Chapter 423: Mutation

Near the top of the mountain, the protagonist David said with a little worry:
"Mr. Nicholas, it appears that a foreign army is stationed at the top of the mountain.
If they were alive, maybe they would allow military helicopters to take us directly out of the fog. "
"There is almost no possibility ... the reason is simple. If the army stationed on the top of the mountain is still alive, it should come to the town to search and rescue.
And 'search and rescue' has been done once, that is, the last "octopus soldier" incident.
The reason I let everyone go down the mountain road is simply to cross the mountain and move inland ... just right, if the army stationed here still has weapons and equipment left, we can be fully armed and have the basics to fight monsters ability.
If you encounter "octopus soldiers" again on the way, everyone will try to kill them and military equipment. "
Han Dong's explanation could not find any problems.
Moreover, the equipment left by the army must be hundreds of times better than the four small pistols now held by the townspeople.
If the arsenal can be looted, and the entire vehicle will be armed, the vehicle owner will have a hole card against the monster.
There are about 300 meters left from the summit area. .
Suddenly, the school bus stopped.
Just because a soldier in camouflage reached out to stop the school bus.
"Mr. Soldier, we are residents of the town of Rhein, and we hope the military can provide us with shelter ..." The old driver Daniel tried to have a friendly conversation with the soldiers outside the window.
"Let me get in the car for a basic check. No problem. I will lead you up the mountain."
"it is good!"
Daniel immediately opened the door and let the soldiers get in.
However, the soldier wearing a breathing mask just stepped onto the school bus.
A homemade steel arrow penetrates the soldier's wrist precisely, disengaging his hands from the gun.
Let no soldiers react.
The protagonist David lifted his axe, which he had already clenched, and slashed his head with a cross ...
Han Dong watched the scene silently and muttered softly:
"Sure enough, these townspeople were strengthened as the overall difficulty increased.
All kinds of combat skills have been comprehensively improved, and they can beheaded directly with one axe, which is already the level of the executioner ... But it is not enough to deal with real monsters. "
The soldier who had his head dropped did not fall down.
Quack quack ...
A tentacle with a spherical tip quickly grew between the neck wounds, similar to the 'antenna' structure, and was intended to spread the emergency situation here.
crucial moment.
Han Dong stepped forward and suddenly inserted the prepared gasoline bottle into his neck!
The tentacles that grow out are forced into the body, and the gasoline is ignited at the same time ...
At the same time, the burning octopus soldier kicked off the school bus.
If it had been done before, it would be completely done. The flame would burn out the soldiers ... but now the difficulty has increased. The soldiers have not died under the cover of the flame, and aim at Han Dong with the automatic rifle in his hand.
Suddenly ... oh!
A pink tentacle struck from the back of the school bus, instantly entangling the soldier's body, squeezing it alive by squeezing the tentacles.
Immediately, the pink tentacles were retracted to Nicole in the back seat.
"Thank you."
In fact, even if Nicole didn't take a shot.
The Dazor has long been circling around the soldier, and can penetrate its core with a sharp beak at any time.
"Beheading and burning are not dead ... How can we fight !?"
For a while, the townspeople's determination was shaken.
at this time.
Han Dong put out the flames, took off the unburned body armor and some equipment, and handed a brand new automatic rifle to the protagonist David.
"By killing a alien, one of us will be fully armed.
In subsequent battles, you can only shoot at a long range to contain these alien soldiers.
Nicole and I will deal with the parasite soldiers up close.
If we flee now, we will not have any equipment to fight the monsters in the mist, and we will surely die if we encounter danger. "
With a well-equipped David, his confidence also increased, which immediately echoed Han Dong.
"Yes! Maybe in the armory, we can still get grenades, bazookas or some high-tech equipment ... if we can be armed, we will be more likely to escape the mist."
Seeing this, Han Dong smiled secretly and returned to his seat to sit with Nicole.
The school bus stopped in the woods by the road when it was 200 meters from the top of the mountain.
The remaining distance was changed to walking to improve concealment.
"Is this ... barracks?"
When approaching the top of the mountain, a dark black steel wall blocked the front, and the overall height reached 20 meters.
It is completely different from the barracks in the impression, more like some special armed organization.
"Everyone adds a little water and energy, and we may need to stay inside for a while."
Han Dong handed the two buckets of mountain spring water and the high-energy food prepared in the supermarket to the townspeople.
Nicole stared at two buckets of water, faintly seeing that some of the mountain spring water had been filled with some strange substance ...
Of course, all this was done by Han Dong in secret, and Nicole just watched silently instead of talking.
Goo Goo Goo Goo
Everyone relieved their internal stress by drinking water, and did not suspect that there was any problem with the mountain spring water ~ ~ Nicole, let's go ... "
While everyone was replenishing energy and drinking water, Han Dong led Nicole and slipped back into the woods ... keeping a distance of more than 100 meters from the townspeople.
After a while.
The townspeople who were eating were captured by surveillance probes set up in high black walls.
More than thirty heavily armed soldiers appeared at the top of the high wall.
"What ... what happened !?"
For a while, the townspeople were in a mess and had no idea how to respond.
But there was no time for them to deal with it.
The moment the soldiers appeared, the bullets had been fired!
Thirty automatic rifles fired at the same time, and the townspeople standing in the open area were basically a living target.
The bullet passed through everyone's deadly part, and the trees and trees were completely red.
One hundred meters away, Han Dong, who was hiding in the woods, watched all this silently, and even showed a satisfied smile ... because he didn't receive any system prompts about the death of important people.
About three minutes passed.
The bullets that were shot into the townspeople were squeezed out of the wound by the proliferation of tissues.
The inhabitants of the towns began to show various uncertain changes.
Giant sarcoma,
Eye tissue,
Claw or spike structure,
All of them were madly induced by the G virus ... The mountain spring water that Han Dong and Nicole had called back had already been injected with the G virus stock solution.
Among them, the protagonist David's mutation is still in the ‘controllable range’ and continues to be the leader of the townspeople… The protagonist ’s halo plays a powerful role.
Next is the head-on collision between Resident Evil and The Mist.
[Second Stage-Mission] Operation started.
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