Chapter 391: Black sand

Miz crow rubbed two black and thin hands. "Master ... the black magic that I am good at does not belong to the crow, and it has something to do with my own specificity.
Compared with other advanced spells, it is much more difficult to learn.
Adults, you do n’t have much time out of town this time. Are you sure you want to learn? "
"So, you want to show me."
Han Dongli immediately asked Dr. Swell to send a live ghoul to see how it works.
"My lord is optimistic ..."
The Miz raven stretched out a black arm.
I saw a blood vessel under the skin suddenly emerge, as if converging towards the palm end.
A black beak appeared on the palm of the Mizzie.
The fully opened black beak is packed with peristaltic tentacle-shaped blood vessels.
Aiming at a live ghoul five meters away.
The blood vessels in the beak of the mouth were immediately neatly arranged in a circle, and a suction vortex was created between the blood vessels.
The next scene surprised Han Dong with his eyes wide open.
Ghoul has no resistance at all.
A trace of red life essence was forcibly extracted from the ghoul's cortex.
After a short period of painful struggle, the sturdy ghoul turned into a dry corpse.
"If our last Secret Stone incident, we encountered a [character] like Mizaw ... I am afraid there will be casualties, or even total destruction.
Sure enough, there are highs and lows between strangers,
Adelaide. Crushed stone should be a stranger who has not advanced for a long time ... The Miz crow should be regarded as the elder of the older generation in the Raven tribe. "
"Sir, what do you think?" Miz crow asked.
"That's right! Can you use the essence of life you've taken directly for your own supplies?"
Miz crow nodded: "Yes, but there are also significant limitations. I will tell the adults about the specific situation later ... This trick seems to be very strong, and there are actually many places to pay attention to."
"What about" life diversion "? I'm also interested in this spell that transforms 'life' and 'energy' ... after all, sometimes there are situations where energy is not enough. "
"Let me show it, lord, please use the magic eye on your forehead to observe the transformation process in my body ... The whole process will be completed within one second, be sure to see it clearly."
Miz crow removed all of the feather's defensive enchantment, so that Han Dong could thoroughly observe the situation inside it.
The energy storage core of the Mizra is similar to that of humans. It is located in the brain, but is stored in three crow heads.
"Life split"
All internal organs have a nerve-like silk thread on the surface to connect with the three brains.
Instantly done.
The vitality of the Mizaw is significantly reduced, and the energy consumed by life just now is completely filled.
It's fast and convenient, and it can restore energy instantly.
"The essence of all organs will be taken away."
"The use of" life diversion "also requires consideration of one's own state. However, your strategy and planning skills should be fine as adults.
Are you sure you want to learn? If needed, let's get to the topic right away ... otherwise I worry that time will not be enough. "
"OK! Let's get started."
"Master, please follow me to the graveyard ... the practice will consume a lot of corpses, and please ask the doctor to prepare at least 200 ghouls for you to practice."
"I also ask the adults to be psychologically prepared, because your physique is different from mine.
Learning this kind of magic is not just a matter of hard work ... When necessary, I will ‘open skin draw lines’ for adults. "
"it is good!"
For ten days, Han Dong basically stayed in the cemetery and never came out.
Sleep time doesn't even add up to more than 30 hours.
The so-called interest is what it means. Han Dong is very fascinated by this new and powerful thing ... After ten days of training, Han Dong can finally achieve the most basic "life draw".
Can draw less than their own life when the space is not more than one meter.
The closer the distance, the better.
But ... Han Dong's ultimate goal of going out of town has also been achieved.
The idea of ​​fusing two different systems of black magic was realized for the first time ... and the effect was extraordinary.
Even the elder Mizaw looked incredible.
A ghoul was bound in front of him.
When Han Dong stretched out his left hand, he did not grow a beak and an inexplicable tentacle from the palm like the elder crow.
Hum ~~
In the air about an inch away from the palm of the hand, a circle of black text originated from ancient Egypt means that the [entrance] that life draws is completed.
With the rotation of the text, a large number of small black arms (such as the arms of 3 to 5 years old children) were created out of thin air. These arms drilled into the body of the ghoul to quickly `` grab '' its essence.
Its speed is faster than the "Life Drain" performed by Elder Raven.
In addition, the individual who was "drawn by life" by Han Dong will be directly turned into a pool of black gravel, and there is no possibility of being "recycled".
"It is incredible that the fusion of Huangsha and Crow magic has such an effect ... it is indeed the messenger of the yellow robe, and your future is infinite."
"It's strong ... but energy consumption is also very good."
Han Dong felt dizzy. He felt that his body was full of energy and his brain was completely hollowed out.
"If the adult can successfully break the seed, all the spells you are proficient with will be qualitatively changed and can be used for a long time ... The same-level knights in the holy city can never be the opponent of the adult." The more you licked it.
Han Dong's vision has never been placed in the same rank knight.
A pair of carefully thinking, squatting in front of the corpse of the black sand deserted, holding up a pile of black sand.
"Let ’s talk about it after breaking the seed ... Speaking of the fusion of the two spell systems, should it belong to a completely new type? It might as well be called [Black Sand]. Such a system feels that it will have great future development."
"Well, it's unique."
"Elder Mitz, you have worked hard this time."
"It's my pleasure! My adult's carriage is ready outside the door ~ ~ Well."
Han Dong, who was completely relaxed because of the work done, was too tired to stand and fell asleep.
Elder Raven did not have any disagreement and immediately sent the adult to the carriage.
Mr. Black and White ’s exclusive car was spiritual. Even if Han Dong was asleep, he knew his route back to the city ... and he received another tired young man by the cliff.
Carry the two back to the city together.
When the carriage entered the city.
Mr. Black and White also appeared in the carriage, staring at the two juniors who were asleep, with a smile of relief.
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