Chapter 375: Dispatch

in fact.
Abel, who was present, also had a 'relationship' to find a formal Cavaliers leader.
There is one problem, however.
They perform the mission of the School of Adventurers Guild, assigned to the trainee knights.
Leading by the Cavaliers is prohibited (similar to training).
Moreover, once the [Monster] problem is involved, most of the knights will choose to inform the knights they belong to, and they will never handle it alone.
Abe is the grandson of the head of Kaimon. There is no knight in the Knights of Beamon dare to take the risk ... In case of any shortcomings or shortcomings in Abel, they may not have enough lives to die.
Therefore, it is important that Han Dong is looking for a "trustworthy" knight.
"Master Cass ... right?"
Just as Han Dong led his two friends into the private room.
Abel, who had just participated in the special training, immediately recognized the senior who was also in the special training team ... still remembering Cass' extraordinary performance in the team.
Although talented, Cass may not be as good as this group of junior geniuses.
But Cass's strength is not weak at all.
"Abel Rain?"
Cass naturally recognized the 'shift student'.
In his impression, Abel joined the special training temporarily in a state of "tiredness ..."
At that time, it was already in the mid-term of special training, and the training intensity was comprehensively improved. There were no "novice tutorials".
However, Abel was able to immediately adapt to a variety of high-intensity special training, and persisted until the end of the special training to obtain a certificate of qualification, which is really not easy.
"I remember Senior Cass was in special training and got the" excellent "evaluation directly, right? I didn't expect you to meet Nicholas. "
"Well ... my body seems to be more suitable for life outside the city. You are doing a good job too ... if I were to insert in the middle of being tired like you, I wouldn't be able to persist.
Captain Kemon is very demanding of you.
In addition, I have known Nicholas for a long time, haha! "
Speaking of which, Cass also habitually put his arms on one of Han Dong's shoulders, and it seems that the relationship between the two is very good.
that's it.
Through Han Dong, the 'relationship center', everyone quickly became familiar.
At the same table, Mia also turned her eyes to Cass after casting a lover-like look on the Wino Cavaliers.
In her eyes, this tough and handsome little blond brother is ‘the Lord’ ... everyone else must stand aside.
As Han Dong introduced the people at the table in turn.
Abel again took out the "stone box for storing coins".
With regard to the stone box prop, Han Dong began to elaborate on the secret stone incident and the current inferences. Finally, he turned his attention to the Vino knight who had the ability to confront the alien monster.
"Sister Wino ... that's about it.
If you can deal with [Undead] in private, you should also get the reward from the Knights, which will help you to take the position of "Deputy Captain". "
"It's too dangerous ... but you can give it a try."
Not bad.
There are also highs and lows in the Knights. Wino Sileste, who was born in the royal family, has such an arrogance from her childhood ... Now she is qualified to take the position of "Deputy Captain", but she needs an opportunity.
This strange and intrusive incident, if she can cut off the grass and eradicate her roots, she can solve the strange monsters hidden in the dark by herself ... and she will be promoted to "Deputy Captain".
"However, you guys can be in danger ... you have to prove your strength like me.
As Nicholas reasoned in this incident, there may be more than one potential alien, and there may be more dangerous existence. If something goes wrong, I can't afford it. "
Han Dong suddenly came up with a good idea.
"Time is running out, Sister Wino, you are an all-around knight ... how can we prove our strength in the simplest way?"
"Arm Wrestling."
Wino's one-handed bracelet and one-handed light shield can charge at any time ... not bad in strength.
In addition, the human body will undergo qualitative changes in the true sense before and after seed breaking, and basic attributes such as strength will be greatly improved.
"Okay ... who comes first?"
Remove the armour and diffuse the gas field.
The white, slender, slightly muscular arms are placed on the table ... The holy light visible to the naked eye covers the surface of the arm, and it is ready for the "kill" trainee knight.
"Wen Li, come on."
Wen Li, who is still eating meat and feels she is not full, listens to Han Dong's call slightly slightly.
However, as Han Dong assigned Wen Li to the wrench wrist, everyone who knew it showed a smiling smile ...
Wen Li was a bit shy and came to Winnow slowly ... When her arms were outstretched, her shirtless shirt would be twice as thick as Winow.
At the same time, an aura of power spread itself.
When the palms of the two were close together, Wino had an illusion that he needed to move the mountain.
"Wait ... what is this girl for?"
Wino has noticed that things are not right, especially when he finds that Han Dong is faintly smiling and feels he is being pitted.
"Winry Austin, she is the adopted daughter of the great blacksmith, Heiderigg ..."
"Grandmaster Blacksmith !?"
Wino basically understood that Han Dong's group of friends was a group of evil spirits ... but she must not lose the wrench wrist.
Twenty minutes passed.
Inside the private room, the thick marble dining table was torn apart ... People who don't know thought what had happened here.
"Ahem ... it's not bad!
You guys can barely qualify if you can stand dead with me for so long.
I'll go to the bathroom first, and I'll meet directly downstairs later, detailed grouping and investigation on the road. "
As a result, Wino won.
In the bathroom, Wino covered her right arm, which was completely overdrawn, and even a slight sprain in her wrist ... She couldn't believe that a young knight girl could have such power.
"If I didn't secretly apply" blessings of strength "and" persistence in blessings ", I'm afraid I would lose ... This level can be achieved with pure brute force. Where did the big blacksmith find this monster apprentice?
Then ... I remember a rumor in the Knights.
About a few decades ago, a deputy head of a powerful type was executed by the parliament for being accused of 'betrayer'. No one can compare in strength ... Is there a relationship between the two? "
Wino no longer thought about it.
Quickly took some restorative potions to adjust the state, pretending to look like nothing happened and merged with the team.
Rent a medium-sized carriage and take it to [Civilian District].
Han Dong briefly explained the initial plan:
"Knowing the evil invasion, the Knights have begun their search.
I can't find this group of evils at all. I suggest that we should separate our actions in the early stage ... and go to different areas to investigate. If there is any progress, everyone exchanges information through the clockwork device.
Once you have identified the places where evil gathers, or find a way to hide them, act together. "
:. :
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