Chapter 363: Plan about the arm

交 The matter in the laboratory is explained.
里 For the remaining four days.
The elders gave Han Dong the highest level of treatment.
First, a clean room suitable for humans was arranged in the castle, and at the same time, three carefully selected female crows were waiting for Han Dong's clothing and food.
The so-called careful selection is also based on human standards.
The bodies of the three female crows are all perfect, but ... the heads cannot be changed, they are still the heads of crows.
In the end, Han Dong ‘fired’ these female crows, or he got a Toze crow to help him.
分钟 Every minute outside of the city is extremely precious, and Han Dong is going to use this time to learn the magic of the crow.
Han Dong asked Elder Raven to serve as his personal trainer during these four days, learning a primitive black magic that originated from Raven Tribe.
As for the magical introductory book given by Ms. Hera, come back to the city and read it slowly.
When time is only the last half day.
东 Han Dong, who has learned all the basics, always feels 'obstructed' when releasing the crow magic. When he tries to reach the best, a feeling of powerlessness will spread throughout his body.
"The ghoul's arm is biased towards" muscle brute force ". At the same time, because the ghoul is formed in the graveyard, it has a few plague characteristics ... It is more suitable for melee and plague science, rather than magic.
I got an additional 100 points for this minor for my use. I had to find an arm with magic affinity.
Also, I need an arm of sufficient quality to be able to use it forever.
The last time I got the G virus, it was because I had the "Destiny Card" for targeted screening of low-difficult movies, and I directly selected the less difficult "Resident Evil".
This time, the destiny card cannot be directly characterized.
Moreover, the limbs I need must come from difficult copies ... even the Cavaliers' fate space.
How to choose an arm is a big problem. "
Han Dong thought about having Elder Raven cut off one arm and dedicate it to himself.
[Evil] level elders, their arms must be strong enough ... but they have limitations.
What Han Dong wants is an arm that can only fully control magic, and the main attributes of Elder Raven are biased in witchcraft and ancient crow magic ... not what Han Dong wants.
Also, the time for activities outside the city is coming to an end, and I have no time to look for other aliens who are proficient in dark magic.
Finally, [Fantasy] is scarce and scattered. The black monsters are not the only ones you can find.
As for the "clown's arm", it is also physics-oriented. The "magic value" described in its analysis data is only E and so on.
"There is only one way to get an ideal arm that can only manage magic in the short term-buy!
The industrial chain in the manor has not yet formed, let alone building a complete transaction chain ... It will take a while for you to make money through the manor.
的 I can't buy anything with the cash on me, so I have to use personnel relations.
Whoever borrows my money is my good brother! "
Uh ...
Four days passed.
的 The horse-drawn carriage from the manor came to the pre-agreed cliff position.
[Kuroishiya] has arrived early.
When Demps came out from the inside, compared with four days ago, Junlang's face also contained a lot of tiredness that was difficult to hide.
I just stepped onto the carriage.
Han Dong reached out his hand directly.
"Classmate Demps, can you lend me some money."
Speaking of money for a while.
Han Dong first thought of Demps who had invited Han Dong and others to live in high-end hotels.
I want to come to a young man like Demps who is very deliberate and willing to do anything. He should have made a lot of money privately through the unique of the Holy City, and may even have a unique `` massage industry chain '' in the dark.
"Is 10,000 copper coins enough?"
Han Dong has not given a specific value, who knows that Demps has five digits when he speaks ...
"My small vault can only take out 10,000 copper coins at the moment ... If you are not enough, I have to make a slight turnover. After one week, I can lend you at least 30,000."
As soon as Han Dong thought that Demps was sitting in the school with his finger, tens of thousands of copper coins arrived.
Think again about the manor underground laboratory that takes a long time to take care of and spend manpower and resources to rebuild. Until now, the industrial chain has not yet been built, and I can't help feeling a little uncomfortable.
The gap between people is sometimes so big.
"Ten thousand is enough ..."
Twenty thousand copper coins are already a large sum in the holy city.
It ’s more than enough to buy a piece of high-quality equipment, except that
and above-quality finished equipment is often priceless, but the materials are still available.
行 "Okay! I ’ll go straight to your" treasury "when I get back to town!"
Demps didn't ask Han Dong what to do at all, and he frankly borrowed money.
谢谢 "Thank you, I will return it as soon as possible."
"It's nothing, I'm not too short of money, you just hold it and use it ... Say I basically haven't closed my eyes these days, go to bed for a while."
Demps began to tremble as soon as he got into the carriage, and he fell asleep immediately after saying this.
Uh ...
Save money in place.
The rest is how to ‘equivalent exchange’.
Because of the existence of the "faceless head", Han Dong was able to bring the 'living creature' from the space of fate back to reality directly.
And other knights entering the space of destiny, if they want to bring the 'living creature' back to reality, they need to spend points, or perform complete slavery, so that the system can judge that the 'living creature' is completely owned by the destiny participant, and can also bring come back.
Except for occupations such as Necromancer and Stitcher.
大部分 For most of the knights in the destiny world, UU reads www.uukanshu. com doesn't have much value ...
A single arm and a foot are no different from garbage.
Han Dong first ran to the trading market. Only two arms from the space of fate were found in the assortment of goods.
一条 One of them has completely lost its due to soaking in the formalin solution for too long.
另一 The other is that the monster arm in "Alien" has no extra features except hardness and corrosion resistance.
"Only ... I have a reservation."
Uh ...
Holy Knights.
A certain "herald" walked through the sacred corridor carved with the fresco of the Virgin and came to an open inner courtyard.
A blonde warrior wearing bright silver armor is practicing her hit ability here.
"Sileste Knight, have your visitors."
"Don't see me busy? I'm not at the rank of soldier or above, but I don't see anyone."
"He just said to show you the clockwork device, it seems that some information was passed to you."
Wino Silence, who temporarily stopped practicing, picks up the clockwork set aside, and sends out a voice message through the embedded magic array.
"Are you free? I have something to do with you."
I saw Silestra immediately stop today's training program, after finishing her hairstyle, immediately went to the door.
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