Vol 10 Chapter 2128: sound

city ​​wall.
Because there was no fighting for a long time, the boss Penny just sat on the wooden chair to rest.
After satisfying the curiosity of watching the game, Pope resolutely retreated to the inner layer of the pyramid.
He is very aware of the horror of [Night Roar] and its absolute lethality to low-level individuals.
Pop came to fight in the Gray Country to deal with the out of control, not to die for no reason... Now that you have watched this high-level battle, there is no need to stay.
When he was watching the battle at the city wall just now,
He also got a strong induction from the "Primary Stone Stele", the intensity of this induction was stronger than that of any primitive including him, and even made Pop's soul tremble.
He never wants to lose to the guy in Chaos,
Even on the battlefield, Pop didn't want to waste any time that could be used for self-development.
Return to the pyramid and meditate on yourself.
Just when Pop was in a restless state of mind, he was trying to transform the "campus experience" into the starlight experience needed for self-growth.
The heart lake, which had been completely stopped, suddenly swayed with tiny ripples on the edge.
And the ripples are also stained with a little weird gray.
Pope immediately widened his eyes and deduced an important conclusion based on the knowledge he currently had,
When you want to get a conscious connection with Han Dong,
However, he found that the "soundproof barrier" embedded in the pyramid was fully activated, and all his conscious voice transmissions were blocked. .
"It seems that I was overthinking it, and Nicholas, as the temporary city lord, will naturally find the problem faster than me.
I'm not going to get involved in this... Nicholas, don't die. 』

The sound of the wooden slats being stepped on was unusually clear in the city of Sharnos in the "Sound Banning Order".
Black Pharaoh, who sensed the sand grains of the entire audience, and Han Dong, who was the city owner and held the title deed, could hear the noise coming from the absolute silence.
Such a sound made the black pharaoh furious, and he wanted to bury the faceless person who made the sound directly in a living coffin.
But this time,
He could only lower his anger and look at the specific situation first.
"Senior Black Pharaoh, is there a problem with that voice just now? 』
"There is a problem... the noise just now exceeded the "limit".
Regular breathing, heartbeat, and various physiologically spontaneous sounds are all under the "limit" with a little control.
But this abnormal noise is very, very dangerous. 』
Although the Black Pharaoh is trying to play a Riddler,
But Han Dong also basically guessed the problem, guessed the fundamental reason why Ye Roar could not die, and asked: "Does it mean that only the area affected by the Ye Roar domain is affected.
Whether dead or alive,
Once the sound that reaches the "limit" is produced, can he be reborn? 』
"That's right... This guy can be said to be the most intuitive [voice] expression in the chaos.
Let's go take a look! If he chooses to be reborn in the city of Sharnos, he must be defeated before he is fully formed.
Using the power of "Dark Scroll",
As long as he can catch up before he is fully formed, he can be temporarily banned. 』
During the transmission,
Black Pharaoh has turned his body into sand and rushed to the area where the sound was emitted.
Han Dong glanced at the queen leaning beside him, and said in a gray tone:
"The troublesome guy may come to the city to make trouble, let the Queen see such scandals as 'infighting', it's really funny. 』
"Do you need my help?
If I guessed correctly, it should be the 'madman' who was just killed by Penny... I don't like this kind of crazy guy, and I'm willing to help Mr. Gray ban such a hard-to-kill guy. 』
"Queen, you are my guest of honor, how can I let you intervene in such troublesome and rude things.
However, there is another thing that really needs your help, the queen. 』
Gu squeeze
Han Dong moved his gray lips to the earlobes carved by ice crystals,
A slender, soft and warm tongue burrowed into the queen's brain.
Talking in an unknown whisper.
At the same time, he handed over a grey envelope, which he hoped to be handed over by the Queen on his behalf.
"You really want to do this? 』
"Just ask the Queen to say a few good words for your help, sorry for the trouble. 』
"alright. 』
The queen jumped down between the city walls and turned into a silver-white light and shadow, heading towards the end of the world.
Looking at the distant queen, Han Dong breathed a sigh of relief:
"call! Finally paid first.
If Ye Roar is really reborn in the city, once the battle begins, my strength will definitely not be as good as Gray, and my identity will definitely be exposed.
You can't provoke the Queen at this juncture, otherwise you'll really be the enemy.
It would be the best choice for her to do this... After all, Mr. Penny's strength is really great! If we can win him over, we can formally establish the "security system" of the prison.
No hurry~ This matter has to take time to find opportunities. 』
Han Dong, who had dealt with the current affairs, immediately followed the pace of Black Pharaoh.
hum! source vortex transport
When Han Dong stepped out of the portal, he was shocked by the scene in the basement.
The faceless who shunned war here,
One by one has long lost its basic shape and turned into a strange "concave vortex", one by one scattered on the ground... much like the structure inside the ear.
the most important is,
They weren't completely dead, they were still wriggling on the ground.
Strangely enough, neither the squeezing of the flesh nor the friction with the ground makes any sound... Even their concave shape will actively absorb the sounds around them.
"This is? 』
"After receiving the "sound", the living organism will become such a concave shape, and all the authority to use the sound will be deprived.
It will also turn into a kind of sound receiving device, collect the sound generated around it, and transmit it to their main body, that is, the night roar.
This guy has been reborn the moment the sound is produced.
However, the total volume of such voices was not enough for him to fully recover.
Should be hiding in a corner for now, waiting to pick up more voices... We're a little bit slower.
The only thing I can do is to do a carpet search. I will spread out the kingdom in the city and use the "yellow sand" to search for the location of that guy. 』
Just when the Black Pharaoh wanted to expand the "World Domain - Kush Dynasty",
Han Dong gently slid a hand on his shoulder to stop this behavior.
"Senior, you just said that these concave lifeforms that have received sound will absorb the surrounding sound and transmit it to the main body... In other words, these living creatures have established some kind of connection with Night Roar, right? 』
Black Pharaoh naturally saw through Han Dong's intentions.
"This is the unique "audio connection" of Night Roar, and it is absolutely impossible to perform reverse tracking... It may even have a backlash effect and yourself into it. 』
"I didn't say I was going to trace backwards,
As long as there is a real connection, I plan to give him a "meeting gift" in the past. If it really doesn't work, Black Pharaoh will use your methods. 』
"Stop playing. 』
Han Dong made an OK gesture.
Immediately went to the prison world, UU reading www.uukanshu.com came to the septic... source pool, and filled a full pot directly.
When such a chaotic liquid was brought out, even the black pharaoh shy away,
The wide black eyes were full of shock and fear... I didn't expect Han Dong to come up with such a countermeasure.
Holding the large basin, I came to the largest concave body,
Align the center position similar to the ear hole,
wow wow~
A basin full of source liquid poured down,
The concave body that came into contact with the source liquid immediately collapsed and fell, and the "sound" produced during the period also contained the most primitive "disorderly quality".
There was a faint sound of vomiting mixed in between Xumi.
Han Dong's eyes lit up,
"found it!"
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