Chapter 418: Moment of despair

Nicole's "value" has been verified in advance.
Being able to instantly kill a monster that Han Dong has never seen before is enough to prove everything.
Nicole's true strength may be even more horrible. Increasing the intimacy between the two as much as possible will definitely help greatly in this fog event.
Han Dong is also ready to fully take over the hidden incident.
At that time, the plot will also be promoted quickly. It is also a good thing to end this extremely risky fate event in advance.
Han Dong is also a little 'interested' in this Miss Nicole.
Of course, it is not the interest on the level of men and women, but on Nicole's own setting and existence ... Maybe she can continue to use her in the future.
Wow, wow ~
The clear mountain spring Koike I saw in a movie is hidden in the mountains.
This kind of water can not only directly drink, but also provide rich minerals, of course ... bathing is also a good choice.
The moment I saw Shanquan.
Nicole smiled, and immediately took off her black robe and jumped into it.
When contacted with such clear mountain spring water, some special tissues that Nicole converged in the body manifested itself.
Some pink octopus tentacles overflowed from the skin ... During the cleaning, a small amount of sand and dust contaminated on the land will fall off from the suction cups,
The colorful shellfish life also
out of the body, blocking some parts,
A pair of fleshy little wings also grew from the back,
‘Wing’ is a feature that Han Dong has already seen in the parking lot.
However, a pair of giant wings grew at that time, and quickly carried Nicole out of the parking area.
With the contact of Nicole's long blue hair and the mountain spring, the transparent spring water is faintly stained with light blue ... A weak energy is contained in the mountain spring, allowing Nicole to spread to any area where the spring is located.
Because of the humanoid body and the beauty of the heavenly fairy, these two points remain unchanged.
Even if we have some strange marine life characteristics.
But the overall look does not exceed the human aesthetic category ... Of course, most people don't think about it, a pink tentacle that looks cute can instantly dry the human body.
Ignore indecent assault.
Han Dong sat quietly waiting on the stone on the side of Shanquan, thinking about how the real ending should be reached.
Just then, the [Oxhao cloth bag] on the waist suddenly shook.
"Hmm ... is this the right time? Yeah, Miss Nicole is here, and she's a super powerful helper.
However, this time the card has a 60% probability of triggering the "Desperate Moment".
In addition, we are in a completely unknown mountain area.
Because the church on the top of the mountain has called a ritual to cover the current area with the mist, the danger inside this mountain is higher than that of the town ... Take it seriously. "
Han Dong has made preparations to use a little bad sign.
Reach for a card.
A deep red card different from the one used to be drawn by Han Dong.
Rather than a card, it's more like a crusty crust.
"A moment of despair. Coming! Forcibly draw two [bad sign] cards and trigger at the same time without dice judgment ... please complete the draw within 30s. A
"Miss Nicole, please hurry ashore ... we may be in trouble."
After Han Dong shouted a word, he immediately draw a card.
The first card is printed with the ‘two-way’ spinning ghost mark.
The second card was marked with the four-round worm mark.
"The bad sign cards drawn in the small town supermarket before are all marked with" octopus heads ... "When leaving the town, the bad sign cards drawn have other attributes? "
[Bad Sign-Wanderer]
Source: Residents living on the edge of the town or in the surrounding countryside or countryside when the fog first fell.
Knowing that the army was stationed on the top of the mountain, trying to run up the mountain for assistance, he was lost in the forest due to various conditions during the climbing.
Until now, they seem to be wandering, they seem to be looking for directions to leave, and they are looking for the dead.
Features: Massive, loitering realm.
Requirement: Get out of range of wanderers (The current area has changed, you need to find the 'exit' to leave.)
[Bad Sign-General]
Fear: ★★★★
Source: Located in the Lokradi Mountains outside the town of Rhine, there are many cave structures.
The coming of the mist caused a large number of wildlife living in the mountains and hiding in the cave due to fear, and eventually all died inside.
Tens of thousands of corpses attracted a worm body.
Now, the entire cave in the mountain has become a 'substantial' habitat.
Features: huge, super fast regeneration, crazy.
Requirement: Soothe the irritated general or kill it completely.
"Two different types of ominous effects work together to produce additional effects ... Currently, Nicole and I are completely trapped here due to the 'wanderer factor', and we need to face two threats at the same time.
The so-called [exit] should be difficult to find in the case of distraction.
In other words, the bad news must be dealt with positively. There is no option of 'escape'. "
In an instant.
Han Dong's vision has captured many "wanderers" who slowly walked out, crawled out, and floated out of the forest.
Because they have been trapped in the mountains and forests for a long time, they have no confidence in their eyes and are afraid to see horrible monsters ~ ~, so they take their eyes off.
Under the influence of the mountains and the mist, a hollow plant body is filled with empty eye sockets.
Sighting with such plant eye sockets can cause a strong sense of discomfort.
Like the information given by the Bad Omen card, there are many such rogues, and the end of the mist that the little magic eye can see is still wandering out.
Some fat individuals appear to have the ability to explode.
But what Han Dong cares about the most is the "worm body" entangled in the mountains.
at this time.
A cold and creamy tentacle suddenly wrapped around Han Dong's waist.
Drag Han Dong directly to the bottom of the pond.
Han Dongzhi did not break free because Nicole dragged him.
The center of the pond is more than five meters deep, enough for two people to hide at the bottom ...
Because of the octopus tentacles pulling, Han Dong and Nicole almost stick together ... This kind of contact only depends on some shells to block it.
A unique channel structure allows Nicole to speak in the water.
"Let's get rid of the" big body "first ... even if the general ritual portal is open, this kind of" big body "that doesn't like activities is too large to be summoned.
"General" belongs to the direct descendants, mixed with a little blood of "God God".
We can be dangerous if we don't deal with it directly. "
"Okay (Grumbling)!" Han Dong could not speak underwater, but could only spit out two bubbles and nodded in response.
For a while, the pink tentacles growing on Nicole suddenly hardened.
Similar to the effect of a ground-boring machine, a channel is drilled directly into the bottom of the pond to the interior of the mountain.
The effect of such a pile driver is not very comfortable for Han Dong ...
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