Vol 10 Chapter 2137: guide

【Prison World】
After learning about Han Dong's special thoughts on 'Night Roar', Mr. teacher smelled the madness in the other party's body again.
"This guy's "madness" is based on a certain rationality and interests.
As long as it is profitable, it will be done at any cost. It seems that the risk is ignored, but in fact, the 'risk' will be minimized in various ways.
I really want to see how far this kid can go.
If you want to kill this guy Goodman, even if the president goes out in person, he must bring some helpers.
What will you do in the [Fair Game] set by the different monsters? 』
Just as Mr. teacher looked at Han Dong sideways with rather curious eyes,
The eyes of the other party also fell over at the same time, and an invitation was thrown at the same time.
"Mr. Teacher, let's see the situation in the laboratory here~ I have to go to the back of the world to monitor the status of the World Tree and a friend. Do you want to come together?"
""back"? I didn't know this area existed yet... go check it out. "
With Han Dong's palm on his shoulder.
The two were teleported directly to the entrance to the cemetery at the back of the world.
The World Tree, standing in the center of the cemetery, is just right to see the whole tree through a 45° elevation angle.
Mr. Teacher was also shocked by such a magnificent and beautiful scene.
"Your "talent tree" is actually presented like this, a world supported by the back? How can there be such a structure? "
"Isn't Mr. Teacher's "talent tree" like this? "
"Trees and the truth imprinted in them are fundamental to our ability. Any individual who embarks on a "journey of destiny", once he becomes a king,
They will choose [trees] to hide in the depths of the world, or integrate trees into a building that is not easy to find in a special way.
Also, I have never seen a tree as huge as yours.
Maybe it has something to do with your heritage and the nature of the world. "
Han Dong disagreed, he didn't think there would be any risk in showing World Tree like this.
"If someone can really invade the prison world, it means that I have lost most of the time.
The open authority of "The Back of the World" is in my hands, and it is difficult for intruders to come here... In addition, I have a very capable 'tree dog' here.
He estimates that he is about to become a king, and the smell of blood here is quite strong. "
"Hmm~ A very heavy, very unique smell of blood."
Mr. Teacher was also attracted by this novel smell of blood,
Following the blood,
Step into the circular cemetery engraved with the tombstone of 'Wallen Nicholas'.
Looking at the name on the tombstone and feeling the breath of death released from the lower end, Mr. Teacher suspected that if Han Dong beside him was killed, a fresh body would be excavated here.
Cross the strange tomb area and stop under the world tree.
Soon a blood sac attached to the surface of the World Tree was locked, even like a 'cyst' growing on the epidermis of the World Tree.
The huge red blood sac was beating like a heart.
When the two are close,
Perhaps sensing the existence of an outsider, Mr. Teacher, a blood dog with flowing bristles grew on the surface of the blood sac, and its forefoot was holding a bright red holy sword inconceivably.
Although not yet a king,
But the evil energy emanating from the holy sword made Mr. Teacher's shadow tremble slightly.
"I have never seen [blood] of this quality.
Where did this dog come from? Can you send me one? "
"There is only one in the world, only this one.
Count, he is a good partner who followed me from birth to death and grew up with me. There are three kinds of blood with different characteristics mixed in his body, and they complement each other.
It is estimated that he is about to become king. "
At the same time as the introduction, Han Dong also took the initiative to step forward and stroked the blood dog derived from the defense mechanism.
The originally vicious blood dog began to roll on the spot, even exposing its belly.
Mr. teacher watched silently,
Of course he was just joking, and he could naturally see that this was not some kind of dog... but a blood life with a decent background.
Even if you do get one, you will only cultivate it into a blood incarnation.
As he observed further,
Accidentally peeping into the blood sacs, there seems to be something else mixed in, something that makes him quite curious, but also feels very dangerous.
"How can there be a book between the blood sacs? Moreover, it seems that the connection with the main body is very close... The two are connected by the main blood vessel, and the blood output by the heart will even pass through the book."
After the teacher said this, Han Dong also remembered one thing, "Yes! Mr. Teacher, you don't know the [Magic Tome] yet."
"What is the magic book, can you show it to me?"
When it comes to book knowledge, Mr. Teacher immediately became interested.
"This is the unique treasure of our S-01..." Han Dong was not shy, and began to popularize in detail.
Mr. Teacher listened very carefully, and even took notes in the mimetic school deep in his brain.
The teacher also quickly noticed a bright spot,
"Wait~ That remnant page found in the Shattered Dimension is also part of the magic tome, right? That's okay... I've seen the horror of that remnant page with my own eyes.
Only the special brain structure of this guy [Goodman] can barely control it.
Because of that scrap page, we were able to leave the Black Tower faster than expected.
Things are good things, but they're too dangerous, so there's no need to go over them... So, the "origin" between you and Goodman is also the remnant of this magical tome, right? "
Han Dong answered frankly:
"That's right~
We all need each other's leftover pages to complete... I have to say, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Goodman guy is also very ambitious.
I'm guessing he never said a word among the out of control? "
Mr. teacher made a suddenly open expression:
"No wonder, when I proposed to Goodman to hunt you together, the guy's attitude would be so bad~ It turned out to be wanting to eat alone... This way I am more interested."
"What? Teacher, do you want to come out and help me?"
"No! I don't want to die~ I think I'm not Goodman's opponent.
But well... it's okay to give you a little shouting "Come on" twice. "
Han Dong made a helpless expression, "Hey, then again~ I don't know if the hidden clues buried in the broken point of the gray world can be discovered by [Goodman]."
"Don't worry, that guy is also very smart.
Combined with my disappearance and the previous connection with the human planet, I will definitely think of you... Moreover, the clues you buried also happen to point to [Earth].
If it's true, as you just said, Goodman needs the pages within you to realize his ambitions.
Such an opportunity will definitely not be missed.
However, can that small, ordinary human planet stand up to the battle of the superior? Why don't you point the clues to a certain high-ranking country, you should have established a lot of relationships between S-01? "
Han Dong explained: "If the clues are not pointing to the earth, but a certain upper country.
In view of what happened to you in the gray country, Teacher, Goodman must be vigilant, and even insight into the traps in advance.
If it is the earth, looking back at the development of the whole situation, everything will be logical... Moreover, there is also a 'superior region' on the surface of the earth.
[Zhongbei Continent] But it is very interesting. "
"Looking forward to your performance, Han Dong."
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