Chapter 367: Yellow sand

东 When the carriage entered the mysterious department and was covered by the dark moon, Han Dong felt relieved.
This arm is too important to him.
Moreover, Han Dong has never encountered a situation in which a living creature in the space of fate can react with his head.
奇怪 "Strange, why does the living body in the space of destiny react with my head?
形成 The formation of the gate of destiny is to give human beings the opportunity to give humanity a powerful force that has never been imagined to deal with life outside the city ... Fate itself absolutely excludes 'life outside the city'.
手臂 The arm itself doesn't feel any 'pollution'.
But it has a slight sense with my head ... Is it difficult to relate to the origin or some attribute of "Imorton" itself? "
I was skeptical.
Han Dong arrived at the Dark Moon Tower and immediately took the elevator to the top floor.
However, just as the elevator slowly rises.
A cloud of shadows floated in the corner.
姐 Sister Zhen Xue wearing a mask showed her body.
Han Dong sideways for the first time, face-to-face with Zhen Xue ... But he did not show the fighting status. Han Dong knew that it was the Dark Moon Tower, and Mr. Black and White was watching everything.
Students of the mystery department must not do anything here.
"What's up with Xuejie?"
"I'm just curious what you spend on buying such an arm for a high price ... Your first tutor is Teacher Passa in the sewer, specializing in epidemiology.
The second tutor is Mr. Black and White.
Both have nothing to do with suture science.
Can I tell Xuejie? "
Sister Wu Zhen seems to be asking questions out of curiosity, but she actually has other ideas ... It seems that she is very interested in this 'excellent' student.
"If I said, I would teach suture myself, would my sister believe it?"
Han Dong has given such a reply, while already feeling killing from the eyes of Sister Zhen Xue.
"Oh, just a joke ... Just be a secret between me and Xuejie, I hope that Xuejie will not say it."
After the end of this destiny space, I put all my points into the second profession-[Library].
Currently doing minor magic, mainly involving the study of dark magic.
[Immortal Sacrifice-Imorton's arm, it is very helpful for my study ... In addition, I really learned some sutures on my own, which really did not lie to you. "
"Minor? Do you want to kill yourself?"
Put aside the grievance between the two.
From the perspective of talent, Zhen Xue is still very optimistic about Han Dong's student ... But Han Dong's operation of minors has made her unable to understand. After all, not everyone is a stranger like the Great Plague.
If you want to fuse tree species and derive a new talent tree, you can't do it with effort and talent, but also need the opportunity and luck together.
"I just want it ... It's too early to say if it's ruined."
"Looking forward to your performance in two years."
Han Zhen quickly disappeared into the shadows, and Han Dong looked helpless.
This talented and able-to-shadow schoolgirl can show up next to him at any time in the academy, which means that she can also appear at any time outside the academy.
I can even kill directly while Han Dong is sleeping.
He must be respected and far away, and must not offend this school sister.
Uh ...
【Stargazing Room】
Mr. Black and White naturally knew what happened.
Has opened a hidden and spacious compartment for Han Dong in advance.
东 Before bringing the arm into the biological laboratory, Han Dong must make sure that the arm will not hurt his brain.
Therefore, place the wooden box in the center of the room first.
The Book of the Necromancer-Eye Transcript
I learned the way of Lucius.
开 Before opening the box, Han Dong first painted a seal array method.
污染 This contaminating eye array is enough to suppress an arm separated from the body of Imorton.
Double insurance.
Han Dong also made Torgu appear, ready to restrain his arms with iron chains.
【Out of the box】
Is similar to the previous situation.
The yellow sand flew away, and a small sandstorm vortex formed in the compartment.
Driven by matrix method.
The yellow sand quickly disintegrated and fell.
Goo Goo Goo Goo!
On the ground, on the ceiling, and even on the exterior of the wooden box and on the surface of the old bandage that wraps around the arm, eyes grow out, completely suppressing the arm.
"This self-conscious arm must be fine on the freshness level ... take off the bandage and see."
Han Dong used the "G-arm" to remove the bandage.
The moment the index finger touched the bandage, the tingling sensations immediately spread from the fingertips.
With a closer look, Han Dong's index finger has been fully "sanded" ...
I was more troublesome than Han Dong expected.
If the effects of desertification cannot be overcome, subsequent arm access will become a problem.
G virus characteristics activated.
Fingers grow new flesh immediately ... Also, let the crow magic currently mastered offset the effects of desertification.
Gradually lift the bandages.
东 A mummy arm with a meat coverage of less than 20% is revealed in Han Dong's eyes.
There are signs of yellow sand flowing between the rotten flesh.
Han Dong even saw a scarlet beetle with a golden pattern on the back of the flesh.
However, if you look closely, you will find that this scarab is not an individual life, but a magical creature composed of yellow sand ... It is one of the abilities attached to this arm.
"Is this the arm of the undead sacrifice ... must be brought back to the biological laboratory to test its data."
韩 Just when Han Dong considered the dangers.
The brain seems to be self-conscious, and a sound comes from it:
"Lives taken to" portable prisons "will be suppressed by the prison, so there is no need to worry about their threats. A
With such a reply, Han Dong decisively brought it back to the laboratory.
Remove the "clown arm" originally fixed on the scanner ... Carefully place the arm in the wooden box on the detector ~ ~ In the arm detection, it is expected to take 1 hour and 38 minutes ... "
The more complicated the limbs are, the longer it takes to detect them.
Uh ...
Waiting period.
Han Dong started another necessary gesture to turn the essence into a load.
Since the end of "The Clown Returning to the Soul (Table)", Han Dong's cell weight change reached the maximum limit at that time (200), and he has been collecting cell essence since then.
Including the essence extracted from the cadres of the Stuart Manor, as well as the large amount of cell essence obtained in the world of Strange Talk.
Came to the ultra clean bench.
Holding a metal-trimmed syringe, all the cell essence was injected into Han Dong's ‘main body’.
精华 Cell extracts (stem cells) taken from other life cells. After ingestion by the host cells, the cell mass grows and the load increases ... soon it reaches 300 points.
"The cell essence is completely absorbed. The current weight value of the individual is: 200 (used) / 300 (upper limit). A
Han Dong's current hope is that Imorton's arm should not exceed 100 points of weight ... other costs can be accepted.
time up.
Didi Di ... A test report is output from the side.
:. :
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