Chapter 262: moat

Hydra's deputy commander riding on a black python also noticed the mysterious knight passing through the other direction of the forest for the first time.
Death War Steed,
Huge and exaggerated white giant sickle,
Like a death wandering in the world.
Such a picture even made Hydra mistakenly think that his party was about to die, so the illusion that he saw in the last period of time ... But if you look closely, it is indeed a knight.
Hung on his waist was a token of pure black and dark gold trim that Hydra had never seen before, and the pattern of two swords crossing the horse's head symbolized his knighthood.
Feeling Hydra's gaze.
The mysterious man on the bone warrior slowly deflected his head ... There were only a pair of pure white river-like eyes under the cloak.
Just a moment's gaze caused Hydra to ooze cold sweat.
Even the mount was affected to some extent, changing the course and trying to stay away from this person as much as possible.
For a moment, Hydra suddenly remembered that as the representative of the Beamon Knights, he followed the head of the Kemon to participate in various meetings of the Knights.
There is a special knight in the 13 knights.
For some reason, the head of the regiment never attended the meeting, and was replaced by the chief of staff or deputy chief every time.
However, no one was held accountable for the mysterious head's absence from a major meeting, and it seems to have been approved by the parliament.
"Is this difficult ?!"
Just staring at it can bring out Hydra's inner fear, and it can completely reach the "head" level ... even stronger.
There are no restrictions on forest terrain.
The team was faster and headed towards the gate at full speed.
As long as the speed of the "Old King" chasing behind is unchanged, the team will be able to return to the city in time!
Crunching ...
At the same time, along with the mechanical operation inside the city wall, the heavy north city gate is also slowly opening.
The head of Kaimon, who is riding on the mammoth, is already manic and impatient, and will rush out when the city gate is fully opened, inspiring the "Bimeng bloodlines" in his body to show his strongest ability to confront the "old king" .
At the same time, there is a female head of the Black Rose Knights from the front attack together, with the blessings of the Holy Knights head of the blessing, and the maximum degree of purification of plague and pollution.
The three will work together to block the "old king".
Then, the offensive personnel of His Majesty's Knights provided long-range support, and pointedly attacked the weak points on the surface of the "Old King".
The members of the Holy Knights will join forces to summon the light to dispel the doomsday plague brought by the old king.
In conjunction with the city cannons created by the large artisan division and the "Mechanics and Craftsmen" Association, the "old king" will certainly be repelled.
The battle plan was all set as early as ten minutes ago.
A special crow flew from the holy city, landed on the end of the wall, and turned into a special person wearing a black mask.
"Crow Prophet !!"
The knight guard on the wall was weak because he felt the coercion of the old king.
The arrival of Mr. Black and White immediately made them regain their fanfare, ready to fire copper artillery shells.
As for the reason why Mr. Black and White arrived, it did not seem to be for the war.
The eyes under the black mask stared at the mysterious knight who came out from the other direction of the forest.
"This man is back ... has he broken away from my" astrology "observation field? I couldn't detect it in advance. "
Under the city walls.
This was the team's side-by-side galloping steed, which actually lowered its speed.
"What is this man going to do?"
The knights escorting the team could not understand the mysterious knight's behavior.
The "Old King" is at the rear, and there are five kilometers away from the holy city. The current deliberate speed reduction will undoubtedly die.
Inside the newcomer compartment.
Six newcomers naturally observed this scene.
Neither Abel nor Demps were knowledgeable, and neither could identify this mysterious knight.
When Han Dong, who was pasted by the window, looked at the person with "little magic eyes", he was blocked by a strong death gas surrounding the person.
Even if he could barely see through the dead breath, he could not penetrate the black cape of the man.
After gazing for a little less than half a minute, bloodshot eyes immediately covered his eyes ... forcing Han Dong to look away, and at the same time he closed his eyes.
"This is ... Cavalier? What is he going to do?"
Under the gaze of all the knights gathered at the North City Gate, and under the gaze of all the trainee knights participating in the training of the fleeing convoy.
The skeleton warhorse stopped.
The mysterious knight on the horse, facing the "old king" after him
He stretched out a white palm wrapped in dead air, and patted the horse's head gently ...
The skeleton warhorse turned into a "bone crystal" suspended in the air, and as the person pulled, the crystal was precisely inserted into the groove at the core of the person's giant sickle.
For a time.
A large amount of white death gas visible to the naked eye spewed out of the human body. When viewed from a distance, a huge ghost of death appeared behind him.
The mantle floats.
Ignoring the effects of gravity, this person quickly rose into the sky, reaching a position parallel to the head of the "Ghoul King".
Carrying a palm of endless pollution and doomsday plague across the forest and landed on the surface of a clearing.
The mysterious knight removed the giant sickle, and all the released breath of death gathered back into his body ...
Giant sickle crosses.
All humans in the holy city can faintly hear the sharp sound of the blade cutting through the space, and at the same time, there is a slight hissing noise.
The next scene left Han Dong in the carriage completely dead.
The head of Kaimon, who was planning to rush out of the city gate, also slowed down ...
White light flashes,
Space distortion,
Huh! !!
In an instant.
The giant sickle cut the earth into a circle-shaped abyss rift, just to encircle the entire holy city.
The rift not only blocked the way forward of the Old King.
At the same time, a ‘moat’ flowing with the water of the underworld was formed. The rift was filled with water from the underworld in a short time.
Any foreign object that wants to cross the river will pay a price if it fails to obtain permission.
With a big sickle in one hand,
The cloak floats in the air,
The white pupils stared at the "Ghoul King" who had completely stopped,
The two are deadlocked.
Mr. Black and White on the city wall released and raised his hand at the same time ~ ~ signaled that no one should act lightly and never allow artillery shells to be fired.
The three knights at the gate of the city also temporarily stopped their actions and waited quietly.
ten minutes,
half an hour,
One hour.
After waiting for an hour, the disaster-level "Ghoul King" gave up chasing the target and returned along the same path.
Return to the underground world by the huge rift between Stuart Manor.
Seeing this scene, Mr. Black and White, cracked a very natural smile on the mask.
"It's thirty years to go. It's really time to come back ... [Life Knights] The current leader-Death. Alex."
:. :
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