and went across the street.
Unfortunately, it is.
As Han Dong walked to an intersection.
There are actually two familiar teams leaning in from different directions.
The first team to come was a junior junior team who was in trouble because of the "home" problem.
But ... this time when they met with Han Dong, their attitude changed significantly.
Han Dong did not worry about this group of people ‘against’ him after capturing the expression.
The arrival of the savage tank Johnny, wearing super heavy armor, every step he takes will leave a deep footprint on the land.
Compared with the angry expression on the face of the last forced evacuation, this time Johnny had a kind smile.
"I didn't expect to meet my schoolmate here ... Strange, how do you act alone?"
"We took on a search task. I wonder if Captain Johnny has found an 'Apple Tree'?"
"Apple tree? I didn't find it ... Student should leave a contact information. Once we found the existence of a suspected apple tree, how about contacting you immediately?"
When he exchanged the code of the clockwork device with this meat shield senior, Han Dong's eyes also turned to other members of the team at the same time.
"Two long-range attackers, a medical and auxiliary combatant ... the most powerful should be this ranger, right?"
Han Dong stared at a ranger wearing a cape and a hood.
The parrot cage hanging on its waist is also very interesting.
I seem to feel Han Dong's eyes, Ranger Michelle immediately deflected his head, for fear of being looked at by her appearance under her hood.
As she tilted her head, she slightly revealed a furry ear on her side of her head.
At this time, another team approached from the side.
Is Han Dong's friend-Cass Maldini and his party.
"Allen friends! Do you know Johnny?"
Duck Cass was not sure at first, after all, Han Dong was blocked by a large part of Johnny's huge body.
靠近 This close discovery is really Han Dong.
科 The small head Koslin who followed, and Sophia holding the staff also smiled and greeted Han Dong.
嗯 "Hmm ... I know them."
"Cass! Brothers, do you know?"
Johnny, who had just completed the coding exchange, was also surprised, and turned his head to look at the handsome blonde sophomore sophomore.
Cass Maldini, has a certain reputation in the [Crusader], and they have seen many times.
Kas immediately revealed his "intimate" friendly relationship with Han Dong, praising with excitement: "Yeah! Allen's friend is the top genius of the Mystery Academy. Last time our" Fate Journey "completely depended on Allen Brother can pass, I did not expect you to know the senior. "
"Hah ... ha!" Johnny quickly put a heavy arm on Han Dong's shoulder. "It's not ... I can see such an excellent person at first glance, so I'll leave a contact method."
He found a slightly embarrassing Johnny suit, and then made a serious and urgent appearance.
"OK! There are a limited number of basic tasks, and you shouldn't waste time in the early stage ... Xuexi, we will contact you as soon as we find the apple tree."
谢谢 "Thank you, Johnny."
In this way, Johnny immediately led his team to leave.
As the ranger Michelle in the team walked past Han Dong, he couldn't help but glance at the special student.
配合 Cooperate closely with "Eye of the Beast" at close range.
From Han Dong, he saw an indescribable sense of hidden danger, his whole body overflowed with cold sweat and left quickly.
Uh ...
"Apple tree? Is Allen the task?"
嗯 "Hmm ... an apple tree randomly appearing in the town. Cass, did you find it?"
At this point, Cass's face changed greatly. "Come with me! I know where."
"Huh? Take me there."
It seemed that Urkas was running urgently, and it seemed to be something urgent.
I came to a building that was slightly closer to the edge of the town, and it was the residence of Cass and others.
"It's in the basement.
我们 After we occupied this house, Sophia said that the basement door was overflowing with pollution ... We looked down and found that there was a weird apple tree in the basement.
Considering the potential danger, we have not dealt with it for the time being. "
"I went to see!"
When Han Dong first stepped into the residence chosen by Cass and others, he saw at first glance a gap of light gray in the basement door.
Even a thin layer of evil spirit has covered the ground of the building.
"It is indeed below."
Han Dong suddenly turned and said:
"Cass, this should be your second training camp, right?
The requirements of the Knights of the Knights should be higher than ours ... the basic task phase in the early stage is very important. You must quickly execute the task in hand.
Apple tree is my task, I will handle it, thank you. "
"Indeed ... basic tasks are limited. Say, Brother Alan doesn't need to call your teammates over?"
"I can do it alone ~ ~ Kas laughed a while, and naturally he knew that Han Dong could handle it alone.
行 "Let's do it ... the apple tree underneath your house will take care of you. Let's go back to school and get together again."
"Well, hurry up."
The unexpected friend encounter brought such an important message to Han Dong.
东 Only Han Dong is left in the wicked building.
Ka Kaka ...
Han Dong first closed and locked the windows and doors to avoid being disturbed by others while handling the 'Apple Tree'.
Creak ~~
When opening the basement door.
The pollution index has risen sharply, but for Han Dong, it just feels cooler.
Stepped down the staircase full of cold and cold breath.
In the spacious basement, a twisted apple tree grows in the center, just to the ceiling.
Sturdy trunk similar to 'pear-shaped'.
Tick ​​tick!
墨 A dark green viscous liquid will constantly overflow from the bark ... At the same time, there is a tree hole (the size of a dog hole) at the bottom of the trunk.
A sound of iron chains came from the back.
He is not Tuogu's chain.
I seem to really have a dog in the tree cave ...
:. :
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