Chapter 264: tree house

Just when most of the trainee knights participating in the training were exhausted, they returned to the dormitory or home to train.
【Backwater Marsh】
Small tree house interior.
However, Han Dong still focused on the training event and didn't feel a little sleepy.
The task he entrusted to Mia was to make Mia try to extend the dormant time while the mother was in a special dormant period.
Based on maternal information provided by Dr. Swell.
There are six periods each day, and the mother will be superficially dormant for about fifteen minutes.
Han Dong must use the time during which the mother was dormant to transport the High Lord from the 'God's Hall' to the 'Fake Lord's Hall' via a meat tube.
Once the mother wakes up during the process, the plan will fail completely.
Mia put her hands on her hips and proudly explained how she handled the mother.
"Do you really mean that superficial sleep is enough?
The big lord and the mother are in a couple relationship. A huge ghoul glides in the meat tube. When it slides through the turning point of the pipeline, it will inevitably wake the mother due to the huge impact.
I can only take out my ‘card’ and quietly inject a neurotoxin from the spider ’s curse into the mother ’s brain.
Disturbing affects and deepens her dormancy.
You know, if my family is found by the mother, it will be dead ... Nicholas, you have to stay tonight to accompany the family, thinking of the horror of the mother, people will have nightmares. "
"Thank you, Mia."
Han Dong naturally knew that superficial dormancy was not enough to make the plan successful, so he chose to let Mia, a second-famous monk, take over the matter.
At this moment, Mia leaned a little closer, and her head was gently pressed against Han Dong's shoulder:
"You haven't answered other people's questions yet? Will you stay with me? Otherwise, people will have to guess your purpose in doing these things. When you are interrogated tomorrow, you might say that you missed it.
"It's fine to stay. I'm hungry. Let me make something delicious."
I heard that Han Dong was willing to stay.
Mia grew a lot of spider legs in excitement, jumping up and down the room.
"The good witch soup must use fresh ingredients. Everything in the house has been broken for so long after leaving the city. I have to go back to the swamp area to catch some fresh food.
Wait for me in the tree house. Don't run around! "
"go quickly."
With Mia leaving.
Han Dong lay alone on the hammock in the tree house, closed his eyes and reconsidered the training process carefully.
The reason it will evolve into a disaster ending.
It is because in the Ghoul Factory, Han Dong, who was taken by the swollen doctor to the sacrifice hall, accidentally summoned the Huangpao people.
Let Han Dong understand the definition of "land title", and was given the "Doctor Swell" as a powerful assistant, so he decided and started to develop a "land title stealing plan" which is very brain-burning.
If you follow the normal process.
Eventually, the blood knight Lucius and his party will kill the lord and end the training.
The points earned by the Han Dong team should also be able to barely reach a "good" rating.
It is necessary to sort out the composition of the stealing plan and the important role of Han Dong's chess pieces.
1. First is the most important chess piece-Mia, as explained above, she needs to deal with the mother's problem.
2. Since Brother Demps has a good relationship with Deputy Head Hydera, he needs to attract Hydra's attention as much as possible, so that the Deputy Head will not discover Han Dong's plans and various small actions.
3. [Dr. Swelling] This is particularly important.
Han Dong first arranged Dr. Swell in the underground area, and built a [forgery main hall] with a simulation degree of 99%, and required a large transfer meat tube to connect to the area.
Follow-up also requires Dr. Swell to personally come to the forgery main hall, complete the follow-up plan, and deceive the message of the entrance to the treasure house.
4. Chess pieces-Johnny Squad.
Since the forgery of the main hall is arranged, it is also natural to arrange a team of forgery.
Han Dong asked Wen Li to build exactly the same equipment as the Johnny team. The role was to confuse the big lord and make the big lord think that he was facing the same team from beginning to end.
5. The core pawn-Wen Li.
Wen Li's divine power and superb blacksmith craftsmanship are the keys to opening the door to the treasure house.
Han Dong had only one chance to go deep into the treasure house. Carrying Wen Li will greatly increase the probability and speed of opening the treasure house.
In the end, Wen Li's performance not only disappointed Han Dong, but unexpectedly ... at the expense of making himself weak, he also needed to help Han Dong open the door to the treasure house.
If this sister needs any help in the future, Han Dong will naturally return a favor.
Moreover, such a simple and kind character is also the first choice for Han Dong to make friends.
After all the pieces are thrown out, Han Dong is required as the main body and the set pieces are connected one by one.
On the way there was the insertion of Blood Knight-Lucius.
However, with the intelligence information of "Ghost Experiment", Han Dong also successfully dragged this elite team and arrived in the [Main Hall] on time.
In cooperation with Miss Wen Li's armor-breaking ability, the two masters cooperated to successfully suppress the great lord.
Plans are intertwined and everything goes smoothly.
It's a pity ... Han Dong didn't consider the worst result.
That is, the great lord learned that the title deed was stolen at the first time, and he did not hesitate to abandon his hundreds of years of cultivation, and he didn't care if he took a step forward to enter the ranks of [charm].
Self-sacrifice and received a response from the "Old King".
"Huh ... still not careful enough."
After reviewing everything, Han Dong summarized his failure experience and improved himself.
Wait until Mia brings a variety of fresh frogs, lizards, bats and other creatures that inhabit the swamp to make a large pot of fresh and delicious witch soup.
Only to find a group of people in his tree house.
Torgu and Miss Chen Li have appeared one after another, and they have not eaten for a long time. They are quite hungry ... Especially Torgu seems to be interested in this kind of dark cuisine.
The witch soup, along with the soup base, was drunk by Torgu.
Togu hit a full belly and slept directly in the only hammock.
As for Miss Chen Li, she didn't seem to want to return to prison. She kept her black hair covering her face and sticked to Han Dong at any time.
Mia couldn't find a chance to take advantage of it, and felt that leaving Han Dong was a mistake.
The next day ~ ~ 咚咚咚, a knock on the door awakened the two.
Chen Li and Toguin felt the arrival of outsiders and immediately returned to prison.
Without Mia's permission, the tree house door was pushed open.
Came here is the owner of the swamp-[Witch. Kailongya].
Pushing the door and seeing the cluttered scene in the room, and the two young men in disheveled clothes who just woke up from sleep, the witch immediately made up for what happened last night.
"That's what young people are doing ... At the beginning, you and the other two tried to evade each other. Now, after experiencing death together, you can immediately‘ frankly confrontation ’. It is not better to be happy early, in case you die, there is no chance of happiness.
Hurry up, the parliamentary inspectors have arrived at the Darkmoon Tower, and be ready for interrogation. "
:. :
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