Chapter 246: pipeline

"Dance Zone" and the entrance to the nest.

The cartilage woman who is responsible for the entrance of the brood is essentially a ghoul.

Various deformed species, cartilage, freely detachable and liquefied ... belong to one of the best offspring of the mother.

Let alone its intensity, it is comparable to Barbara, the personal butler who serves the great lord.

"White Liquid Field"

This makes it difficult for Abel and others to touch the woman's body.

Even if she could reach it, she could not be sure where her vitality was.

一次 Abel once broke through the defense and cut off the woman's head.

But ... as the white liquid in the neck agitated, another head condensed and formed.

Dawuin, a rampant warrior, forcibly straddled the white water, and his body had been extensively corroded.

受伤 The blood of his Berserker was activated because of his injuries, and he gained a large amount of enhancement. His sanity value must not fall below the threshold, but it will inevitably endanger his life.

As for Demps.

Because of deliberate use of melee magic, he put himself in danger ... once.

There was a little python who did not know where to come out. He quickly rolled up Demps' body and pulled it out of the white liquor, out of danger.

After confirming that the deputy head was always watching his situation in secret, Demps' purpose was achieved, and he no longer deliberately released water, and gradually became serious.

When actively retreating from a distance.

Remove the iron cover magic book from the waist and prepare to perform an advanced magic to tear the opponent's field ability.

He was just as Demps was preparing to cast.

Yeah ...

An indescribable beastly nature spread out in the current area, and even the faint sound of beasts can be heard faintly.

Demps temporarily stopped singing and turned his eyes to it, and could not help muttering: "Abel ..."

争取 Fight for time as Berserker Dawu is fighting with his target.

Abel also retreated a distance.

Roll up the sleeves,

Untie a heavy iron ring that is bound to the wrist,

Alas! !!

He could see with his naked eyes that a white breath spewed out of Abel's body.

"Restrictive device ... Abel, you really have a lot of hole cards."

Demps smiled, and it was a good harvest to see Abel come up with some real skills.

哐 Dang!

Heavy restraint when the iron ring falls to the ground.

伯 Abel ’s white hair grew rapidly, reaching the position of the scapula on the back,

The whole body's tendons are prominent on the surface,

There is a continuous white breath between the sharp teeth,

A beast realm formed around Abel.

When Abel rushed towards the target in this state, the beast tore the defense layer formed by the white liquid all to tear the target quickly.

After seeing this scene, Demps stopped paddling.

He painted a pair of leather gloves with magic magic on Demps' right hand.

Moaning is over.

Humming ...

另一 By pulling on the surface of the magic book with the other hand, red fonts floated out one by one.

A crimson spear slowly formed between Demps's gloved right hand.

The space around the pistol squeaked, as if the density of magic energy was too high, and the destructive force affected the space layer.

When I finished all this, Demps had not rushed to shoot the crimson lance, he was still waiting ...

I waited for Captain Abel to tear the target, revealing the deadly core inside the target.

Uh ... it didn't take long.

Aber, a wild animal with big hair, tore open the fifth layer of diaphragm, exposing a heart wrapped in cartilage in the white woman's body to the air.


Crimson spears were thrown at this moment ... pointing directly at the core.

"Captain, keep off!"

In the state of being beastly excited, Abel's various sensations have improved. Feeling the power of this gun, he immediately caught Dawu and retreated.

Crimson, ignoring the influence of the field.

Red flashes.

The spear just happened to be torn open by Abel and punctured the white woman's heart ... "Heart broken".

It's not over yet ...

的 The crimson spear running through the heart suddenly deformed.

的 All the magic contained in the gun can be released, as if a red lotus blooms in its body.

I saw a crimson thunderbolt cut off from the ceiling, tearing up the white woman's body ...

Huh! !!

Heart broken,

The physical body disintegrates,

A tidal white liquid spewed out, sweeping the entire dance room, and the degree of pollution was self-evident.

crucial moment.

Hidden in the dark, the python crawled out and dragged the three together away from the dance room.

Uh ...

Deep inside.

Mia found the Mirror Entrance and successfully entered the deepest and most secret area of ​​the Stuart Manor-[Mother Nest]

记载 Record it according to the map.

The cormorant's nest is located in the middle mezzanine between the castle and the ghoul factory.

At the entrance of the lair, She Mia could see a large number of devices similar to meat tubes covering the stone walls.

肉 These meat pipes connect the various areas of the castle, but also to the ghoul factory, and even some extend the town area.

All meat tubes are derived from the mother body and come in various forms.

The first type of "small meat tube" is about the size of a baby's arm. The main function of this type of meat tube is "monitoring".

The inner wall of the small meat tube has nerve connections, and the tip has eyeball structures and has visual ability.

Interspersed in various areas of the manor and the castle, monitoring everything in the manor.

What Han Dong saw in the "upper zone" aisle, the eyeballs inlaid between the walls were the eyes of the mother.

The second type of "medium-sized meat tube" is about the size of a normal human head and connects the working areas of various family cadres.

Requires family cadres to put up to the standard 'food' into the meat tube daily for the mother to eat ... If they fail to meet the standard, they will be punished by the mother.

The third type of "large meat tube" is completely sized to allow normal people to pass inside, and is mainly responsible for "fertility" and "transportation".

的 The meat tube that Han Dong saw in the ghoul manufacturing room is the most important fertility tube in the large meat tube.

The remaining large meat pipes connect to important areas of the castle, including the [Main Hall] where the Great Lord is located.

The important members of the family have certain permissions and can be quickly transferred through large meat tubes.

Uh ...

"Is this the mother's nest? It's dangerous."

Mia has opened the curse of the spider, converging breath, using the spider's long legs to perform a completely silent operation, moving deeper into the mother nest.

来到 When coming to the center of the brood where a large number of meat tubes gather.

Even under cursed liberation ~ ~ Mia's forehead exuded sweat.

等 "When you return to the holy city, you must think of a" request "that can hold Nicholas firmly, otherwise it will be a big loss.

If you want to suppress this kind of thing, you can't just borrow ‘Cursing Bells’ ... Even if I unravel the curse of the spider, I will be in danger.

Nicholas ... When you return to the Holy City, you will be responsible to others. "

From the inner compartment of the herbal bag, Mia took out a vial of dark purple medicine that had been prepared.

Take a sip.


紫 Each purple-black line spreads to the whole body around the heart.

`` Lost human form ''

:. :

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