Chapter 382: Critical situation

Civilian building area surrounded by stone walls.
Han Dong had fled with the severely injured Demps on his back.
[Adelaide. Crushed Stone], who was directly exposed to the strong light, kneeled on one knee and slowly eased from the pain.
In the face area, several stones have been completely burned.
A stream of malodorous pus flowed from the gap between the eyeballs.
Many stones dropped off, revealing a face woven with shredded pork, and a little red flesh was completely burnt.
Kojima Soichiro's flashlight.
But it's not just that the bright light is shining. When it is pointed at the ordinary strange talk, in addition to evaporating the physical body, it will also the soul of the strange talk into it.
The same is true of the previous exposure, and almost took Adelaide's soul out ...
The dumpling at the mouth was so gone, and he was burned and hurt his mouth. The strange monster was naturally angry.
Adelaide vented all his anger on the civilians living in the current building.
Creeping stones are moving in each household's home, forcibly drilling into their bodies, forcibly gaining initiative.
"The next time I meet, I won't think about catching alive ... take the body directly."
【Underground Pub】
The team members have collected the cement delivery points responsible for different organizations, all gathered here.
When Han Dong returned with a heavily injured Demps.
Only Mia can be considered a medical staff in the team.
What needs to be done here is emergency treatment, so as not to make the injury worse as soon as possible ... Once the situation is stabilized, consider moving Demps to the first-aid station on the second floor of the holy city.
"What are these !?"
Opening his jacket, he saw a large number of small gravels biting Demps's inner soft armor ...
"The attributes of the monsters ..."
"Have you encountered [another monster] ?!"
"Let's talk later, look at Demps ..."
The Vino knight on the side directly aimed at the gravel area, and performed a small scale of Holy Light ... Instantly, these small stones lost their activity and fell to the ground.
Then Mia took over the treatment.
Carefully remove Demps's lined soft armor.
Exposed is a body full of wounds ... which is completely inconsistent with Demps's young and tender British brother.
Various burns, cuts and even soldering irons stamped on the flesh.
These were the permanent wound scars that Demps had previously left on the body.
After a brief examination, Mia said solemnly: "The lower ribs are completely broken, the kidneys are broken, and severe internal bleeding. But ..."
"but what?"
"It's weird. Ordinary people's words may be dying a long time ago ... but Demps' vitality shows no signs of diminishing."
Mia has started to grind the ointment.
When the highly effective healing ointment is evenly spread on the surface of Demps's body ... Weird imagination occurs.
Demps' skin has been a way of 'eating', and the ointment that has just touched the skin is instantly absorbed.
At the same time, the wounded area began to heal extremely quickly.
When Han Dong saw something, he immediately said, "Mia ... Put all the ointment on his injured part."
"it is good."
as expected.
All the ointments were 'eaten' by Demps's body in a short period of time.
Less than five minutes.
Demps reopened his eyes, and suddenly sat up ... The left hand ignited the fire element, and the right hand was condensed with the air of ice, and it seemed that he was still fighting [the alien].
"Huh? Did you escape ... I was so careless that I was attracted by the stone wall."
Demps looked completely innocent and quickly put on his coat.
Only teammates with a look of surprise remained.
"Demps, your physical body?"
"... The adaptive effect of spending three hours a day soaking in the enchanting pool, my body can automatically absorb the potion."
Demps was ordinary, and didn't care about the serious injury just now.
"Say, have you collected the 'cement delivery point'?"
The topic was immediately shifted. At the suggestion of Demps, everyone concentrated the points on a map.
Under the premise of knowing that the cement is used for 'rebuilding the wall', make a short straight line connection to the nearest points marked out.
A familiar mark was drawn on the map.
"this is!"
The figure drawn on the map almost coincides with the imprint on the surface of the coin.
"If you rebuild all the stone walls, some kind of super large-scale unknown matrix method will be activated ... the consequences are unimaginable."
"We can't handle this matter, we must report it immediately!"
When the Vino Knights learned the truth, they no longer considered their own interests. Such a large-scale conspiracy must be handled by the Knights.
There is a great risk of delaying for an extra second, and Wino will turn around and leave.
"and many more!"
As soon as Han Dong stretched out his hand, he grabbed Winnow.
"What are you doing? This matter is designed to address the basic security issues of the Holy City. Don't think about self-interest anymore, there is no time to waste." Winnor regards Han Dong's behavior as an expression of his selfish desire.
Han Dong explained patiently:
"Sister Wino.
When I took the "Secret Stone Incident", I asked Mr. Black and White ... Mr.'s attitude is that we can handle it but we need to be careful.
Mr. Black and White's Astrology ~ ~ Presumably it is also very clear what is happening in the civilian area.
You should know what I mean?
And ... I'm not stopping you from reporting, just some things haven't been explained completely. "
Wino nodded. "You said."
"One thing I can't understand.
Why didn't any knight patrol the area where [temple] I met with Demps just now? "
Wino immediately shook his head, "Impossible! The secret stone incident was officially notified to the Knights. If you can kill the invading aliens, you can get a lot of rewards, and you can also raise your reputation.
Knights who have not been assigned a job recently should bring their attendants to the civilian area for inspections ... There should be no 'missing' situation. "
"When we encounter a monster, the opponent activates the enchantment.
Can the official knight not be aware of the "enchantment" that covers at least thousands of square meters? Moreover, we spent at least five minutes inside the enchantment, and caused a lot of movement during the battle.
Then I pulled out smoothly and ran across Demps three streets without seeing a knight patrolling nearby. "
Wino was shocked. "You want to say ... someone in the holy city is moving all this?"
"I am afraid that this 'adult' who can control the patrol of the Knights is also the inner ghost who led the alien to secretly invade from the abandoned sewer ... Who is it?
Or Mr. Black and White already knows who it is, but the status and identity of the other party must have reasonable and strong evidence to shake it. "
"So ... I suggest letting Abel report directly to Captain Kemon.
This can avoid problems in the middle. "
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