Chapter 28: Trainee Knight

【National Royal Knights College】
The name of such an organization made Han Dong happy, which was exactly what he wanted.
With such a systematic organization for the space of destiny, you can intuitively understand and learn the knowledge of [occultology] from the inside, and take less detours.
In this case, Han Dong also began to ‘selectively’ answer questions.
"Evil spirit"
`` Four Star Difficulty ''
When Xun and the requirements of "Three Days of Survival" were spoken, the three interviewers in front of them all showed more or less horrified expressions.
They don't quite understand how a physical body like Han Dong survived such difficult novice events.
At the beginning, they all thought that Han Dong passed a one-star or two-star difficulty event.
"Explain in detail your customs clearance process and explain at some key turning points."
When talking about the incident, Han Dong first weakened ‘Edward’ and reduced his significance.
Put the key to survival in the interaction with 'event characters'.
Emphasized that he was in the proper communication with the event figures, which triggered the sideline incidents ... To narrow the relationship with the event figures and smoothly pass the customs with their assistance.
Draw the characters
确 Indeed, this is a great trick for novices to pass through the first space of fate, but it is limited to events below two-star difficulty ... Monsters on four-star difficulty can easily kill event characters.
Han Dong then explained his inferences and plans.
Here is a brief introduction of Edward's interference, and also saves anything about the faceless face's head. Instead, he shifts his focus to the 'Fire Burning' plan.
Emphasizes that he is perfectly cooperating with the characters of the event. At the last moment, he traps the evil spirit of
Fear of Fire
in the long-designed flame trap and persists until the end of the time limit.
As for killing evil spirits, naturally it has to be omitted.
Han Dong, a frail guy without any background, would say that these people will guess what secrets Han Dong has.
If you accidentally let the ‘faceless person ’s head’ leak, it ’s troublesome.
The event is finished after telling.
First, the handsome knight gives a review:
"The event character has a certain demonizing ability. Is this the only way to stop the evil spirits?"
Take into consideration the 'time limit' and the 'fiery fear' of the evil spirit, increase your intimacy with the characters of the event, and escape from the sky with a sophisticated plan.
Nice, very talented. "
After speaking, give a good evaluation of ‘80 points ’in his review form.
女 The female interviewer who exudes holiness and glory smiled and nodded, giving a rating of '73'.
As for the Master Bearded Master in charge, he stared at Han Dong's eyes.
"Young man who is very good at telling lies ... if I'm not mistaken, you should make the most of the death of your teammates and get yourself enough safety time, right?"
的 Your statement seems perfect, but there is actually a small loophole.
That's the difficulty! According to you, it should be able to survive the fate event on Samsung difficulty, but under four-star difficulty, there is still only a dead end.
But ... everyone has their own secrets, so I won't ask them in detail here. in general, it's not bad. "
Master Luo Jiu Hu gave a rating of ‘71 points ’.
Han Dong doesn't know if the score is high or low, but above the passing line ... it shouldn't be worse.
"Did you get a destiny card when you settle the reward?"
You can't say anything about 'Fate Cards'.
After all, Han Dong used the rewards from the card to strengthen Han Li, not himself ... Once he said it, the prison will be exposed.
Sighing, I couldn't help sighing:
"It's a pity ... four-star evil events, only get a little [Destiny Points]. Say your major career choices, this will determine your teaching arrangements in the college."
For a moment, the three looked disappointed.
Of course, this has to do with the three majors!
In their eyes, Han Dong is regarded as a talented young man among the returnees this time, but unfortunately the main occupation he has studied has nothing to do with them.
"Unfortunately, if you choose [Library], I can open a small stove for you."
A wave of heat waved from Master Luo Luoji Hu.
Beacon dissipated.
东 A metal card still emitting heat fell into Han Dong's hands.
On the front of the card, the knight's emblem of "Two swords crossing the horse's head" is drawn, and on the back, the sun and the moon are intertwined ...
"This is the ID card of the trainee knight ... three days later, I will report to the college with this card."
"it is good."
Han Dong returned the same way, the Black Rose Knight who had previously carried him is still waiting here.
But this time, the knight spoke.
There was a magnetic male voice coming out of the mask: "Welcome to [National Royal Knights College] ... Where do you live?"
It seems that if I can't pass the interview, I don't seem to be able to return ...
骑士 After knowing that Han Dong passed the interview, the knight intends to send him home.
It's just that this problem is a bit difficult ... It is arguably the hardest problem Han Dong has encountered.
After all, after Han Dong took the body of this young Nicholas, he never returned home. He was found by his sister as soon as he walked into the street, and went directly to the festival square because of time.
"Well ... there is an old knight, UU reads and sends me to the festival square. The little girl in my family should still be waiting for me there."
Han Dong tried his best to climb up on horseback this time.
During the return journey, the knight's attitude changed from before, and he took the initiative to speak:
"It's hard to imagine that a physical body like yours can pass the" newbie event ". Take the liberty to ask, is the difficulty one star or two stars?"
"Four Star Event."
Han Dong wants to come, these knights have a huge organization to manage.
The four-star evil spirit and other information have been stated during the 'interview' process, and there is no need to conceal it.
The black war horse stopped abruptly.
The knight immediately turned his head and took off the black iron mask.
The black hedgehog has short hair, brown eyes and white skin, and a tall nose bridge gives a mixed Chinese and Western feeling ...
Compared with the head of the blonde knight who was interviewed before, the black rose knight member is younger, about 27 years old, and his eyes are full of determination.
"My name is Barton Fergus. I graduated from the Cavaliers Academy last year and currently belongs to the Black Rose Knights.
Can pass the four-star novice event, as long as you do not die, future development will certainly not be bad. If you are interested, you can consider joining our "Black Rose Knights" after graduation. "
"My name is Warren Nicholas ... Okay!" Han Dong was somewhat flattered for a while, and introduced himself quickly.
From the reaction of the Cavaliers, passing a four-star novice incident should be a great thing.
After a short while, the festival square arrived.
After his horse dismissed, Han Dong also quickly found Nina sitting on a bench outside the field ... I never expected that his 'sister' would really come to the square every day to wait for him to return.
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