Vol 10 Chapter 2047: connector

There are three key points in the "Skull Collection Project" promoted by Han Dong:
1. Abel is responsible for killing the skull girls encountered along the way. Han Dong's identity must be double concealed, neither can be discovered by the holy city, nor exposed to intruders.
Once you let Mr. Teacher know, it will be very troublesome.
2. Ensure that the progress of killing the skull girl is synchronized with the battle situation in the whole holy city.
It is best to complete the head collection when Mr. Teacher's first incarnation, the Razorman, breaks out in a head-on conflict with the Holy City, and leads or finds a queen-level head girl.
3. The entire process of collecting skulls needs to be completed around the civilian area, and the last skull gathering happens to be located in the civilian area of ​​Ghana where Sally works.
Han Dong knew that as long as Sally remained in the Holy City, she would definitely come to help.

The above three conditions were successfully achieved with the perfect camouflage and secret boost of Han Dong. .
And when the skull collection was completed, it was actually introduced into the secret space created by the skull girl.
Although let the other side occupy the land,
But here is isolated from the holy city, so that the problem can be solved secretly... More importantly, Han Dong also gets a privilege.
The sound of the void resounds in the brain:
"Since you are currently in an "independent area" created by the enemy, you are isolated from the Holy City.
In this area, your restrictions are relaxed, and any 'non-subjective' identity disclosure will not violate the rules. And even if they violate the rules, they will not be directly brought up in the game, but will be warned in advance. 』
This prompt made Han Dong soothe the atmosphere, and his face filled with an uncontrollable smile.
This means that he can fully expand his fists and have a close contact with the skull girl hidden here.

Walk with Sally through the tunnels that meander downwards.
Han Dong reached out and gently touched the mucus overflowing from the wall. Dr. Swelling had already given certain analysis results.
This white mucus is a kind of "adhesive" at the "rule level".
Whether it is organic matter or inorganic matter, it is possible to use this adhesive for fusion at the rule level... When the doctor reported this property to Han Dong, there was a strong sense of excitement in his words.
"Boss Han~ If possible, capture this head as much as possible!
This out-of-control, rule-defying adhesive could be of unimaginable help for our biological experiments if it could be mass-produced or purified.
I can try to create some creatures I never dared to imagine,
It is even possible to create a more perfect creature than 'Shoggoth'.
Of course…
The other party is the median after all~ Boss, just do your best. "
"Doctor, thank you for your hard work~ I will try my best to catch it alive... This kind of mucus-like ability is just restrained by me."
At the end of the exchange,
Han Dong, who learned about the "adhesive nature", couldn't help but smile. As a biologist, he was very aware of the potential that could be developed.
Sally, who was walking in the front, naturally noticed this kind of giggling.
This made her more sure of her inner guess.
Being in an unknown and dangerous devil's cave, about to face a powerful mid-level existence, but snickering without warning... Among Sally's acquaintances, there are only three people who may be like this.
One is absolutely crazy Green,
One is Kit, who is bent on death,
And there is…
When she wanted to call out the name, she swallowed it.
Sally knew very well that Nicholas didn't need to "perfectly disguise" in this situation, and there might be some reason why he had to.
Who knows.
A familiar voice sounded in her skull.
"Sally, are you still used to human life?"
in an instant,
Sally's consciousness trembled suddenly, her eyes were a little wet,
"Xi... Habit~ is much better than I expected, I have met a lot of friends here, and Sister Ma Lin is very kind to me.
For the worst, I've saved their cell embryos.
Even if they die in the holy city, they can obtain a second life in the Black Forest. "
After all,
Sally gently touched her belly like a fetus.
"That's good~ Your state is more stable than I thought.
In the battle later, let me see the strength of the black goat. "
the end of the conversation,
The main purpose of Han Dong's questioning is to test the bottom line of the rules.
One-sidedly inquired about Sally's situation, but didn't take the initiative to reveal her identity... Since I didn't receive any warning, I could really give it a go later.
The further down you go, the more bizarre the scene in the Demon Cave becomes.
The densely packed heads of women are integrated with the cave due to adhesion, and the back of their heads has been completely glued to the rock wall.
Eyes staring at Han Dong and Sally passing by,
or a weird laugh,
Or sticking out their tongues and licking their bodies,
Or begging both for liberation,
When it was about to reach the bottom, all kinds of sticky threads almost blocked the channel,
The dense skulls are glued to each other,
Share one eye, or one mouth, or even several heads connected to one brain.
In such an environment,
Even Sally was affected, her hair was slightly sticking to her fingers,
Han Dong, who was in charge of opening the way, was still unaffected, letting the mucus drip on his body and even smearing it on his body as a moisturizing lotion.
After half an hour of in-depth, finally arrived at the deepest [mucus pool].
Han Dong spit out a boring expression, "Do you have to make the cave so deep?"
As soon as the voice fell, bubbles surged up.
A skull girl with fleshy holes all over her face and constantly secreting mucus slowly floated up.
The provocation of the previous viral words still acted on her brain, and her attention was basically on Han Dong, glaring at him.
She is very clear,
The strength of this young man is by no means the "peak mythology" that appears on the surface. If he can stop her mucus and tongue with one hand, he must have reached the king level.
She didn't mean to keep it at all.
The dense flesh holes all over the head began to in big gulps.
It's not just the slime pool that gets absorbed,
The mucus that spreads between the caves also flows here through various channels, and it also carries the skulls embedded in the caves.
Shape the [body] with endless white mucus and hundreds of thousands of special heads,
Sally was surprised by such a scene, and her sense of danger continued to rise.
She slightly raised her black silk calf, trying to stop the process with "trample",
Who knows...
Han Dong's index finger lightly poked the back of her calf,
"No hurry, UU reading www.uukanshu.com let her show the most perfect posture."
When the mucus pool is completely drained,
A woman with jade-like skin and loose white hair has floated in space,
The fleshy holes on her face were also filled, and her beauty was enough to describe it as a national beauty... However, any individual who tried to touch her would instantly "adhere" and become part of her body.
She did not directly attack Han Dong and others,
Instead, it seems to follow the queen's etiquette and introduce herself before the death fight.
"I am the Queen's adjutant-connector. Carmistin, this time, on the order of the Queen, I will conduct a comprehensive invasion and occupation of the human city of s-01.
You will slowly form the deepest connection with me during the battle and become a part of me. "
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