Chapter 250: Ghost Experiment


Han Dong is in the office of Dr. Swell, looking through relevant information.

I accidentally found a bunch of experimental documents that have been abandoned. The information recorded above seems very interesting.

After reading the information about the mother, she opened the file out of curiosity.

Han Dong was immediately attracted by the title "Ghost Experiment" and the word "family" in the keyword.

As early as 200 years ago.

The great lord will capture foreign tourists in a big way, ordinary tourists will be faced with despair in a dark scene they have never seen before.

But to the outsiders who know witchcraft, the great lord is a kind hospitality, I want them to teach these supernatural mysteries, especially for extra enthusiasm.

These witches with Nordic descent often go with nature and have a good figure and appearance.

The Great Lord lord forced them to stay as their harem.

In the archives, there are thirteen people in the harem of the High Lord, all of which were witches of that era.

Darkness descended, these witches with witchcraft ability survived and gained more powerful abilities ... However, because of their special characteristics, the chosen lords were still stronger than them, and it was difficult to escape from the castle.

I ran to wipe out the witches.

The Great Lord lord specially selected a witch who had the most rebellious mentality with no use value, burned it alive in the house, and killed a hundred.

The accident happened.

When ordinary domestic servants (pagans) sort out the burnt room, they can see the former witch wandering in the room from the mirror, and they will have a serious spiritual impact on the domestic servants. Frozen and died.

After the incident, Dr. Swell took over the investigation personally and officially launched "Ghost Experiment".

I tried to use this feature of the witch to create a special ghost army for the great lord.

However, subsequent experiments resulted in the death of all the witches in the "family area".

The Grand Lord immediately terminated the experiment, and Dr. Swell's status was severely affected.

As for the experimental process and the method of execution, it has been completely destroyed and cannot be consulted.

Uh ...

"Rare sound pollution ... cover your ears !!"

As the baby's cry and woman's laugh spread across the floor.

When all members cover their ears for the first time.

Lucius waved back at the same time.

Two hands made of blood, help Han Dong and Wen Li cover their ears.

at the same time.

I was just a little distracted by Lucius when the situation inside the stroller fused.

透明 A series of transparent spiritual tentacles grew rapidly and shot towards Lucius. Once touched, it will cause spiritual pollution.


物理 Physical attacks are useless against such spiritual tentacles.

If you change to an ordinary apprentice knight, I am afraid that I will panic and wave the weapon in my hand ... I will eventually be penetrated into the brain by the tentacles, and will fall due to direct pollution of the brain's consciousness level.

Lucius was calm.

Fills ears with blood and closes hearing.

Uh ...

A long sword with secret text printed on it.

When Lucius held the hilt of the sword, the grooves on the surface of the sword body were filled with blood, and the blade was also covered with a unique layer of blood mist.

血 "Blood Curse (Blue)" is a good quality destiny weapon.

Is exactly a match with subject attributes, which is a major killer of Lucius.


Sword edged down.

The translucent tentacles are broken, and the residual roots have no chance to heal. They are immediately swallowed by the blood curse.


Under his helmet, a pair of eyes flashed red.

`` Cross Slash ''

Han Dong has seen the cross cut by Cass.

This is one of the most basic attack skills of the Crusaders. The super fast two-strike slash, Kas once used this trick to tear open the ghoul's chest.

But ... the cross-cutting used by Lucius was completely different.

Is like an advanced skill.

When the cross cut is completed.

A blood-stained cross formed in the air, passing through the female ghost and the stroller in an instant.

Weeping wailing rang through the corridor.

The ghost pushing the stroller was forcibly killed by the blood cross!

"So strong ... Is this the highest level of strength in the" breaking season "? "

Han Dong was completely shocked by the combat effectiveness demonstrated by Lucius.

It is a very wise choice not to provoke contradictions directly ... Such a small team is enough to confront the big lord directly and even win.

Wen Li, who was aside, was completely stunned, and even more afraid of the blood knight.

With his sword in his sheath, Lucius instructed the necrotic apprentices on the side: "Lenze, follow the map route they gave ... use your skull to explore the road."

"it is good!"

Yun Lunze released three skulls burning with black flames.

Two of the heads were contacted by unknown attacks and lost contact during the search. The remaining skull successfully arrived in the study.

"The map itself is fine, it's just that the spirits lingering on this level are not easy to deal with.

前 Before dealing with the great lord, the captain you need to maintain 100 physical fitness and state, let me handle it here. "

Lunze 捋 open sleeves.

间 Between his skinny arms, there are necrotic scriptures engraved into the flesh.

"Lenze ... Can you keep up?" Lucius seemed to be seeing what he could do.

"Rest assured, the study location is more than a hundred meters away from us ... Using this ability for a short time is a matter of a magic potion."

I say nothing.

Yun Lunze pressed his forearms together.

When the Necromantic Glyph touches and combines ... the terrifying necromancy energy is transformed into the dim white flame burning in Lunze's body, and the overall shape is changing.

"Necromancer Form"

Bian Lunze's entire body gradually floated, and a rather powerful energy gathered in the palms of his hands. On the thin face under the hood, his eyes were replaced by two mounds of fire.

Through the underworld, you can capture the movement of spirits in advance.

间 Between the dark passages, just when a white ghost crawled out of the bedroom ... Lenze raised his hand gently.


大量 A large number of bone spurs immediately rose between the ground, piercing the ghost's body ... The surface of the bone spurs was covered with smoldering fire, a flame that burned the spirits.

The screams were smashed into ashes as soon as they sounded.

In this form, Lenze's intracranial consumption will be accelerated ~ ~ not suitable for long-term use.

Staring floating in the midst of the sky, skull head, cloak wrapped around the flames of Lunze burning ... there is a sense of death.

Any ghost that appears will be imprisoned by Lunze for the first time and burned with inferno.

The death squad led the way, and the team advanced at full speed.

During the rapid rush, some ghosts can't help but sneak attack from the back end.

I was just when Sister Zhen Xue used shadow killing to fight against these ghosts.

In a blink of an eye.

Han Dong was the Han Dong who was at the end of the team. I don't know when it disappeared.

When sister Zhen Zhen reported the situation to Lucius, because Wen Li, who was responsible for unlocking, was still there, the authenticity of the map had been determined, and Lucius was too lazy to control it ...

He had to die for himself, and they couldn't help it.
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