Chapter 481: Teasing

Fashion Knights, a long-range support force in the 13 Knights.
的 The requirement to recruit Cavaliers is simple.
Must be proficient in long-range attack capabilities, have superior first-class precision shooting capabilities, sufficient physical abilities and keen insight.
Recruiting crossbowmen from [Crusader], [Control], or musketeers from [Mechanics].
Although belongs to crossbowmen.
But a knight who graduated from the Crusaders is very different from a knight who graduated from control.
He is in control and is close to all things in nature. As an archer, he is more inclined to investigate and be smart.
的 The crossbowmen born in the Crusaders are hard-core, with their own training as the main force, and they are very aggressive ... No matter they are close range shooting or long-range sniping, they are extremely aggressive.
Moreover, when being approached by the enemy, he can also take out a spare sabre to fight temporarily, and his physical skill is not bad.
[Crusader] The same is true for Tiffany's born, plus a certain amount of blood brewing in the body, making this person extremely aggressive.
However, when being watched by the bird's beak mask, Tiffany developed a hint of cowardice, forcing him to step back a distance.
He was full of vigilant eyes, staring at the unknown mystery scholar.
"What's going on ... why does my wind arrow disappear?"
Tiffany couldn't understand what had just happened.
Wu Ming has reached the mid-range wind arrow, why does it suddenly disappear when he is close to the other body ...
Fear of the unknown caused a drop of cold sweat to slowly flow down his forehead.
"Tiffany, what are you doing !? Help me quickly get rid of this blood knight!"
在 At this moment, teammate Barrett roared, forcing Tiffany to wake up and quickly pull the bow to provide shooting assistance.
蒂 Just as the bowstring was pulled, Tiffany was stunned again.
Due to the roar of his teammates, Tiffany, who was a little bit stunned, found that the mysterious apprentice had disappeared ...
"Where have you been?" The feeling of uneasiness grew stronger.
A primitive sense of fear was slowly aroused, forcing Tiffany to twist his head in a panic and search for the mysterious man.
The power of the blood sword and the spar sword collided,
Various fireballs bombarded the undead monsters,
Such a fierce fighting situation, but not as much as the "disappearing mystic scholar" brought the stress to Tiffany.
As an archer, he has obviously messed up the rhythm, and it is difficult to focus on the cooperative battle with his teammates.
If he cannot find the mystic scholar, it will be difficult for him to enter the battle.
"Blood ... I want the power of blood."
In a hurry, the blood-brewing material flowing in Tiffany's body was excited.
Introduce the powerful blood brewing energy to strengthen at the visual level ... One by one, bloodshots covered his orbits, his pupils were completely congested and turned into deep red, and his visual ability was improved.
"That's ... sand?"
A detail was discovered by Tiffany.
A little yellow sand remained on the ground area where the mystic scholar stood before.
"Residual energy ... Could it be hidden underground?"
Tiffany accumulated power in his calf for the first time, bent his knees and leaped forward.
的 The flexible use of wind attributes allowed Tiffany to jump a height of nearly eight meters directly.
The maggot then temporarily suspended its body in the air through a kind of wind protection ability.
血 The blood-filled eyes and pupils focused on the ground area.
At this moment, Tiffany was worried at all times that something terrible would suddenly emerge from the ground or the wall, and there was no time to assist others.
However ... a dramatic scene happened.
Just as Tiffany tried to capture the enemy hidden underground.
The mysterious apprentice in Dr. Bird's Beak's costume reappeared in the previous position ... as if deliberately teasing the archer.
"Pretend to be a ghost !?"
A feeling of being teased spontaneously, arousing anger from his heart.
When pulling the bow.
A large amount of wind attribute energy output immediately has three spiral wind attribute arrows forming on the bowstring.
He quickly fired at the mysterious apprentice, his anger temporarily overwhelmed the fear of the unknown, and Tiffany carefully stared at the arrow.
He wanted to see how the arrows disappeared before the target.
If you know the source of the problem, you can find a way to avoid it next time you shoot.
"The mystery's defense is generally weak. As long as I find out the problem, my shooting ability will inevitably kill me."
However ... things have changed again.
The sharp arrows did not disappear.
I just hit it successfully and penetrated the target's body ... except that no blood flowed out.
Quan ~ quan ~ quan! (Crow barking)
"what happened?"
The body of the mystic scholar shattered like paper, and a black head crow was drilled from the inside ... Hundreds of crows immediately flew to Tiffany suspended in mid-air.
The weird situation that has caused Tiffany, a popular knight, to fall into a quagmire of fear.
Even with the stimulation of blood brewing, a little fear appeared in his eyes.
The rhythm was chaotic and he started shooting the crows in a random manner.
And all of these ‘rhythms’ are in Han Dong ’s hands ... The mental pressure brought by the unknown disrupts the opponent ’s normal fighting rhythm so that Han Dong has a chance.
When Tiffany's attention was completely attracted by the flying crow, when the rhythm went wrong and his thoughts got confused.
The ceiling room behind him.
A stream of yellow sand slowly overflowed, slowly condensing a human figure behind Tiffany's.
He quietly put his palm on his back.
Grunting ... A tentacle went straight into the brain, ignoring the protection of the skull.
The final whisper was directly transmitted to Tiffany's deep brain.
"Senior loses the most basic knight faith in endless greed. Once the fighting situation gets out of control, you will fall into fear ... You, a poor pervert, are not qualified to survive ~ ~ No ... "
Tiffany had not yet come up with his true strength as a popular knight. When the energy of the wind that overflowed his whole body was about to erupt fully, the white light faded immediately.
A corpse with a complex complexion and polluted spots around his eyes fell to the ground.
"Tiffany !?"
When seeing his companion dead.
In addition, the minds of the two fallen knights also showed some confusion.
Flame mage Bill was approached by a sudden resurrection of the skeleton soldier due to a momentary distraction.
Lu Lunze seized the opportunity to strengthen the skeleton soldier one-on-one by using the necromanipulative secret method.
The seemingly fragile skeleton soldier ignited a layer of dark blue flame between the skeletons of the whole body, and the bone sword in his hand spewed a strong undercurrent.
Skull opened its mouth wide and screamed like a mournful roar deep in the underworld.
A heavy shadow slash, forcibly split the magic shield surrounding Bill's surface ...
Huh! The red liquid scattered and cut off his right arm.
For a magician who needs both hands to cast a spell, the loss of an arm can be quite fatal.
The balance is out of balance ...
Bian Lunze further strengthened the rebirth effect, the undead army carried various destructive fire magic, and surrounded the fallen fire mage regiment.
Uh ... get one of the offerings.
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