Chapter 415: accident

Han Dong calmly analyzed, "Perhaps, we can get rid of such a" loop "by letting the at the intersection ..."
"What if that man is a monster we can't fight against? Let him get in the car, and all of us may die ... or end even worse.
I want to get off ... I don't want to continue.
At least, you can live a few more days in the supermarket and choose your own way of death. "
The protagonist David also wants to try to retain this person. After all, in his opinion, one more person is one more fighting force ...
at this time.
Sitting in the last row, Han Dong leaned his legs and hit the metal handrail with a fire axe in his hand, posing a foul face.
"Mom mess with Fack, hurry up for me! Without any awareness, what else do you follow the car?
In addition, if you still have a fear of death, I encourage you to get out of the car.
If anyone else will say something that is afraid of death and unwilling to go on ... I will cut you directly with an axe! "
Han Dong's yelling and scolding matched with the fierce look, forced the somewhat hesitant guy out of the car.
Matching people is one aspect.
If such a timid person stays in the car, the follow-up will inevitably affect the overall action, letting him go in advance is conducive to team action.
"Mr. Nicholas, this ..." David was a little embarrassed.
"Why, believe it or not, you cut it? We chose [Explore the Mist], and we made our own plans for death. Since we are afraid of death, we will hurry down."
Driver Daniel also spoke at this time: "Mr. Nicholas is right. Since he got on this car, he must be prepared for death ... Although it is safe in the supermarket, he will eventually face death.
We choose to explore the fog, in exchange for greater risk in exchange for that weak but possibly hopeful fire. "
Because of Han Dong's abuse.
The townspeople who were in panic due to the weird cycle have become extremely firm ... continue to drive towards the outside of the town.
The situation remains the same.
The mysterious man with his body wrapped in a black robe still beckoned slowly by the road.
"Get ready to stop and let him come up ... everyone is ready! Once a dangerous situation beyond our control occurs, everyone will break the window and jump out of the car."
"it is good!"
Everyone squeezed the weapon in their hands, treating the mysterious man trying to hitchhike as a humanoid monster even more terrifying than the octopus soldier.
The car stopped and a pistol was pointed at the door.
The mysterious man in black robe standing on the roadside stopped beckoning, but did not mean to get in the car immediately
At this moment, Han Dong's waist had a bad reaction.
"At this time!"
While the entire car's attention fell on the mysterious man, Han Dong quickly pulled a card out of the bag.
Six full marks of the head of the octopus appear on the surface of the bad sign ... the bad sign of the highest difficulty!
This made Han Dong stunned, and his back was immediately wet with cold sweat.
Such bad news is enough to make the entire town's townspeople disappear instantly, and Han Dong himself will be in danger.
The metal dice is pinched in Han Dong's hands, and the one-minute time limit cannot be considered too much.
Throw the dice gently on the smooth wooden chair of the school bus ... [6].
"Huh !?" Han Dong was a little surprised, but at a critical moment, his character broke out.
"Values ​​are equal, this bad sign is invalidated ..." Desperate moment "extraction probability + 60%"
At the same time, the mysterious man in a black robe stepped onto the car.
Due to nervousness and doubt, a person holding a firearm even wanted to shoot directly and judge the danger through a bullet.
However, Han Dong arrived in time to stop the person's behavior.
"Everyone put down their guns! Not the enemy."
Because Han Dong said so, the protagonist David dropped his gun as soon as possible.
Seeing this from David, the emotions of other townspeople gradually stabilized, but he remained alert to the mysterious man.
The mysterious person who had just stepped on the school bus raised his hood directly.
A delicate and beautiful face is exposed, corresponding to a female college student who has just turned twenty years old ... no flaws can be found on the smooth and tender skin.
The hair was actually a natural aqua blue and slightly moist.
The black light emitted from the pupils of the eyes was also suppressed, revealing a pair of large eyes like black pearls.
Such a beautiful woman makes some townspeople completely dumbfounded.
However, one thing is certain.
This group of townspeople have never seen such a beautiful girl in the town ... indicating that she is never a local.
The mysterious woman who got on the car stared at her eyes and only stared at Han Dong. After all, it was Han Dong who asked everyone to disarm.
Barefoot without shoes.
Every step leaves a wet footprint ...
Going to the last row of the school bus alone, sitting by the window ... that is, Han Dong's position.
Sea blue and moist hair,
Wet feet,
And bursts of smell similar to seafood,
All kinds of information are explaining to everyone that this woman is most likely related to the mist monster.
"Mr. Nicholas, what do you think ..."
"Continue driving and see if you can get out of the fog ... I'll talk to this woman alone. No one is allowed to make threatening actions ~ ~ Understand?"
"it is good!"
The school bus continued on.
When this time out of the city, the body was no longer wrapped in dense fog, the cycle was broken and it drove smoothly out of the town.
It also means that [Circulation] is related to this mysterious woman.
While a car towner was excited when he drove out of the town, he became more vigilant. He would tilt his head and glance at the immortal 'monster'.
Han Dong intentionally separated a seat from the mysterious woman.
Examining this woman who came to land from the deep sea, remembering the bad sign draw ...
I thought to myself: "If the values ​​are not equal, the bad sign must correspond to the rather scary side of the woman.
It may be that the deep-sea terror that cannot be confronted completely enslaves the people on the car instantly, or it may directly drag the entire school bus directly into the deep sea.
But ... it happened that due to luck, the bad sign did not take effect.
[Bad omen] Affects [reality], so that the woman ’s ‘hostility’ is completely wiped out.
Is it possible to make this woman an ally? A
Under the observation of Little Devil's Eye, this woman has octopus structures such as "ink sac" and "convergent tentacles".
In addition, there are some organs and tissues that Han Dong has never seen and parts that cannot be completely seen.
After basic observation, Han Dong tried to open the topic:
"Have we met before?"
The so-called seen here naturally refers to the parking lot behind the supermarket.
Who knows.
The octopus mother suddenly turned her head.
He did not answer Han Dong's question, nor did he have any extra actions.
Suddenly ‘strike’ from the front.
Drop two wet, smooth lips on Han Dong's mouth.
The whole car was dumb for a while.
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