Chapter 464: Blood moon

"It's so irritable ... It's completely different from the blood people we met before.
Captain Lucius should be clearer than me, see if he handles it.
This kind of thing that relies on [blood brewing] and walks in the crazy abyss has an unspeakable vitality and will be escaped by the other party if it cannot be handled properly. "
Because of the contradictions that happened, Han Dong tried not to give any leading opinions to the team, and it was enough to play his role as a "scout".
After a while.
The white shadow of Wu Cang slowly appeared in the forest.
For this bloodline he has never seen before, Lucius still doesn't have much expression change. Based on the observation and blood perception, he simply evaluates it.
"[Corrupted blood] who has no visual ability and depends on smell to prey.
Quinn's excessive desire for blood brewing, suffering from "severe thirst", even absorbed all the hemoglobin throughout the body, so that the whole showed a pale state.
They have crazy tolerance for blood brewing, and their senses have long been lost.
He should be under the direct control of the baron or duke only. Such control is also based on the supply of blood brewing.
Even if we pretend to be infected, they will attack indiscriminately. "
"Captain, forcibly kill?"
Bian Lunze has prepared to use Necromancy, a few bone fragments around the surrounding.
Lucius opened his black hair slightly in front of him and reached out to block Lenze behind him.
"The vitality of such fallen blood is extremely amazing. It is difficult to kill them quickly by conventional means ... Once we fail to kill them for the first time and let them escape quickly through the environment of the blood forest, our information will leak out.
Just watch, I'll take care of it. "
The word 'handle' is particularly clear.
After hearing such a reply, Jane and Lunze knew very well that the current situation can be handled easily by the captain and there is no need to worry.
Only Han Dong was a little confused.
"Captain Lucius, seems to be quite familiar with these bloodlines ... Did he know this kind of life himself, or did he learn from the" Crimson Knights "?
假设 If I assume that there is a connection between Lucius and the blood, I need some backup plan. "
Uh ...
十五 The distance is fifteen meters.
He seems to have reached the "perceptual confirmation range" of the pale blood.
The pale blooded descent who originally had his head low, walking slowly through the forest, suddenly looked up.
即便 Even if the blood coagulated eyes do not have the visual ability, they stare straight away fifteen meters away, their noses twitch madly, absorbing the breath in this direction ... even a little blood-brewing breath can make them crazy.
Hey (click)! !!
The weird howl came from deep in their throats.
Out of the endless desire for [Blood Brewing], the bodies of these pale people have developed secondary sucking organs derived from thirsty blood, which are ‘mouths’.
The whole body was covered with such weird mouths.
The inside of the pouting mouth is a "straw tongue" for quickly sucking blood.
接触 Once in contact, they can instantly bite and dry their prey.
Hey ~~ It's like a crazy dog!
One of them rushed straight from the front of the woodland.
The other two leaped quickly through the branches on the left and right, and approached from different angles to Lucius with a strong smell of blood.
He was told by Lucius in advance that the others had already pushed away, leaving him alone to face the situation.
Talent Tree-[Blood Strike]
Lucius, born as a Crusader, in addition to his own blood talents, specializes in a type of swordsmanship ... can be picked up by the Scarlet Knights' 'high price' in the second order, to a certain extent because of Lucius Melee ability.
Somewhat strangely.
I didn't find Lucius wearing any kind of sword weapon on his waist or back. It seemed that he had hidden his "sword" in a special way.
Just as Han Dong also used the method of 'convergence' to hide his staff in his body.
Alas ~~ The terrible hissing sound is close.
Squinting at the sight of blood coming from different directions.
修 Lucius' eyes were unusually indifferent.
A rotating bloodstain appeared on his palm ...
"this is?"
Han Dong clearly observed the current
blood out of the sheath
method through the little magic eyes.
With bloodshots flowing from the palms.
As the blood sacrifice passed through the formation method, it immediately carried out a precision weaving to build a blood sword belonging to Lucius in the fastest way.
奇怪 "Strange ... It's bloodshot. Why is the sword made of metal texture? Does Lucius have a high degree of control over the weapons of destiny, causing the weapons to undergo fundamental changes? By disassembling into bloodshot forms, converging in the body?"
Held in the hands of Lucius was a delicate saber of dark metal.
In addition to the dark luster on the surface, regular bloodshots are embedded between the sword body.
He seems to be able to draw blood directly from Lucius' body, thereby increasing the attack power of the weapon ... or, in other words, there are some special effects that Han Dong could not imagine.
修 Lucius's thumb rested on a spike on the hilt.
佩 This sword is like a living creature, sucking his blood quickly ... so that the sword body emits a dark red luster.
Lucius took a big step back with his right foot and his center of gravity was slightly lowered.
In the face of three pale blood descent from different directions, he just took a deep breath and regarded it as ordinary training.
"Blood Moon Slash"
The blood light flickered.
息 In an instant, Lucius completed an ultra-fast slash around 270 °.
The blood mist sprayed by the sword's body just formed a blood moon in the air, surrounding Lucius' body.
Such a fast and fierce slash, it also looks very graceful in the hands of Lucius, without any unnecessary movements ... Such exquisite and beautiful sword skills ~ ~ are not born to carry, but are trained hard the day after tomorrow. .
As for the three pale blood descents, they were struck by Blood Moon and hit directly.
The blood flowing through them was completely absorbed by the blade, leaving no drop.
It is natural that there is no such thing as rebirth when the stubble dropped on the ground.
"So strong!"
Just a moment's slash, even Han Dong's little devil's eyes couldn't fully see.
Demps aside, also pushed aside, pushing the frame, it seemed that Lucius was stronger than his preliminary estimate.
The Blood Sword was retracted into Lucius's body, reached out and beckoned to the players and explained briefly:
"Finding a way to get rid of all blood in the blood is the best way to kill them."
"Blood team ... are you strong again?" Lunze who passed the test was also shocked.
"If there is no breakthrough some time ago, maybe Head Xia will not let me investigate this area ... Lenze, should you have become a lot stronger?
Your necromancy spells are also the nemesis of these bloodlines. Once you encounter a dangerous situation, you still need to clean up on a large scale. "
"Well, no problem ..."
"Let's keep going."
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