Vol 10 Chapter 2061: condition

The [ascension] of Malone and the world is still going on, and no one knows how long it will last.
The top of the holy city, the former parliamentary area
The first incarnation of Mr. Teacher sits in the most central judgment seat as a "defeater".
The heads of delegations, the royal family, the Pope, and the former elders of the council sat around.
With Mr. Teacher's active surrender, the Holy City War came to an end.
According to the [End Game] regulations,
The loser needs to unconditionally accept the various conditions put forward by the winner.
They can even be asked to commit suicide in their entirety, or complete enslavement on a spiritual level,
Due to his own particularity, Mr. Teacher has a lot of leverage in the seemingly unconditional defeat negotiation.
70% of the lives of the people of the Holy City and the right to life and death of two wise men. .
"Everyone, think about the conditions you put forward, if I don't think it's suitable... I will sacrifice my incarnation and be buried with most of you humans.
Although the sum of the value of these lives is far less than my first incarnation.
But after all, we failed, and I could only grit my teeth and accept such a defeat. "
Mr. teacher made a very aggrieved expression,
But his legs were on the table, and he couldn't look down on the group of natives in front of him.
After negotiation,
The head of the Great Demon stated the compensation terms that the Holy City needed:
"Our conditions are very simple, we only need you to remove the "preaching influence" of the entire Holy City, including the completely transformed Mr. Black and White and Congreve Newton.
As for the loss of the Holy City in this war, we shall bear it ourselves. "
Mr. teacher pushed his glasses and responded with a smile:
"Well... this condition is good, I can indeed accept it.
However, before accepting, you need to answer two questions.
First, do you know the recent trends of [Wallen, Nicholas] or [Han Dong]? "
The Devil's reply was:
"Nicholas has long ceased to belong to the Holy City, and he is currently in frequent contact with the upper classes of alien demons.
According to my estimation, he should be in the territory of a certain high-ranking old king.
The "Mr. Black and White" enslaved by you is Nicholas's teacher and main guide in the Holy City, with a close relationship... You should be able to obtain more accurate information directly from his brain, right? "
After Mr.'s test, Mr. Black and White did have a close relationship with Han Dong, so this issue can only be left behind.
"The second question is also a big doubt in my mind.
In our current invasion operation, there are three leaders who have reached the [median] level, including me, Arthur, and a skull girl who is hiding in the dark - Carmistin.
Arthur's defeat and death are in my eyes. I have to say that your group of natives is really amazing, and such a strong man can appear.
But Carmistin's death is a bit strange...
Except for the demon humans who are breaking through in the sky, and the dead median,
This group of you here, in my opinion, has the conditions to kill Carmistin at all, not even the slightest possibility.
Is there still a master hidden in the dark? Or did Nicholas hide in the Holy City, just saying that you didn't know? "
When Mr. teacher gave this inference,
Including the head of the Great Demon, many people showed puzzled expressions.
Indeed, even they don't know how the Skull Girl's commander died... They only know that in the middle of the war, the Skull Girl's overall actions immediately became disordered, and even began to actively expose, and the Knights immediately seized the opportunity, and a large number of kill.
"Oh? Judging from your expressions, you don't seem to be very clear about this matter... Sure enough, someone is secretly doing things.
The guy who can quietly get rid of Carmistin, you say, is it possible that it is Nicholas? "
Just when Mr. teacher raised the question with a smile on his face,
A dark shadow rushed into the trial court.
Even the royal guards who guarded the door didn't react.
With a heavy stomping sound,
The parliament building as a whole sank a few meters.
Mr. Teacher's head was pressed sideways on the table, and even his face was broken, and his eyeballs almost burst out.
It was a black silk long leg pressing on the side of his face.
However, what Mr. teacher saw in front of his eyes was completely different.
It was as if he was pressed at the bottom of the black forest, and a sheep's hoof stepped down from the sky to restrain him, and even stepped on the surface of his soul.
It was Sally who broke into the council.
Strangely enough,
The breath emanating from Sally's body is not like the [pseudo-king] at all... Even Mr. Teacher felt a potential danger, so he didn't dare to move when he stepped on it like this.
At this time,
Sally bent down suddenly,
The long black hair fell on the teacher's head,
Through the gap of black hair, a black goat full of murderous intent could be seen staring at him:
"If it wasn't for this group of skull girls threatening my partner, I wouldn't be too lazy to do it.
After killing a few mythical heads, he was dragged to the devil's lair by the so-called "connector".
in addition.
You hasten to accept the pact proposed by this group of human beings to remove the preaching influence on my sisters,
Otherwise I'll kill you right now! "
Because the aura emanating from Sally was too strange, although she didn't see the throne, it was definitely at the median level.
Moreover, Sally's description of the Devil's Cave and the skull girl is completely correct... There is even some mucus smell left on her sheep's hooves,
Enough to be sure that she killed it.
"It was so.
There is actually an old alien king hiding in this city... I will say why your city's 'game indicator' is higher than the other two cities.
In that case, things make sense. "
Mr., who was stepped on the table, no longer delays time, and signs the "Defeat Agreement" generated by the final game.
Once signed,
The winner and loser must reach an agreement on the conditions in the book, otherwise they will be sent directly to the [Chaos Center].
The teacher snapped his fingers.
In an instant, all the "Preaching Factors" that permeated the Holy City were recovered.
the same moment
hum! A columnar shadow descended between the moons... Sally, feeling the danger, quickly backed away.
Under the shadow of the beam of light,
Mr. Teacher's body floated up and headed towards the deity between the moons.
before leaving,
He stared at Mr. Black and Newton, who gradually returned to normal, with a face full of reluctance.
"Hey~ Two pretty good containers, what a pity... Next time I'll come in real form, come and use them again.
Goodbye, interesting natives. "
With the departure of Mr. Teacher, everyone was relieved,
If the other party's choice is to 'break the boat and sink the boat', UU reading www. uukanshu.com Holy City will also pay a huge price.
Sally, who was originally arrogant, immediately collapsed to the ground, clutching her chest with one hand and gasping for breath.
She just kept herself in a high-level state by consuming the 'Original Bloodline'... This state can only last for about two minutes at most.
At this time,
Newton, who was sitting in the front row, has completely recovered his senses.
Not panicking at all, but showing an excited expression,
"Huh... It feels really good to be a [student], don't you think? Black and white, your test scores are one point higher than mine."
The Liangyi mask on the black and white face turned, and a low voice came from it:
"It's really interesting, very different from what I imagined.
In this way, we can slowly sort out Mr. teacher's preaching theory..."
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