Vol 10 Chapter 2125: wake

When this roar originating from "First Chaos" spread throughout S-01,
Since it can be spread to marginal casinos,
Nature can also reach the center of chaos,
Perhaps due to homology,
When the roar enters the center of chaos,
It was actually amplified in the abyss of madness, and the aborigines in the chaos could clearly hear it, and even stirred the chaotic nature of their bloodlines to a certain extent, inspiring his madness.
[Third Chaos, God of Thousand Feet - Vangelis], who was resting between the abyss party, showed a shocked and nostalgic expression when he heard this cry.
"Oh, was it actually released at this juncture?"
When the roar echoed in the abyss of madness,
One of the voices followed the connection path between the abyss and came to the most dense area of ​​chaos.
【Chaos Royal Court】
If someone out of control comes here, you will receive the following prompt.
"Type": Ultimate Forbidden Land
"Restrictions": None, any number of runaways are allowed to enter.
"Special reminder": This area is a deadly scene between games, please keep it as far away as possible, and don't make the final game uninteresting.
This roar followed the passage of the royal court to the deepest part,
Then bypass the broken and hidden secret passages,
Go up the chaotic roots that are the same age as the world, and reach the secret space located in the deepest part.
Also known as "Between the Origins"
It is difficult for even Teacher You to spy on the situation here.
Only individuals who are personally acknowledged by Him and have direct blood in their bodies are eligible to go there...and they are not going directly,
It is necessary to step on the "Road of Chaos" and pass this test that outsiders can't even imagine.
old days,
Only "First Chaos" has passed various tests and has reached the deepest room.
When he came out of it, he brought an unusual "gray" to the world, and at the same time was given the special status of [the only messenger].
Only he is qualified to completely break away from the center of chaos and establish a door on his own.
Only he is qualified to establish a direct channel to the Chaos Center, and he can come and go freely.
Gray has become a symbol of the world, used to represent the visit of Chaos.
A young man who was born in the abyss, was born with the abyss, is the abyss himself, and is unique among all things in the world,
At the same time as being recognized, he crossed the Chaos Avenue and broke into it. .
The "holes" all over his body are being penetrated by roots of origin, and are hung on the original Chaos Stone in the shape of a cross.
Every inch of the abyss in the body is filled,
Deciphering and tasting the oldest and most primitive chaotic essence explained by the lock of origin roots,
Thinking has long been floating in the beginning of creation,
Forgetting everything in the world, even his own madness is about to be completely forgotten, and in this state, he perceives new things and casts his own throne.
At this time,
A low roar actually crossed the layers of obstacles between the royal courts,
Following these origin roots into the youth's body,
Forcing him to slowly open the eyes of the abyss filled with chaos.
for a while,
The roots that make up this space began to shake, and tiny holes began to appear on the surface, as if being assimilated by the young man.
distant protoplasmic planets,
The first column of the stele used to engrave the names of the ten major elements, corresponding to the name of the first element [Christopher J. Green], began to overflow with the breath of chaos.

【Grey Country-Sharnos City】
Han Dong, who once again disguised gray with "Perfect Borrowing God", is standing side by side with Black Pharaoh on the city wall, facing the end of the world.
As a result of taking a big step forward on the road of pseudo-king, the spiritual level has achieved remarkable growth... The authenticity of this imitation even made the black pharaohs unrecognizable.
The gray deity in the base camp of the out-of-control was so uncomfortable, she almost fainted on the toilet when she was borrowed from God.
in addition,
Gu Yan
[Queen of Invisibility] With ice crystal makeup, she is standing next to Han Dong, even leaning her head lightly on her shoulders, observing what is happening in the distance from a special perspective.
When she saw a man with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other with a cigar in his mouth,
He couldn't help but sigh, "To actually show a real gesture here... This is really interesting.
I have to say, Mr. Penny is still very attractive when he is serious. "
Han Dong asked back:
"If Queen, what are your chances of winning if you fight Mr. Penny with this posture?"
"Then it depends on the occasion and location... If it is here with you, my odds of winning can reach 40%."
Moreover, this is the situation where their "second child" has been killed.
The current Mr. Penny is not really a complete body.
However, it is precisely because of the weakening of [Massacre Thinking] that he can be so stable... good and bad. "
"Interesting, let's see how Mr. Penny does."

When the roar echoing between heaven and earth faded away,
"Real Night Roar", the most powerful incarnation of Gray Walker, also belongs to the most essential, craziest and uncontrollable incarnation in his body.
From the completely collapsed spiral mountain, he jumped out.
His head was still imprisoned by the "Iron Virgin Head Cage", but his twisted body was completely free.
The gray chains connected to the limbs are swaying along with the tail.
"It hasn't changed at all~ How many years has it been!? The gray country has not added an inch of land, the gray air is still as thin as before, and the species has not changed in any way.
Really incompetent ruler.
If it were me,
The land here has already expanded more than ten times, and no land of the ultimate lord can compare with it.
Take your time, now that I'm free, I have time. Sooner or later, I will kill that cowardly, incompetent guy who only knows how to call himself gray... Let's return the 'kindness' first. "
Night Roar locked on to the boss, Penny, who was hundreds of meters away, sitting in the air with his legs crossed.
Night Roar's sharp toes woven by nerve roots spread out circles of black vortexes.
An extremely twisted stride, used out.
The body twists with the surrounding space... hum! In an instant, he arrived in front of Boss Penny.
The chains connected to the limbs were smashed from different directions.
A shattering sound came,
The wooden chair engraved with the family imprint was smashed into pieces, and the wooden blocks were twisted and fell down in a twisted mass.
The boss, Penny, has long since disappeared.
Only a few cigarette butts with wicks remained in the air.
The eldest Penny wearing a black top hat has stood behind the Nightscreamer,
The cigar bit the right side of his mouth and whispered:
"Is this your speed?"
While talking,
The guillotine-like razor slashed at the cervical vertebrae... Unfortunately, a strange mouth hidden between the cervical vertebrae bit the butcher's knife firmly and failed to directly decapitate.
However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com
The boss, Penny, bows from left to right,
The Browning pistol held in his right hand was already attached to Night Roar's armpit.
At the same time as the shooting, a circle of air waves spread longitudinally.
The [Night Roar], which was almost torn in half by the bullet, was hitting the ground at a very high speed...
When his body was about to fall,
Something seems to be falling in sync with him,
The fire core flickers,
A half smoked cigar smashed to the ground along with Night Roar.
Intense flames surged up with the mushroom cloud in an instant,
almost to light up the sky of the grey world,
The air waves generated by the explosion blew the black pharaoh's facial tentacles on the city wall.
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