Vol 10 Chapter 2035: Games start

After spending some time with humans, Sally felt for the first time the genuine kindness that exists in human nature.
This kind of feeling is completely different from when Han Dong is staying together. It is a kind of kindness that comes from the heart, and this kind of kindness is almost impossible among the weak groups of alien demons. .
Although Sally has taken insurance measures between the palace bodies,
But she still wanted to save her colleagues who lived together day and night under the same roof,
She doesn't want to convert them into black goats if it's not necessary... Continuing to live as humans is the best outcome.
When moving his black silk calf and crushing the skull that flew into the restaurant,
Although such a slaughter is simple,
But Sally felt a strong sense of "disobedience", as if in a corner of the holy city, an extremely terrifying head was watching her because of the killing just now.
As the number of killed heads increases, this sense of gaze will become stronger.
"Avoid killing as much as possible in the early stage~ If I get into trouble, let alone protect them, even myself will be in danger. 』
Thinking of this, Sally hurriedly looked at the sisters behind her and shouted loudly:
"Don't panic, everyone, if you want to survive, just follow me! Hold hands, don't get lost."
This kind of shouting directly into the depths of consciousness made the frightened people slightly recover their senses.
Although each one was shaking, they focused on Sally.
In fact,
Sally could have released her tentacles, directly wrapped around the bodies of the people, and easily dragged them away... But Sally carried out her determination as a human, and fused the war that was taking place in front of her with her own trials.
She didn't want to show obvious demonic characteristics in the holy city, and she didn't want her sisters to see another side of herself.
Short-haired Marlene with six-pack abs was already behind Sally, reaching for her maid skirt.
For a time, she felt that Sally in front of her was quite unfamiliar,
Mingming needs her to provide protection on weekdays, and even in the face of some disgusting male customers who take advantage, she dare not retort Sally,
In the face of such a terrifying and dangerous scene, he actually stood up.
Ma Lin also noticed the terrifying head that had been smashed in an instant before, and had no idea how to do it.
At this moment, Sally said seriously:
"Sister Ma Lin, you must follow me~ In the current situation, even I can't be sure of absolute safety. Let's take everyone back to the dormitory first."
Now is not the time to ask,
Ma Lin also plucked up the courage to organize the sisters behind her as well as possible.
Everyone held hands and left the restaurant in an orderly manner.
at this time,
The terrifying scene that was taking place in the streets made them all stunned.
Dozens of strange women's heads are fluttering fast,
Even more frightening,
They can stick a straw-like tongue out of their mouths, insert them precisely into the backs of civilians' heads, their brains and read their memories.
When it's all done~ Swish!
The tongue inserted between the heads was pulled hard, the whole head was forcibly torn, and the red pillars spewed.
The skull girls then connected their heads,
Complete the "Cranial Reception" by the above method.
In this way, it is completely integrated into the life of the people of the holy city, and the memory is not lost at all.
at the same time,
A group of cranial girls who were floating naturally noticed that Sally and the others, such young and energetic girls, were their preferred objects.
"Is there really that many?
Once there are too many kills, it is very likely to attract the attention of [Median]... These heads should be left to humans to kill, and they are mainly avoided for now. "
"Field Expansion"
A very different field of fertility spreads out,
In an instant, the chasing heads felt unwell.
Without exception, the cranial women had a morning sickness reaction and began to vomit violently
A larval embryo has formed between their heads, while absorbing nutrients from their brains,
"Intracranial Pregnancy"
In just a few seconds, everyone fell into a state of extreme weakness, unable to catch up with everyone.
In this way, everyone escaped back to the dormitory successfully.
The six-person sleeping room has been completely covered by Sally's "external palace body". As long as it is not a king-level existence who personally finds it, the absolute safety of the interior will definitely be guaranteed.
"Sally, what the are you..."
"After the matter is over, I will slowly explain it to Sister Ma Lin and everyone... The Holy City is facing an unprecedented crisis, the only thing we can do is to wait here.
After a while, someone will come to our rescue. "
"Is it the Knights? However, the rescue work in our civilian area should be the last..."
"No... someone else came to save us."
Sally still remembered that night, the black crow that suddenly appeared and took away the gangster's eye... She knew that Nicholas had always been silently guarding her side.
A whole three extraordinary median beings are active in the holy city,
She didn't dare to act recklessly at all, she could only wait to meet with Han Dong, she also believed that Han Dong would definitely come.

"View Switch"
Han Dong, who stepped out of the wine cellar, saw a terrifying scene that was almost doomsday.
giggle~ hee hee hee~
Weird and twisted laughter echoed in the streets,
Countless strange heads are moving, looking for a suitable "skull replacement" target.
Some like girls,
Some like women,
Some like old people,
As the influence of Mr. Teacher's domain continues, the commoners are in a state of stagnation,
The civilians selected by the skull girl didn't even know how they died... The head that was torn off did not show any pain, and his eyes were still blank.
At this time,
The three heads just happened to fly over,
Han Dong didn't take any defensive action, just pretended to be stunned in place.
The skull girl didn't stop, and passed by Han Dong directly... The reason is very simple, they can't identify Han Dong's gender, and their goal is only 'female'.
Just as the last head was about to pass by,
Han Dong suddenly turned his face and pressed his lips to his ear, squirming and whispering:
in an instant,
The skull girl was stunned for a moment and stopped flying.
Han Dong reached out and gently stroked her smooth hair, sticking it to the surface of the back of his head,
quack quack~
A tentacle is inserted into the back of the brain to examine the inner structure of the skull in detail.
"It's peculiar!
There is a whole set of tiny organs wrapped around the brain,
The unique biological structure allows them to fly in the air by nature... This biological theory may be used, and the doctor will be interested.
These skull girls are not the original (Original) out of control, but have been transformed and derived.
The real origin is probably the existence of a teacher no less than Mr. "
Perhaps Han Dong has a special perception,
Perhaps Han Dong's body is also a head,
this moment,
Han Dong not only felt that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com floated inside the holy city, and ruled the median existence of this group of skull girls... but also felt a "origin" who was resting and watching the battle in the forest outside the city.
A flat face without facial features exudes the temperament of a queen all the time.
The level of danger even made Han Dong shudder.
Resolutely pull out the tentacles and let the skull girl leave... so as not to be tracked backwards and expose yourself.
For this non-original out of control, Han Dong is not interested at all, and has no value in prison.
"The city-wide thinking influence, and the large-scale replacement of female heads... It seems that this group of out-of-control people really want to play a game with us.
This is better than outright massacres,
Moreover, due to Mr. Newton's Holy Circle effect, the time period for which "sermons" are fully effective has been extended to several hours.
Things got a little interesting. "
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