Chapter 349: Suppress riots

The top of the lighthouse.
【Lan Nan】 You can learn everything that is happening through the
emergency lights
installed in the park.
"Sure enough, your purpose is not just Mr. Aha and the mother-in-law ... you want to shake my position.
Except that these two ‘things’ are a little troublesome, everything else is nothing. "
Two men in the mouth of the man.
Naturally, he is the owner of the scrap purchase station. He is called [collector] by name. Among the strange talk groups, they are collectively called ‘terrorist zombies’.
Also, through the coincidence, Han Dong invited him to assist in capturing the malignant neutrality of the lighthouse-[First Girl].
既然 "Since you want to be carnival, I will carnival with you once ... Paradise has been a long time and the event is not so lively."
Hundred years of foundation.
Not to mention being in a paradise full of dangerous weirdness.
Danmen can establish [Lighthouse], perfect management of the paradise, and naturally have various emergency measures that can deal with dangerous situations.
Those grotesque talks that were "restless" and caught the lighthouse for treatment, really just correct them at the ideological level?
Please ... this is not a normal society.
Is located in the experimental area of ​​the high-rise area of ​​the lighthouse, hiding secrets.
Brain lobe white matter resection is just the first operation.
Immediately afterwards, the surgeon will sew a 'special substance' produced by [Deng Nan] into the subject's skull.
毫米 A millimeter-level "searchlight" can perfectly integrate with the cerebellar nerves.
In the case of non-activation, it will not affect any physical activity ...
After receiving the strange talk of surgery, they were sent to the psychometric area for a so-called psychological test, which was actually checking whether the miniature searchlight installed in their skull was properly connected.
Once connected normally, they will have the right to leave the lighthouse and regain ‘normal life’.
Every period of time, they will also review the searchlights in their skulls to ensure normal work.
As a large number of such "mini-searchlights" are connected, [Light Men] can access their perspective at any time and monitor the overall movement of the park in the dark ... When some hidden roots have not yet grown, they are eliminated in advance.
Lighthouse is called "Bright Eye".
And these intracranial searchlights are called "dark eyes".
Together, he maintains the ‘stability’ of the park.
Its role is not only to spy, but also to deal with the riots in the city like the current situation.
Uh ...
灯 "Light source plan"
The light man reached out and pressed the red button on the console.
For a while, the device corresponding to the button is activated!
Taking the lighthouse as the center, the 'magnetic field' originally surrounding the lighthouse completely spread out, covering the inner area of ​​the park.
Whether it was just released by the lighthouse or the strange talk that has been separated from the lighthouse for decades, it was all at this moment.
He followed, holding his head with both hands, a splitting headache, and bleeding.
Until their forehead split, a tennis-size searchlight grew from their brows.
群 The eyes and eyes of these strange talks immediately became apathetic and turned into a "weird talk weapon" directly under the control of the lighthouse.
Through the conversion between biological energy and electric energy, the searchlight on the forehead can be permanently illuminated.
this moment.
A totally dark paradise is fully lit by tens of thousands of human-shaped searchlights.
Uh ...
at the same time.
的 The standby generator stored in the lighthouse has reached the maximum power, and the power supply to the lighthouse is restored.
The topmost searchlight is working normally.
Also, all the elevators started to work.
需要 It should be noted here that the [top-level area] of the lighthouse covers floors and belongs to the lighthouse supervision layer.
The entire paradise is not only managed by Deng Nan alone. Under his control, 12 supervisors are hired ... In the paradise, you are called "twelve supervisors" by strange people.
All are strange talks that reach the S level, and each has a one-story office area on the top of the lighthouse.
In addition to its own strength, it also has the support and strengthening of ‘Beacon Technology’.
"Twelve Directors" carried a lighthouse embargo to carry out citywide suppression.
Uh ...
Ding 咚!
长 At this moment, the head nurse reached the top floor through the elevator.
"Mr. Deng, the situation in the reception area on the ground floor is very bad ... I also ask the man to send two supervisors to assist in the suppression.
群 This group of patients seems to be infected with a parasite, and the inner potential is fully stimulated, especially in "regenerative" ... General means are difficult to kill, and the staff is a bit insufficient. "
Who knows.
The Lantern Man was not worried at all.
"As they get upset under them, you only need to block the connection interfaces on all floors ... What we need to do now is not to suppress these small things, but to remove the main characters who caused the riot.
At that time, hanging them one by one at the main entrance of the lighthouse, everything will naturally calm down.
Follow up slowly to carry out maintenance work. "
那 "So ... now, what should I do?"
The Lantern man reached out and held the head nurse, letting her sit on her thigh.
"Purple, you're here with me ... if I'm not mistaken, someone will secretly go to the top. At that time, you will accompany me to quickly solve them."
"Who dares to find the Lord directly ... difficult? That old man !?"
When thinking of Mr. Ah, the head nurse seemed to think of some past events and was pale with fright.
"No ... Mr. Aha will not do things that are unsure. Moreover, according to his character, he will not participate in such a 'battle', and he will not be fine.
What came up to me was nothing more than creating the violent little flies in the dark, just slamming them to death. "
"it is good!!"
Uh ...
期间 During the riots.
The lighthouse experimental area has temporarily stopped all work.
Dr. Yun was also involved in the crackdown on the lower level.
At this time, a doctor appeared to a patient to the ground floor.
When I actually walked into the elevator ~ ~, I pressed the ascending button and went to the top management ... I successfully passed the identification through the senior doctor card in the pocket with the perfect camouflage.
Reached the top level.
When the elevator door opens, it corresponds to a passage with various thickness cables.
"No defenses ... it seems the other party knew we were coming.
I can't help but ... this is the manager of the paradise, strange to talk about the second best.
Basic self-confidence against unnamed juniors like us.
Abel, don't pretend. "
Han Dong stared at the precise camera hidden in the cable, decisively removed the camouflage and revealed his own state, and swayed in this cable-filled channel.
灯塔 The door of "Lighthouse Manager" has been opened slightly to welcome visitors.
When the door was opened, [Light Man] was sitting on a seat assembled from countless cables.
In the open room, countless searchlights are directed at the lamp man, so that he is bathed in strong light, maintaining the strongest state.
The head nurse stood upright behind him and assisted.
In such an area, the man can absorb electric and light energy without limit, which is almost invincible.
Even Mr. Aha is hard to win.
However, Han Dong's trouser pocket holds a key that can be 'surprisingly successful'.
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