Vol 10 Chapter 2030: 3 forces

There is more than one 'original out of control' who has the same idea as Mr. Sensei.
After all, the essence of the out of control is also human,
Many of them naturally thought of starting from the human location in S-01 as an entry point.
Through the most advanced detection technology carried by the interstellar ship, it can directly locate the special quantum frequency released by the unique DNA sequence of human beings.
Soon to locate the solar system between the Milky Way.
The "warp space transition" ship accelerates through curvature, sailing in the sub-stream of the three-dimensional curvature space, and reaches the edge of the solar system in a few minutes through the shortest theoretical route.
Except for the ships commanded by Mr. Sensei,
There are two additional ships coming to the solar system simultaneously,
The teacher standing on the bridge can directly see the person in charge of the other two ships,
One of the ships was in a similar situation to him, with only one person in charge exuding a strong breath, with a group of strange little brothers.
The other ship exudes multiple different powerful breaths, but the breaths are mutually inclusive, forming a whole invisibly.
Mr. teacher did not show too much unhappy expression, but rather happy.
"As long as Goodman doesn't come... Since these guys are in the same direction as me, let them try the human strength of S-01 first. .
Once weakened to a certain extent, my "preaching" will also become more effective. "
The targets of the three ships all fell on the extremely special earth that exudes multiple breaths.
as they approached the earth,
The "Plant Planet" disguised as Saturn's surrounding satellites has not been found at all... A magic eye fused between the planets is silently watching the situation of these ships.
Han Dong, who had slept in the white lotus all day, also rubbed his eyes and woke up slowly.
"Three ships...according to my encounter between the broken dimensions.
This kind of interstellar ship made by the out-of-control person combined with the highest technology of the black tower, there is at least one out-of-control person above [queen], and there may even be a king in it.
Their aim must be the earth,
Let’s observe it secretly first, to see if there are any acquaintances and the overall level of strength, and look for opportunities to secretly start. "
The next scene made Han Dong's eyes change slightly, and he carefully observed the exaggerated situation that was taking place in the solar system.
One of the black ships suddenly stopped at a position less than 0.1 AU from the sun during the course of sailing to the earth.
This location will withstand high temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius,
At the same time, it will also be exposed to the frontal radiation of solar rays.
The side door of the ship opened at this moment,
Stepping out of a British style, a thin man wearing a newsboy hat, a black trench coat, and a pocket watch on his waist has deep eye sockets... It is the "Matchstick-Man" who used to team up with bank staff.
Although her rank is [Queen], she is a member of the [Penny Family], a special organization among the out-of-control, ranking third.
He took the initiative to lean towards the surface of the sun.
He took out an empty matchbox from his pocket and pointed it at the sun.
Something outrageous happened,
Visible to the naked eye, the energy heat flow on the surface of the sun is quickly drawn into it,
Form a special match with a red head until the matchbox is completely filled.
for a time,
The entire solar system has dimmed,
The fusion reaction that is taking place inside the sun is also greatly attenuated, and there is a trend towards extinction.
The stickman took back the matchbox with satisfaction, returned to the ship and continued to sail towards the earth.

"Did you meet an acquaintance as soon as you came up? Stickman... The permafrost continent showed amazing detonation ability, and due to the limitations of the local indigenous people, they did not directly fight with us.
If he had meddled, I, Pop, and Eugenes would not be alive today.
Later, I also specifically checked the information of this person in the black tower.
Behind this guy is a special organization. Except for the committee, the only family organization that is allowed to exist - the [Penny Family].
The family management is the "three brothers", all with iconic objects as symbols.
The symbol of the third child is the "match", who is responsible for various blasting work, handling the endgame of various events, and is the last in strength.
The symbol of the second child is the "razor", the family executioner.
The symbol of the eldest is "guns", he is in charge of the entire family, and he is also a member of the committee, and his rank has reached [king].
This ship must be carrying the entire [Penny Family], the situation is a bit troublesome..."
Han Dong used the magic eye to mark the ship of the Peni family to avoid any contact with it.
Eyes fell on the other two ships.
One of them did not reach Earth, but instead docked on the surface of the moon.
The hatch opens.
An elegant male whose shadow does not correspond to his physical actions stepped out,
in an instant,
There was a commotion in the shadows on the lunar surface, and a 'student' with dull eyes walked out of the shadows, and together with the teacher, looked at the earth full of vitality and diversity.
This scene happened to be glimpsed by Han Dong.
Instinct rise of the corners of the mouth
"Haha~ Even Mr. Teacher is here... I have a high probability that he will come to the earth where human beings are at the first time. [Preaching] For an absolutely loyal creature like the alien demon, the efficiency is low.
But it is more efficient for humans.
Besides, Mr.-sensei's goal must be partly in me, and finding a human can naturally force me to show up. "
Although it was confirmed that the two superiors came to Earth in person, Han Dong was not panic at all.
Because, he had already checked the regional restrictions of human cities beforehand.
[Holy City. Neuttner]
"Type": medium royal city-state
"Restriction": A maximum of three [Queens] are allowed, and no more than seven king-level beings are allowed to enter the area.
The restrictions of the other two human cities are similar (the median limit of Dragon City and Royal Capital is two), and only the median level is allowed to enter them at most.
"If you violate the rules, you will be marked by the "Void"... I believe that this group of people is still relatively rational, and will not take risks in the early game and do a devastating blow to the human race.
The eldest of the Penny family, and the deity of Mr. teacher will definitely not do it.
It depends on how they arrange family members, or incarnate. "
Han Dong, sitting among the white lotuses, has quietly constructed a "Original Vortex Pathway" connected to the Holy City. This kind of space transmission created by him will not be discovered by anyone.
at this time,
Han Dong suddenly froze for a moment,
Because he felt an existence that surpassed Mr. Teacher, and even made him feel dangerous at the biological instinct level, coming from the third ship.
The ship descends in the Amazon jungle where no forces exist. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
One dressed in a silver tapered robe and stepped off the ship like a queen.
If you look closely, you will find that this 'queen' has no face, a flat face, and long silver hair falls behind her.
Behind her followed a group of 'flying skulls' with different appearances, some of which were beautiful, some were extremely ugly, and even had disorganized facial features, which did not conform to the basic aesthetics.
These flying skulls spread rapidly in the Amazon jungle, whether they are beasts, birds, or smaller insects, or some evil spirits and pagans who have not become aliens.
Flying skulls can perform 'brain replacement' and quickly evolve into a deformed life, whose level matches the skull, and can quickly read and adapt to the information of native life.
Just when Han Dong was quietly peeping at the 'Queen',
The other party suddenly raised a flat, pure white faceless face towards the Saturn area... so scared that Han Dong immediately closed the real magic eye and stopped spying.
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