Vol 10 Chapter 2160: Gather army

I thought the "chain reaction" generated by the network behind Han Dong's back was over.
The arrival of the demon ancestor is a huge variable.
Due to the particularity of its identity, it is regarded as a special [double-edged sword] by the entire S-01. Only when the enemy invades the territory and causes great damage to the world can it be dispatched as a special combat force.
If you want to get out of its imprisonment, you must apply for layers.
Even if his application is successful, his outing needs to be maintained in a state of "first-level surveillance" throughout the entire process, which will be carried out by the highest-level planetary monitor in S-01.
This [Monitor] will ensure that the actions of the Demon Lord do not lead to the leakage of confusion,
will not cause the world to corrupt from its roots,
It will not cause S-01 to end up in a "chaotic ending".
A "celestial noise" that made the army of out-of-control people cover their ears instantly swept the current area, and these sounds also conveyed a picture of destruction, and the picture of the burning and dead world was vivid in my eyes.
The area that has obviously been blocked by the mirror,
It crashed into a rust-red horror planet, and a layer of ripples swayed between the mirrors, which did not act as a barrier at all.
The lightning storm that is erupting on the surface of this planet and the red sea that is churning frantically together constitute the "eye of the watcher", watching the location of the ancestor of the demon.
He is the first planet born by S-01,
It is also the oldest living planet with the highest concentration of chaos.
The child planet born and assimilated by him is responsible for guarding and monitoring the most dangerous and remote areas of S-01, and can be the most loyal and reliable planetary guard in the entire S-01.
At the same time, their arrival also means the coming of destruction.
When the first planet approached the assembly area of ​​the army, two familiar figures jumped down and came to the gathering point where Green, Pop and others were.
The first is to compress itself to the size of a human as much as possible (still three meters tall), the seventh element-Hope, which has the appearance of a primitive man and some exposed muscle tissue.
The second is between the hollow chest, the tenth element of the red planet - Vader Cousins ​​suspended.
Hope said embarrassedly:
"Fortunately, I ran into Vader on the way here...otherwise I wouldn't be able to catch up!
In addition, I will bring all the clansmen who have enough strength to perfectly accept the "ancestral flesh and blood", and they should be able to help. "
After saying that, Hope threw a special meat ball with space storage on the ground,
A 100-meter-long Gug giant covered in sarcoma tissue and with different abilities stood up, forming an army of giants.
At this time,
There was also a burst of restlessness from the glass ball in Mr. Ke's hand.
A certain deep-sea giant jumped out of it,
It looks like a collection of sharks, giant whales, shellfish, seahorses and other creatures, and finally turns into a human form when it hits the ground.
The Eighth Primitive - Hyde. Darius.
Feeling the perfect fusion of the smooth and gentle magic in Hyde's body and the strong and fierce muscles, and staring at the fins with the crown structure on his head,
Pop reached out and patted Hyde's firm back lightly.
"Hyde, congratulations!"
So far,
The ten major elements of the contemporary era are all present.
1. Green stepped right forward as if stepping on the steps, staring at the president with both eyes, his greedy tongue hanging at the corner of his mouth.
2. Pope meditates cross-legged and feels the flow of the stars.
3. Aslan stood sideways, with one hand in his pocket and the other with Ice Flame in his palm, squinting to observe the opponent who was suitable for him in the enemy army.
4. Sally folded her hands on her chest and stared indifferently ahead.
5. Eugenes' green hair is floating, mixed with countless sullen eyes, the stone gun is resisting his right shoulder, the side mouth is gnashing his teeth, and his mouth is white.
6. Helen maintained a graceful stance with a charming smile.
7&8. Hope and Hyde, who are similar in height and stature, stand back to back after having a 'muscle exchange' between ladybug games.
Hope prefers a manic body, his muscles pulsing with his breathing,
Hyde was inclined towards a rational body, as quiet as water, and a pure seawater was suspended in the palm of his hand.
9. Kit squatted on the ground and drew circles with his index finger... I don't know if he was thinking about suicide, or he was reviewing his newly acquired "Black Vortex" ability.
10. Vader hangs in the air, his body is covered with red arrogance visible to the naked eye, and his combat power is full.

The scale of the army was unimaginable, and it all revolved around young men named Han Dong & Nicholas.
It seems that the performance of this final scene is really arranged by him.
Faced with the army that suddenly appeared in front of him, the president naturally couldn't sit still.
Not to mention that the four old opponents in the black tower are more difficult to deal with each other,
The ultimate masters of the different demons are all the ultimate powerhouses in the front row,
What is even more terrifying is the handsome man who stood up in the white lotus room. Even the president and the huge people behind him felt the danger instinctively.
Among the army of the out-of-control there are a group of former Black Tower employees who were transformed by Mr.
The improved "out-of-control measuring instrument" equipped on them actually turned on the machine to detect with the appearance of this handsome man, and then self-detonated.
Without exception.
The "out-of-control boundaries" defined by the Black Tower cannot include this person.
Even Director Charles, who is a friendly army, accidentally spied a completely disordered universe system because of seeing this person.
The president's expression changed greatly, "How could such a large-scale coalition be integrated in such a short period of time."
The president tilted his head and looked at the [inal-101-Grace. Edge] who was personally promoted by him and intended to be his deputy.
The characteristics of the edge are unique.
She is not good at offense, and prefers to defend and assist.
The mirror world created by her can isolate everything, and only a few attacks can sever it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
More importantly, [high privacy] and [mobility]
The mirror world can pass through the perfect mirror reflection, so that outsiders can't even notice that this area has been closed, and can move freely to change the coordinate position.
Whether it's Walter's Black Vortex,
Or some other space tearing shuttle methods are impossible to invade it... But the [Army] in front of me is so smooth, even a planet came here smoothly, and it is not hindered at all.
"Ling! What happened to your enchantment?"
'Miss Ling' made a helpless look and shrugged at the president.
"Ah? Is there any problem with my barrier?
I completely blocked this place according to your request, President... If you don't believe me, the President and you guys can try as much as you like, can you escape?
During the time I've been following you, I've been studying Miss Leng's 'mirror technique'.
These enchantments not only contain the function of mirrors, but also waste several land deeds.
Seriously face the powerful enemy in front of you, President. "
for a while,
Whether it is the mirror surface structure of the sealed space or Miss Prism itself, there is a gray aura.
Ignoring the threat beside her, she turned her head to look at the center of the army.
Looking at Han Dong's eyes,
"Nicholas, leave the business here to us~ Go and do your own business!"
"Thank you senior."
After Han Dong bowed his head in thanks, he turned behind him.
"Green, lend you a body..."
"Go, we've prepared space for you."
As Han Dong put his palm on Green's shoulder, his body instantly fell into the abyss, reaching the deepest absolutely quiet and open area.
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