Chapter 451: Enter the quarantine area

"Princela Knight, is this red plague related to life outside the city, or to curse? If it was just a simple plague ... the Plague Knights should be able to solve it easily?"
After seeing Han Dong finish reading in three minutes, he asked the question of the point directly, which shocked Priscilla Knight.
After breaking through the kelp hair covering his eyes with his fingers, the knight patiently answered questions.
"Yes, the plague is related to life outside the city.
At the same time, it is also a blood curse that we have never been in contact with. You need to wear "goggles" and special protective clothing during the mission.
Hurry to the next supply station to get free holy water, anti-plague medicine and protective clothing, and you are ready to go. "
Han Dongsan quickly received various props from the supply station, and a temporary protective simple outer cover made by Han Dong, which was far less than Han Dong's "Bone Bones".
But in order to be less conspicuous, Han Dong still chose to wear a coat similar to a 'radiation suit'.
"Sister Mia Xue ... is a plague outside the city! Do you think it will be a plague brought by the old king who appeared a year ago?"
Flora in the squadron was slightly nervous when dealing with this unknown and dangerous event.
after all.
The severity and related description of the incident is much higher than the reward task that Flora usually contacts.
肯定 "It's definitely related! Once you get it, you will definitely die ..."
Mia deliberately said so, scared the school girl with no confidence.
别 "Don't listen to her nonsense. The nature of the old king is completely different from this incident ... We need to investigate further to find out what happened. Mia, don't scare the school girl anymore."
"Slightly, people are just kidding."
Han Dong does not want anyone to be hindered by the pressure, and stared at the elementary girl seriously: "During the mission, you just follow the Cavaliers, and we will deal with some basic issues."
好 "Okay ... Thank you, senior, I will help as much as I can."
After the trio returned.
The Knights of Priscilla has expanded the map of the quarantine area.
The quarantine area covers two civilian areas, occupying about 1/3 of the first floor of the holy city.
And the civilian area where the [Secret Stone Incident] occurred last time is exactly opposite.
"We are responsible for the isolation of the Eastern District, which is a zone where there is a concentration of mild and moderate infections.
The density of infected people inside the tadpole is not very high. The main task of our occultology is to remove as many worms as possible, especially the hidden infections hidden in the deepest parts.
If we can find out the source of the "Red Plague" or find some clues, we can all get rich rewards.
中间 Which of you is good at "exploration perception"? What is the range? "
In fact, Han Dong and Mia can detect, but Han Dong has more means.
Han Dong raised his hand, "One-way exploration can reach 500 meters, and comprehensive exploration can cover 30 meters."
"Hmm !? What are you majoring in?"
Prisla was a little surprised, such an investigation ability has reached the Cavaliers.
Actually, Han Dong is still a bit conservative ... Such a detection distance is that if the firepower is fully used, the detection can be doubled.
"Plague and witchcraft are involved."
"I hope you haven't exaggerated your ability ... then, the task of discovery is left to you! Our goal is mainly to solve the" worm nest "and explore the hidden source of infection. "
"it is good!"
Knight turned to Mia and Flora, "Two school girls, briefly explain or directly show your ability to show me to arrange."
"Spider witchcraft, also good at swordsmanship ... there is a good destiny weapon support, good lethality."
During Mia's brief answer.
Flora has taken out all the suture materials prepared in advance and unrolled a normal array drawing to activate it.
加大 An oversized graveyard corpse was created.
Two and five-meter tall giant corpses.
重要 Its important joints are sutured with a type of "enchanted animal tendon", and it holds a giant axe that emits cold and cold light in its hands, which belongs to green high-quality equipment.
From this point of view, Flora should be able to rank in the middle and upper reaches in the lower grades.
"Not bad ... let's go."
Uh ...
Isolation mode adopts the [insurgency + barrier] dual insurance mode.
The Holy Knights encircled the quarantine area with a giant holy light enchantment. Such an infectious body mixed with an evil smell would have to pay a great price to forcefully cross the holy light enchantment.
At the same time, the Blacksmith Association built a seven-meter-high blockade wall next to the enchantment.
Anyone who enters or exits must undergo strict identity verification and blood sampling.
"Wish you guys good luck!"
The entrant inspection is completed.
When the worker opens the inner door by turning the hydraulic valve.
What Han Dong saw was a completely different red civilian area ... The red mist permeated in the air was unusually conspicuous.
的 Some bloodworms with bright red sac cavity at the tail came into view.
血 Those flying bloodworms with wing structure will be immediately shot down by the blacksmith turret as soon as they approach the border,
Or he hit the surface of the enchantment and was burned by the light.
Dirty streets and shabby flat rooms are also covered with various bloodworms.
"Hahaha ..."
In addition to the strange visual level, all kinds of weird laughter echoed in the isolation zone.
As stated in the data, the infected person will ‘stupid’ for no reason because the hypothalamus is affected ... and such stupidity will strengthen when the infection reaches the third stage.
笑 You can judge and locate the infected person by 'laughing'.
Of course ... there are special cases, for example, some infected people take the initiative to remove their vocal cords.
When such laughter was conveyed to Han Dong's head, the clown's arm immediately showed a ‘feedback response’, struggling violently and trying to break free, but to no avail.
"Estimated [three hours], without my permission, it is forbidden to leave the team.
Don't be too nervous, UU reads www.uukanshu. There are a lot of com teams that work with us at the same time ... Just do your part and clear the worm nest as much as possible. "
"At 11 o'clock, there should be a" worm nest "in the roadway about 128 meters away from us. "
Just now that he has entered the quarantine zone, Han Dong has already locked his target at a distance of 100 meters and gave a very precise bearing.
When Priscilla rushed to the laneway, she found a human worm nest that had completely adhered to the wet wall of the laneway.
The abdominal cavity swells to a width of more than two meters.
The skin surface has a large number of meat holes, which facilitates the entry and exit of blood worms.
The individual's hands and feet have been completely degraded and adhered to the wall as a whole.
Only the head remains intact.
Even if the vocal cords are cut off, a silent giggle is still going on, so that the corner of the mouth is completely torn.
The dried blood stains turned the wound red, revealing a horrifying smile of tearing.
I was at this moment.
The maggot nest sensed the approach of the living creature and immediately emitted an ultrasonic wave.
For a while, dozens of strangely shaped bloodworms had surrounded Han Dong and his party.
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