Chapter 305: In-depth

"So fast……"
根 A root of the plague was raised on the surface of Han Dong's arm.
A large number of plagues are generated between the ground, and even a vaguely formed wall formed by fungi completely blocks the old man's movement route.
"Strange talk" ... cannot be dealt with in the usual way.
The old man completely ignored the barrier of the plague and broke through the plague barrier.
"It's really troublesome ..." just as Han Dong was preparing to use the pollution ability.
Alas ... a ghost slashed.
Ghostblade Scabbard
A 360-degree twisted arm was chopped to the ground, and then a large amount of black smoke rose, which immediately turned into a pool of foul black water.
"This old man is too fast ..."
However, Mia was not very satisfied with the result of just one hand cut.
Yun Yin's target was Han Dong, and Mia only needed to preview the target to kill the target.
Almost the right time, cut it out with one stroke.
I do n’t know how this old man slammed down at a critical moment with his extremely distorted body to avoid slashing.
The retired old man crawled on the roof of the car through a ‘low waist’ posture ... The black gas that enveloped his body was trying to reassemble his arms, but found that the wound was entangled with cold air and could not be reconstructed.
For a while, the old man's eyes turned frantically, staring at the demon knife in Mia's hand, very dreadful.
As he slowly stepped back, trying to hide his body into the darkness of the parking lot, attacking this group of humans in an alternative way.
A white shadow flashed out.
I was even faster than my uncle.
Passed the General House incident, plus last night's meditation.
Abel figured out a lot of things ... When dealing with this "strange talk" that cannot be explained by conventional concepts, don't rush to attack first, after observing some characteristics of the opponent through the eyes of the owl.
He launched his offensive mainly with qi.
Is completely different from usual battles.
的 The white gas on the surface of Abel's body was greatly released, covering the whole body, like a pure white crazy wolf.
With the claws formed by Qi, the black gas on the surface of the old man's body was torn open, and then the old man was suppressed by a lock.
Mia, who is experienced in combat, need not remind at all, she has kept up with the first time.
I rushed to the moment when the old man twisted his body and tried to break free.
The demon sword was cut off, and it was broken twice.
No matter what the nature of the old man is, the demon sword can cause direct damage.
Moreover, the cut off part was immediately invaded by cold ...
But the strange talk has its uniqueness ... even so, the old man is still full of energy.
Through the black gas from the underground parking lot, he tried to drag the old man's body into the darkness and reconstruct it.
crucial moment.
Underground garage, even the mall directly above can feel a strong tremor.
Wen Li leaps into the air and smashes with a hammer!
At the point of the fall, a one-meter deep dent was knocked out directly, and even a lot of high-temperature flames were released at the hammer head ... The strange old man was completely annihilated by this hammer.
Uh ...
商店 "Shop"
"Aha! What have you been knocked into by this, do you understand the elders and the young?"
Alas, fortunately, you have collected it completely, and you should be able to restore it to the original state. Can be considered a complete task ... Barely give you 12 rewards. "
嗯 "Hmm? The clue is worth 8 points and still discounted. Why is the reward only 12 points? Mr. Aha ... too few, right?"
"There are usually so many, it is not so easy to earn points in the park.
Wait for more and more strange talk points in your hands, and then exchange for high-value clues, and the more rewards you get, of course, the more ... low risk and low return, high risk and high return. take it easy! young people. "
Han Dong was helpless, thinking that Mr. Ah Ha could open a small stove for him.
"Let's go ... It seems that this fateful event will take ten days and a half months."
Because of the strangeness of strange talks, almost every strange talk has its own characteristics. In addition, it is necessary to consider the death squads who are operating in the paradise.
Han Dong will never let everyone break up, even if they sleep at night, four people stay in the same room.
That's it, a full week has passed.
Han Dong and others handled thirteen "strange talks", and the current accumulated points reached 64 points.
的 The "strange talks" I encountered during this period were naturally some of the less famous ones, at least Han Dong had never heard of it before his lifetime.
The really difficult and well-known "Strange Talk" is contained in the depths of the park.
"Four passes, a real [Paradise] map ... wait for you to enter the paradise area of ​​the paradise, remember to come to the store to see me first, otherwise you will be very dangerous if you get lost.
In the inner layer of the park, I have some things that you need to help with. "
I'm right.
This is exactly the benefit of [intimacy] improvement.
系统 The system was mentioned when Han Dong received a hidden incident to improve his relationship with Mr. Aha.
Once the relationship rises.
In addition to the basic discount, you can also buy some unique clues in the hands of Mr. Ah, which can continue to deepen the relationship between the two ...
"Aha, for your help in gaining control of [General's House], I remind you ... don't take this week's" smooth feelings "deep into the park.
The outer suburbs are just for you to adapt to the basic atmosphere of the park.
The interior is completely different! Don't have any thoughts of
sharing points
After all, I'm still optimistic about you, there are some things you need to help, cherish your life ... aha. "
A fate event full of five-star difficulty ~ ~ Since the beginning, Han Dong has never thought of going to score points.
Uh ...
"The outer layer of the park has multiple zones. The" commercial area "we are currently in, and the" rural area "," mountain area ", and" residential area "next door ... ? "
It cost 10 points to buy an electronic map.
You can zoom in and view the street distribution by yourself, and also indicate the detailed location of the "shop", which is a comparative value.
The map shows that there is a road from each outer zone to the inner zone of the park.
I don't know why, Han Dong has a feeling of real danger that has just begun ...
Staring at the electronic map, the "stores" distributed in the inner layer are like safe houses.
I can lay the foundation for the relationship with Mr. Aha in advance, maybe it will become an important foundation for the team to breathe in the inner layer of the park.
Uh ...
"This is the entrance to [inside the park] ..."
前进 Following the route marked by the map, an extremely gloomy cobblestone trail appeared in front of Han Dong and others.
The moment I stepped in here, I felt completely separated from the noisy city.
The groves on both sides of the cobblestone trail are covered with white gowns. From a distance, it seems that there are a large number of suicides hanging here collectively.
The white clothes on the branches are filled with [No Entry].
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