Vol 10 Chapter 2140: temple

Seeing such a spectacular iceberg scene in front of them, Han Dong and others slowed down.
Sally also used a special gravity magic to make herself suspended at the same height as everyone else.
Pop got as close to the iceberg as possible, and used his star eyes to scan the structure and analyze it as a whole. "Igils Iceberg... The volume is much larger than the last time I saw it."
"Uncle Lu was able to wake up completely from his long sleep after the last sharp angle meeting, and this disaster prediction was also made by him himself."
The conversation between the two reminded Han Dong of a special end master he had seen at the "Sharp Horn Conference".
Its human mimic is an eyeless, gray-haired, fat Eskimo,
The extremely cold aura emanating from this ultimate lord is very similar to the iceberg in front of him... It is almost certain that the huge worm carrying this iceberg is most likely the ultimate lord.
"Come with me and head straight to the capital among the icebergs - Commerion.
There you can get a 'channel' to communicate with Uncle Lu. "
When Pop heard the name of the city, his brows frowned slightly, "Is the city lord of Cornerion still 'that person'?"
"That's inevitable.
Although he has an eccentric personality, he is still very good at the management level, and his strength is quite good.
Moreover, I have no intention of competing for the position of the city lord... In the current northern continent, basically no one can compete with him for the position of the city lord. "
Pop suddenly turned his attention to Han Dong,
"You'll be more careful in a moment. If someone is looking for trouble for you, don't go up to it... After all, this is someone else's territory, and you're the one who led the trouble here."
"Huh? How do you say it?"
Seeing that Han Dong had another point of knowledge he didn't understand, Pop explained it happily.
"Iceberg Capital - the city lord of Conmorion, [Kengashin Zaun].
The origin of this guy is quite special, and it can even be said to be 'very inspirational'.
He is a low-level child born by chance and the Womi people... Because he was born weak and inferior, he did not move out of the northern continent with the ancestor, and was completely abandoned here.
Even taken as prisoners by a group of Wormi,
He was completely killed in a slave duel and was about to be thrown away as a corpse when he was resurrected.
Slave owners discovered Kengasin's 'undead' quality.
No matter how it is killed, even if it is completely crushed, it can be revived within a day.
He slowly became a sign in the dueling arena, and occasionally the boss paid money to try to kill him.
It was just like this seemingly endless death again and again, finally reaching the limit one day, what ushered in was not true death... but the awakening of the blood in Kengasin's body.
Not only the bloodline of the old king from Ancestor Toad, but also the origin of all alien demons, and even the bloodline of Chaos has been activated.
In just a few years,
This guy Kengasin slaughtered wildly in the end of the northern continent, and the northern countries were slaughtered.
In the end, when he came to the big iceberg, he chose to climb the mountain with his bare hands, and single-handedly entered the capital - Commerion... Beheading the former city lord and finally being suppressed by the "white terror".
After some communication,
Instead of being punished, he was left as a brand new lord until now.
This guy has a very weird temper, especially if you have an affair with Toad ancestors like Nicholas, he will definitely treat him specially. "
Han Dong didn't care much, but was very interested in the city owner.
"A hybrid of the old king and ancient humans?
To have such a special experience, what level is this Kengasin city lord... Since he was suppressed by the ultimate master, he should not have reached the ultimate master level. "
"[Column], in terms of standard, it won't be much worse than the vice-principal."
"Then no problem, let's go."
Han Dong's conversation,
Directly attracted the special eyes of Aslan and Eugenes.
Several of them are still "pseudo-kings", and they are two levels apart from Zhu in terms of rank... Even if they are all top-level existences of the same rank, it is still relatively reluctant to fight with Zhu.
And Han Dong's words just now seemed to ignore the [pillar] at all.
Aslan didn't say much,
Just how capable Han Dong is, you will naturally know when the time comes.
He continued to turn into a wisp of ice and flew into the country of icebergs, and soon a white rock city similar to the Middle Ages emerged in the deep depression in the middle of the Igils Iceberg.
when people are close,
At the same time, his eyes spy on a special individual, who has come out to meet them in advance,
A humanoid individual with a dark body and covered with golden swellings, with left and right feet crossed, his waist slightly leaned back, standing on the top floor of the central castle.
As Pope described,
It was the wisps of [Chaos Death Qi] that wrapped around him, which was different from the death system that Han Dong had seen so far... However, it had a certain similarity with the Sabbath Baron corresponding to the borrowing god.
Due to the homologous induction of the death line,
The city owner's eyes immediately locked on Han Dong,
Naturally, he also smelled a little 'toad breath', his face immediately became a little hideous, and his fingers also wriggled in a multi-segmented manner.
Given that Aslan, the 'Pearl' of Sipapolis, was his guide, he also temporarily suppressed his emotions.
"Aslan, what's going on here? How come so many primordial elements and the recently famous gray envoy came to me?"
"The prophecy is coming. This group of people came here with relevant information. They need to use the [Temple] to get in touch with Uncle Lu."
"Come down."
Just as the crowd landed one after another,
A "black hand" wandering in the ice suddenly grabbed Han Dong's landing point, and pointed directly at his head.
Before reaching his head, he was forcibly taken by Han Dong's 'left arm', and even changed into a friendly handshake.
"City Lord Kengasin, first time seeing you! I've caused you trouble."
Han Dong greeted with a smile on his face, without any embarrassment or anger at all.
"Well~ it's interesting, come with me."
The so-called shrine is located deep underground in the castle.
You need to take the only elevator between the castles and descend thousands of meters between the big icebergs.
During the fall,
Kengasin gave a stern warning:
"The temple is not for everyone to enter,
Even if you are recognized as the [Original Quality], you still need to perform the "Introduction Ceremony" at the gate of the temple, and only individuals who have obtained the permission of the Lord can go there.
If you have any violations, I will directly suppress them. "
Kengasin's warnings are largely aimed at Han Dong~EbookFREE.me~ After all,
Toad ancestors are considered to be abandoned in the North Continent. Han Dong, an individual who is contaminated with the aura of Toad ancestors, must not be able to set foot in the temple in Kengasin's opinion.
When the elevator stops.
A fleshy temple made of worm skins appeared in front of her eyes... It was more like one of the segments of the worm's body than a temple.
In the center of the front, there is a large chrysanthemum-shaped shrinkage opening, and it is even squirming slightly. It should be the entrance.
in addition,
At the upper end of the entrance, there are also two chrysanthemum-shaped holes.
The so-called 'entry ceremony' is to insert both arms into two small holes. After the verification is passed, the entrance will directly wrap and swallow the individual into it.
Aslan, Pop, and Sally all entered easily,
When it was Han Dong's turn,
As he inserted his arm into it, he immediately felt a strong squeeze of flesh and a warm mucus wrap.
Strangely enough,
The white lotus on Han Dong's abdomen actually turned,
Linking his consciousness to the Supreme... At the level of consciousness emerges an Eskimo with dark eyes and bleeding.
"Come in, little guy."
"Yes senior."
When Han Dong came back to his senses,
He has come to the depths of the temple, or a deep "white flesh abyss"... He is falling down at the speed of free fall.
Pop and the others are also completely gone, not here at all.
Outside the temple gate.
When the last Eugenes put his arms in the meat mouth,
In the next second, he was ejected, and the chrysanthemum mouth also spewed out a large amount of verification mucus, as if vomiting.
Such a blasphemous behavior almost forced the city lord to attack Eugenes.
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