Chapter 359: getting Started

General Library, also known as the magic headquarters.
的 Such a core building is equivalent to the Dark Moon Tower in the Department of Mystery.
多元 Multiple integrated buildings such as comprehensive office, secret collection of books, high-level conferences, etc., belong to one of the most important buildings in Knights College.
Different from other departments.
[Library] In addition to the head and deputy directors who teach and manage students, there is also a head and deputy director of the same level who is responsible for managing the unique National Royal Knights College-Library.
At present, what Demps wants to bring Han Dong to see is a high-weight deputy curator.
The appearance is designed to be similar to Big Ben, but it is different from the Bell Tower, which controls the space of destiny, and it is surrounded by a strong magic atmosphere.
He presented a pass authorised by Ms. Hera.
The two officially entered the General Library Building.
First of all, you need to traverse the passage that is ten meters long and is full of various magic glyphs. These secret texts will further detect whether the two carry items or have dangerous characteristics.
In the process, the crow mark on the back of Han Dong's right hand loomed.
With the perfect camouflage of the "faceless head", he successfully concealed the inspection of these glyphs.
Dumps aside, reminded:
"The General Library Building was designed and restructured by the former curator. For the first time, a multi-dimensional 'ladder' structure was used. It is easy to get lost in your first visit. Follow me ... otherwise I will find it difficult to find you.
时 When the door of the detection channel is open.
The wonderful structure of the lobby of the book building made Han Dong stop immediately.
的 Stairs that clearly do not conform to the rules of three-dimensional space are designed in this open hall.
Some library staff in double-breasted trench coats are walking on these stairs in different directions.
As long as you grasp the rules, you can go to various areas of the General Library.
Viewing such a ladder with a normal three-dimensional space concept will inevitably be lost and lost in it.
Due to the existence of the 'multi-dimensional ladder', the space utilization of the total library building is maximized and complicated.
Even if an outsider breaks in, if the staircase structure is not interpreted for the first time, it will be lost and unable to reach any important area, giving security personnel time to act.
Han Dong was exposed to such a multi-dimensional model before his death. After all, sometimes it is necessary to perform micro-scale calculations. Han Dong's mathematical skills are also good.
基础 In basic mathematics, there is the concept of multidimensional space.
But this is only to help mathematicians understand the concept of multidimensional space, and it is difficult to apply it to the field of physics ... After all, humans are only individuals in three-dimensional space, and it is difficult to glimpse high-latitude structures with low-latitude identity.
"If it is structured like this ... With the stair turning point here as the center, four vertical lines can theoretically be made, which is indeed true from the way these people walk.
的 Step design that projects four-dimensional space into three-dimensional space.
Former curator ... Is it so great? "
Seeing Han Dong thoughtfully looking aside.
Demps asked curiously: "Slap! Nicholas, is it difficult for you to have a certain perspective on multidimensional space?"
"I just know some one-sided concepts and are not insights."
"It's already awesome ..." The science of space is far more difficult than conventional magic.
Guangzhou is only able to screen 99% of the trainee knights because of the space entry level, and subsequent learning is even more difficult.
The holy city has not given birth to a space-level headmaster for a long time.
I am currently taking the time to understand and learn "spatial science". "
There seems to be something hidden in this sentence.
Han Dong asked with some curiosity:
话 "Say, isn't there some space-familiar life in the space of destiny?"
"They are just born to intersect with multidimensional space, and are not proficient. The space capabilities they carry are given, not learned by themselves ... Most of them cannot understand the principles.
In the true sense, a space mage cannot be killed or even exists.
Let's go, we can't let Ms. Hera wait too long. "
The moment he stepped on the stairs, Han Dong felt that the normal library halls had become 'folded'. The seemingly simple steps could easily span a large span and reach any area of ​​the library building at will.
Continuous folds, walking vertically.
A stair hanging diagonally on the wall corresponds to the third reading room
Once you enter a certain room in the General Library building.
The interior immediately returned to the normal three-dimensional space structure. In the book reading room with a total height of about ten meters, there were more than a dozen pairs of white gloves who were arranging the books themselves and cleaning them.
Some senior students are using their precious time to study and study here.
邓 Under Demps, Ms. Hera was found in the deepest part of the reading room.
A blonde beauty wearing gold silk glasses has a beauty similar to that of a movie star. She looks about 35 years old in appearance.
But its figure and skin texture are definitely comparable to some models in their early twenties.
"Oh ... you're Mr. Black and White's student? Come with me."
Hela touched a special switch to open a hidden ladder to the private office of the deputy curator.
"sit down."
Ms. Hera deliberately seated Demps next to her so that her long legs could be put on Demps.
As for Han Dong, he was sitting on the guest sofa.
听说 "I heard that you want to minor in [Library]? Have you invested in relevant points?"
"Hmm ... 3 points have been invested."
Hela was slightly surprised. I thought that Han Dong would ask about the feasibility before investing, but I did not expect to have invested 3 important points.
"Oh !? Three points ... That's great! Are you planning to study in the Department of Mysteries, or will you stay in our library most of the time?"
This question needs to be answered carefully.
"I will take care of both ends, but because the library started too late, I will stay in [Library] as early as possible to study."
拉 Hera's expression was indifferent to Han Dong's answer.
"If it wasn't for Demps to let me 'retain' you ... hot potato like yours, no teacher in the library would touch it ~ ~ You know, although minor repairs are not completely prohibited, but it is a little bit Not advocating.
Because of the minor dispersal of destiny points and energy, students who end up failing to pass even the most basic knight examinations are everywhere.
There are two conditions for me to study as a formal student. "
"Deputy curator Hera, please say."
第一 "First, if you really have the ability, you can spawn a unique talent tree like the" Great Plague Chief. "
I need you to explain at the Knights' Commendation Conference that I am the only instructor of your minors. I have provided great help during your study of library knowledge.
Secondly, the long-term passport I applied for only represents that you belong to a 'visiting scholar'. Compared with the students in my department, your power will be much less.
Alas, since you have such a good relationship with Demps, there are things you can't do that can help him.
I heard that Mr. Black and White is very optimistic about you, and it is also good for you to communicate with Demps in private. "
In fact, Ms. Hera's request is simply that she will not allow Han Dong to give her a name and let him secretly study in the library.
If you have some achievements in the future, you have to say that you have received great favor from the library, and acknowledge that it is a trainee knight cultivated by the Department of Mystery and the library.
However, getting Han Dong to obtain a long-term pass is already a very good result, and follow-up things can be considered slowly.
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