Chapter 385: Crusade

The characteristics of this kind of stone monster are obvious.
Has excellent physical defense and strong power ... If confronted, it will inevitably suffer.
During group battles.
boom! A shock visible to the naked eye swayed.
Crushed stones fly around.
The red-haired Wen Li held the blacksmith's hammer in her hand ... only one hammer actually smashed a gargoyle full of defense under a "completely petrified state".
"This girl ..."
Everyone can clearly feel the shock wave transmitted from the impact point.
Wino Knight showed a rather surprised look ... she had never heard of such terrifying sheer power.
Mia, who is also a sister, also performed extraordinary.
The characteristics of the monster sword can make it ignore certain armor and cause equal damage to any form of life.
Coupled with the knife skills that have been cultivated for half a year, Mia has a feeling of cutting vegetables when dealing with various stone monsters.
Others' performance was equally good.
If you look closely, you will find that when Han Dong, Demps and Cass deal with these monsters, they all deliberately "keep their hands" ... deliberately retain their strength to deal with the hidden monsters.
"Haven't you found it yet?" The Knights of Winow urged.
Han Dong clung to a nearby petrified man with his palm, and the target turned into a pile of yellow sand at a speed visible to the naked eye.
"The nature of this stone monster is very special, and it can prevent all kinds of stones from emitting a polluting atmosphere ... without him, it is difficult for me to capture the body of the monster."
"I had to kill all these little things, and then I slowly searched."
Wino leaped up and squeezed his left hand light shield into a ball of gloves.
He slammed the stone giant's face with a punch and blasted it more than ten meters away. When the stone giant's body fell down, it also flattened two civilians who had been deeply petrified.
Do not give the stone giant a chance to stand up again.
Wino Knight read a type of God's Bible in his mouth, and threw it directly when the right bracelet radiated light.
The chains that flew in the air turned into a large sacred hammer.
A strong light burst from the bombardment site, and a large number of broken stones scattered around.
The Stone Giant was forcibly killed by the Knights of Wino.
Right-handed trick.
The grate that fell in the large pit immediately sensed with the owner and quickly flew back to the hands of the Knight of Winow.
I have to say, this trick is very handsome ... let her knight in this group of genius trainee knights, restore some face.
With the start of the chain, many more civilians came under control.
"Huh? These little messes really don't know what to do ..."
Just when the Vino Knights was about to use a relatively low-cost ordinary sweep attack, and settled the civilians around them all at once.
Han Dong's eyes widened and he suddenly shouted:
"Sister Winow! There is something wrong with a civilian ..."
Winnow, who has worked with Han Dong many times, immediately listened to this sentence.
Decisively apply the highest level of guardian blessing to himself, while holding the Light Shield in front of him, and use shield shocks to deal with this group of civilians.
A civilian wrapped in a hood blocked the light shield from the front with one hand.
Suppress the Vino Knights on the strength level.
"It's annoying 'eyes' ..." There was a sound of 'hate' coming down the hood.
Immediately, a punch hit the surface of the Light Shield.
Close inspection will reveal that this boxing is actually the overlapping bombardment of more than ten stone boxing.
The Shield of Light was forcibly smashed into small light spots and collected into the Light's Hallows on Wino's wrist.
The blood in the body was tumbling, and the wrist was painful.
The whole person was blasted out ... but just before landing, Winnow immediately adjusted his center of gravity and stepped on the ground steadily.
"This power is stronger than the several [characters] I have encountered outside the city, and the stone body is destined to have a stronger defense ... It is really troublesome.
Fight for the delay to come to the knight reinforcements, otherwise it is difficult for me and this group of trainee knights to penetrate the shell of this strange monster. "
Wino was well aware of her personality bias.
Although the all-around knight is not weak in attack, it is not outstanding ... In the face of this extraordinary stone alien, it is difficult to cause deep damage.
at this time.
A crow flew into the market area and stayed in the stone wall area.
At others it was just a simple crow cry.
But Han Dong confirmed that he understood the meaning conveyed by Mr. Black and White:
"In spite of your ability, I will completely isolate the market, and no one will know what happened inside this time ... This time the investigation was very fast and well done! It was a pity that it did not lead to the guy hiding behind it.
Come back to see me when this is done.
You and Demps Martin of the library must be caught by the guys behind the incident. "
"it is good!"
With Mr. Black and White's guarantee, Han Dong doesn't have to worry about anything.
"Crow up ... Are you ready? The exercises in the past six months, it's time to make a difference."
"Take ... Take someone, don't be too stubborn.
The main offense was entrusted to the elder Knight. Let's sneak up on it secretly. This is equivalent to the existence of an elder.
If we don't pay attention, we might be shot dead. "
"You're a double-headed crow, what are you doing?"
"Not counseling, I just worry about the safety of the adult ... I don't care if I die (tremor)."
When Han Dong talked with Dazawa, he also gave Demps a look, suggesting that his ability could be fully exerted, and everything was handled by Mr. Black and White.
"Mia, Wenli ... There are few small things left around, I leave it to you to deal with it! The aliens let us deal with it."
"it is good!"
Mia opened the spider field all the way through as many enemies as possible by spinning.
Wen Li used a new trick, hitting the ground with a hammer can change the terrain.
The two sisters cooperate to block the mobs ~ ~ Demps, your attack should be able to touch the inner origin of this strange monster ... let us first attract attention, you find the opportunity Shoot secretly.
I will try to make the best out of you. "
Demps gently pushed the monolithic bronze mirror, temporarily out of everyone's field of vision.
The other end.
The strong flame of the Holy Flame erupted from the Knights of Winow and the outbreak of a confrontation between the demons.
Cass, who is wearing a state of armor, is at its peak.
Under the blessings of various blessings, Cass showed no weakness in combat effectiveness, and assisted the Vino Knights from the side to pose an undeniable threat to Adelaide.
However, Adelaide also revealed a real terrifying ontology.
Take off the robe.
Exposing the "stone surface" made up of thousands of careful stone eyes, by looking at one another, it can cause great mental stress to the viewer and exert strong visual pollution.
At the same time, a "body of stone" that has undergone sublimation and transformation is revealed.
The body, smooth and overflowing with dark light marks, gives an indestructible feeling. The cursed scriptures engraved on the surface can also prevent most spell damage.
The Holy Flame Falcon can only leave slight burn marks on the surface of its body.
If the body cannot be broken, the battle can only be consumed without meaning ...
at this time.
Ga! !!
The crow roar rang through the current area.
A thick, gloomy pollution came from the air.
Bone wings fanned.
Each of the left and right shoulders has a living crow's head and shoulders, and a dark black cloak flutters behind him ... The black crow's eyes stare down.
There was even a moment when Adelaide thought it was ‘reinforcement’.
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