Chapter 442: material

"Welcome to the Angel!"
The Raven-Man Elder Mitzrow, who awarded Han Dong with high-end crow magic, came to meet in person.
"Life Drain" and "Life Diversion"
It is Han Dong's current hidden means.
The reason why it was not used in the "Mist" movie was because Han Dong realized in advance that the incident itself was not real and that all kinds of magical abilities were suppressed.
Using advanced magic will consume a lot of energy, and the effect is not very good.
The true black magic of the black sand system is a big killer of Han Dong.
When Elder Mizrow looked at the other two visitors on the bus, his eyes changed slightly.
The elder's knowledge is still very broad, and at a glance, it can be recognized that Nicole belongs to the dependents.
As for Mr. Black and White, Miz Crow has also seen it.
This crow-like human being exudes extremely powerful power, and can even destroy their crow-man tribe.
"Well! This time the teacher came with me ... Also, this is my servant, Nicole."
Mizaw could feel a little old king's breath from Nicole, and heard the new servants recruited by the messenger, and quickly congratulated.
With a look of respect, Miz Crow said respectfully: "The temporary residence of Mr. Black and White has been arranged! Does this deep-sea family member also need to arrange a place to live? Or will you sleep with you?
Nicole quickly waved his hand: "No! I just came to this world, it is better to stay with the emissary, there are many things to ask him."
"Okay ... come with me."
About half an hour passed.
Inside the Presbyterian Chamber of the old castle.
Han Dong asked Dazor to take Nicole to visit Stuart Manor.
I brought the elders together and held an important meeting, mainly to discuss two things.
Mr. Black and White, as a special conference guest, sat beside Han Dong.
The first item of the conference was [Searching for Other Monsters], which is to find Han Dong's breaking seeds.
Still searching.
Han Dong proposed that the scope of subsequent searches be extended beyond [Gain Forest], and that the search time limit be limited to one year.
The strange monster information found during the period, including its base size and its own capabilities, need to be recorded and organized in the form of a file, which is convenient for Han Dong to conduct efficient screening after one year.
If you find a suitable target in advance, you can also report directly to Handong.
Han Dong gave a 'incentive measure' at the meeting.
Any crow person who obtains the adapted stranger information will get a special right in the manor.
At the same time, Han Dong will also give a piece of equipment unique to human destiny.
Moving on to the second item of the meeting is also Han Dong's main purpose of leaving the city this time.
"Elders, I have been thinking about making a special weapon suitable for myself ... At present I have collected two extremely precious materials.
These two materials correspond to the "outer body" and "core", respectively.
I finally needed a piece of "inner body" of the same quality for the forging job. "
Han Dong took out two pieces of fate of epic quality and passed them to each elder in turn, and Mr. Black and White also looked at it once.
The "core" material corresponds to the loot in "Strange Talk".
"Source of the Lighthouse (lamp)" (For details, please refer to Chapter 358-Library)
As for the "outer body" material, Han Dong has consumed all the accumulated points so far, and he has redeemed it from the "Dyson Ball" ... It is also the material selected by Han Dong according to the prototype of his ideal weapon.
A dark tree branch exuding purple enchantment.
The branches are about two arms thick, twisted and gloomy.
The surface of the branches appeared to be too humid, with white mushrooms like ghosts.
"Ghost Face Demon Wood"
Quality: Epic
Category: Dark Materials
①. Regeneration-The curse demon wood as a plant body has strong regenerative ability.
②. Toughness-The bark with a growth history of 700 years, its bark has extraordinary toughness.
③. Ghost face-You can activate the internal ghost face enchantment by holding the demon wood to block various magic attacks. Ghost faces can also be spread by striking the enemy.
When using a "rod" to make melee weapons (axes, guns, and sticks): Provide high stability of the weapon (bark and bacterial structure, not easy to release when holding), give a moderate increase in dark attributes, and give "ghost face "ability.
When using a "rod" to make a staff: provide higher stability of the weapon (bark and bacterial structure, not easy to release when holding), give a higher black magic increase, provide a unique magic shield (ghost face enchantment) .
When made into armor: Provides higher dark stats and resistance to black magic.
During each attack, there is a certain probability to activate the ghost facet to reduce various types of damage. (You can increase the activation probability of the ghost enchantment by absorbing black magic, witchcraft, and dark attribute elements)
"Wow! Energy spar, and such dark primitive trees ..."
Many elder elders showed greed while passing on the material.
One of the materials alone is enough to forge excellent equipment and greatly enhance the individual's ability.
But this is the messenger's thing, and they are naturally afraid of hair.
"It's a good thing." Even Mr. Black and White gave a high evaluation of these two materials.
"What kind of weapon does the Lord intend to build?"
"A kind of magic weapon that can meet various needs ... Yaomu as the rod body and the lamp tube as the energy core ~ ​​ ~ At present, there is still a" inner body "material for releasing and regulating energy.
I don't know if elders have the right materials to provide, I'm willing to exchange them for an equivalent. "
"We have been living in the Gain Forest for nearly a hundred years, and naturally we have also collected some things. Later I will make a detailed list and send it to the adult room.
If the adult can't find the right material, we will continue to consider other special props. "
at this time.
As a special guest, Mr. Black and White suddenly made a speech. It seems that he came to the manor with Han Dong this time just to make a 'best' proposal at this moment.
"The oldest elder in your tribe should be in a very bad shape? You can't even do the most basic 'mobile', right?"
With that said, the sitting crow's face became unsightly.
Indeed, as Mr. Black and White said, the elder with the highest generation is basically in a state of living crow.
Even the tribe moved to the Stuart Manor, and the elder remained in the original tribe ... just because even a small migration would cause him to die.
"It would be better to continue his life in another way ..."
The elder with whom Han Dong had the deepest relationship in the parliament, Miz Crow immediately raised his hand:
"I agree! There is no possibility of elder elder recovery. Instead of letting him wait for death ... let him be the" assistant "of the emissary and let his spirit and will continue."
For a moment, the entire staff was lost in thought.
Just then, a white feather elder put forward a more reliable opinion.
"I think it's necessary to ask the elder personally about this ... after all, he hasn't seen the emissary. After all, if the elder wants to do so, then do it."
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