Chapter 299: Flying head

"Mr. Aha, come with me!"
The radon plague eroded an opening in Han Dong's overhead ceiling.
观察 Through observation, I found that there is a large space in the building's compartments, and passing through the interior can avoid many troubles ... and can directly reach various areas of the General House.
Let G arm show the original appearance, one claw buckle, Han Dong first climbed up.
Subsequently, Han Dong also reached out and dragged Mr. Aha up.
丽 Chen Li stretched out her hands for health, naturally, there was no need to help, a red shadow flashed, and she immediately followed.
Is still handled by the back of the Temple.
Han Dong's request completely destroyed the current room ...
He followed his master's request. At this time, Togu's back showed a dark golden light, using part of the original energy.
Extend the iron chain of both arms and rotate the circle.
The area circled by the iron chain occupies almost the entire room.
The plank was melted.
I immediately formed a huge lava pool.
After a lot of armored guards fell into it, there was no chance of struggling, and the armor was melted together with the armor ... the guards crowded in this room were all melted away.
Uh ...
The partition on the ceiling is about one meter high.
It is quite spacious to move forward inside by crawling.
Tuogu, who finally climbed up from the opening, the entire spine protrudes, and the body is full of steam. The whole is slightly weak ... Tougu is uncomfortable with a large amount of "lava" power at one time.
"Tugu ... OK?"
"Um." Torgu nodded.
As long as Han Dong asked him to work, even if there was only a last bit of strength left, Torgu would do it.
This is Mr. Ahha staring at Tuogou with interest, whisperingly evaluating:
"[Devil of Misery], who has endured the pain of perfect iron chains and lava ... is a very religious practitioner! I seem to have something here to help you."
Alas, Mr. Ha ha fumbled in his pocket.
After a while, I found a leather doll toy,
After a while, I found a peach sword covered with rune paper,
After a while, he caught a dead fish with rolled eyes.
I feel like carrying a shop with me.
"I found ..." Hell Rock ", it should be very useful to you. "
When a fiery red rock surrounded by a circle of black smoke was pulled out, Torgu immediately recognized the source of the rock, grabbed it and swallowed it into the mouth ...
In a moment, a source of lava energy flowed through the body, allowing Torgu to fully recover.
"Thanks ... Thanks."
"You're welcome, you're welcome. I can hardly occupy this land without your help."
Han Dong kept this scene silently in his heart. It is not the time to chat, and he did not ask Mr. Aha ’s ‘capacity’.
Through the observation of the little devil's eyes, during the crawling process, he observed the situation in each room on the first and second floors.
"Mr. Han Dong ... Will you let me investigate alone? I can be hidden in the dark." Chen Li suddenly proposed.
Han Dong disagrees.
"It's not an ordinary bed and breakfast ... it's a general palace with a history of hundreds of years.
If you can completely integrate the body and the shadow like Zhen Xue Xue, I may let you explore ... but now you can only hide the body by the shadow, it is easy to expose. "
Chen Li could not refute Han Dong's statement.
There was a feeling that the light bulb was on Mr. Aha's head.
"Aha! I have a way ... I just happen to have a pill that can temporarily improve concealment. It should not have expired."
Alas, Mr. Ha ha once again pulled out a pure black pill from his pocket.
After taking Chen Li, the whole person has a feeling of being able to combine with the black shadow, and the shadows in the compartment are approaching Chen Li.
"It's only temporary, the effect will decline after half an hour, and it will be lifted after about an hour! Little girl hurry up."
"Mr. Han Dong, I'm looking for it!"
With Chen Li's departure.
Han Dong stared curiously at this undead-looking Mr. Aha, but he couldn't help but ask:
"Owner ... Can you take the" shop "with you?" "
"Yes, otherwise sometimes I think of something that I didn't bring with me, and I have to go back and get it. How troublesome ... I have no ability to tie the" shop "with me. "
Uh ...
爬行 crawled a full circle between the compartments, Han Dong inspected all the rooms on the first and second floors, and found no intentional place.
I need to explain that there are three floors in General House.
In other words, there is no search on the third layer.
Twenty-five hours passed, and the first time the efficacy weakened, Chen Li returned.
Chen Li was stained with some foul-smelling liquid on Chen Li's body, and two black teeth marks were left on her shoulders and waist and abdomen. The whole person's condition was not very good.
"Mr. Han Dong, the third floor is completely closed ... but I accidentally found a key room.
I was accidentally bitten by a [flying head] while stealing the key. "
毒素 "Poison? Can't your evil spirits be dispelled? Hurry back to rest and heal ... then leave it to me and Torgu."
Suddenly, Mr. Aha answered again.
"It's not good for this lady to take a break at this juncture ... it's just poison. Simple things."
Mr. Ahha took out a plastic straw from his body, and gently sucked at the wound on Chen Li's body.
没有 Even without any pain, Chen Li immediately returned to normal.
"Thank you."
Even Chen Li was curious about the undead owner.
"Since there are" keys ", let's hurry up ... time is money, my friend! "
钻 Drilled out from the compartment, UU reading immediately went up the stairs.
The third floor of the General's Mansion is closed by an iron gate with a huge Prajna face.
丽 The key in Chen Li's hand is in the shape of an arm, which needs to be inserted into the mouth of the iron door to rotate slowly.
门 With the sound of heavy machinery gears, the door opened.
Before the guards arrived, immediately closed the heavy iron door again.
"I've found the right place ... General and his four sons are indeed here."
There is no compartment on the third floor.
In the wide and spacious third floor area, there is a strong evil breath ... Chen Li seems to be interested in this breath.
Hundreds of Prajna masks with nuances in color and charm were hung between the walls.
There is a large-scale spiritual altar in the opposite direction.
He nailed a bone on the wall and fixed a piece of historic "skin."
The surface of the cormorant cortex is printed with dense and dense small characters, and the overall escape emits a strong evil spirit, and even a ghost image is formed.
Obviously, this is the secret of the general's family, the root of evil magic and magic.
In addition, there are five ebony coffins wrapped around the roots.
He smelled the breath of a living person, and the coffin lid popped open at the same time.
Twenty-five human heads that had been cut off by the enemy slowly floated out of the coffin.
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