Chapter 486: Battle

With Demps nodding and confirming, Han Dong's burden was relieved.
Starting from knowing the history of the great steward, Han Dong was assuming various conditions to deal with the monitor sent by the blood god, and his real strength may still be above the count.
The best solution is Demps.
Han Dong is well aware of one thing. Demps's 'rights' and 'background' outside the city are absolutely big enough.
Every time you just need to send Demps to the cliff of the Gain Forest, there will be a ‘building’ to pick him up in person.
As long as Demps is willing to contribute, most of this can be done.
When he got a positive answer from Demps, Han Dong was completely relieved.
As for the 'conditional issue', the gold content of the second signature is far less than that of the first signature. After all, the first signature also involves the corresponding old seal of the king.
The title deed will still be managed by the old King of the Robe, and Demps will only have access rights and a little change authority, which will not affect the overall transfer and basic use of the title deeds.
Using Demps's title on the title deeds in exchange for a major threat, Han Dong personally was quite happy.
"Thank you for your help ... I will definitely give up all my chips to win this battle."
Now that ‘teammates’ are all arranged.
Han Dong immediately called out Daze.
At this moment, the crow became more reliable, without fear and trembling.
Maybe it was Han Dong who put the heavy responsibility of "delivering the title deed" to his head, which caused Tozawa's mentality to change to some extent.
There is naturally no problem with Elder Raven, what Han Dong needs to confirm is the situation with Dr. Swell.
"What did the doctor say?"
"Take back, the doctor said he was fully prepared to maximize output ..."
Nowadays, Han Dong has thrown out all his chips ... The next thing to look at is how much the count of Scarlet Villa has.
Thousands of crows hovered and hissed above the Gain Forest, preparing for the battle.
Twenty before the war.
Lucius pulled Han Dong to the side and talked alone.
"Assuming [equal force], how do you plan to deal with the count, do you need my help?"
Lucius, who has obtained the "Blood of the Royal Family," exudes a strong red breath during the conversation. The overall coercion does not look like a novice who has just joined the Knights.
Borrowing the scarlet curse from hereditary inheritance, combined with her own powerful abilities, she stubbornly resists the side effects of the "Blood of the Royal Family" and is used for self-improvement.
Not only the improvement of basic strength, it seems that even the "blood slaying tree" of Lucius has undergone a fundamental change due to the pouring of blood. The blood stains on the trees have become more pure, and even bright red. Fruit.
All this is due to Han Dong's 'push'.
This is the fundamental reason why Lucius did not hesitate to choose to assist Han Dong.
Of course, Lucius, as the captain and the genius who was selected to the Cavaliers with the second overall pick, had already spied out something secretly ... Han Dong's assistance to him must be purposeful.
However, Lucius did not expect that Han Dong's ambitions were so great that he wanted to swallow the entire Scarlet Villa.
Who knows, when Lucius offered to deal with the Scarlet Count, Han Dong quickly waved.
"Captain Lucius, please be sure to leave me" Earl of Scarlet "to handle it alone ... Also, let Sister Zhen and Sister Lunze not give any help.
Just need Captain Lucius to be optimistic about the barons and the hidden troubles in Scarlet Mountain House, and don't affect my battle with the count. "
"A person……"
Lucius immediately read the key information in this sentence, and the blood knight, who had always been reserved, also flashed a surprised look between his eyes and pupils, "You think so hard?"
"Yeah ... just get bigger."
time up.
Han Dong held the title deed and met the count in the front yard.
When two land titles belonging to different old kings touched each other, a huge space crack with great traction was immediately torn apart, and everything related to the two land titles was involved in it.
For a time.
The Stuart Manor in the Gain Forest has completely disappeared, leaving only a desolate open space surrounded by enchantments.
The Scarlet Manor, which had just moved to the Aragard Mountains, also disappeared, leaving only a blood-red forest.
Lucius and his team were contacted by Han Dong and were left with a 'mark' in advance. All of them were judged to be Han Dong's personnel.
Gray sky.
A few bits of bones, broken swords and broken axes were scattered on the desolate white land.
Two estates symbolizing the title deeds appeared on the north and south sides of the deserted area out of thin air ... the interval was about five kilometers, and they were used as pure battlefield areas.
Personnel belonging to both parties appear in their respective territories.
Thirty minutes of preparation time for the lord to line up.
There are only three ways to win the title war:
1. One lord surrendered.
2. The strength of the leader of one side is less than 20%, and the strength of the other side is greater than 70%.
3. The lord died.
Inside Stuart Manor.
Headed by seven Elder Ravens, all crouched in front of Han Dong and listened for fighting instructions.
The picture of the surrender of nearly a thousand Ravens shocked Lucius and his party. It is hard to imagine that the ruler of these Ravens was a trainee knight who had not graduated from Cavaliers College.
"Sir, Lord, we, the Raven Tribe, are ready for a full-scale battle."
Wow ...
A black feather cloak fully unfolded behind Han Dong.
Two circles of black scripture are turning between palms, and a staff that has never been seen by people is slowly breaking away from Han Dong's body ...
When the staff appears.
Ripples and ripples of black halo slowly opened under Han Dong's feet.
All crooks crouching on the ground have gained physical function and fighting spirit as a result of this aura.
"The elder ..."
Elder Lance Crow also felt the breath of the teacher from this aura.
After a while ~ ~ The staff is fully revealed.
The lower end is a black wooden staff body, with mushroom communities growing on the surface, and occasionally ghost images appearing around it. The interior of the staff body is even faintly dark.
At the top is a delicate, crow-like head like a living creature.
The black feathers are silky, and the whole body is scattered with black smoke,
The crow's eyes and pupils are like two beautiful gemstones, exuding bright colors. It seems that they are composed of energy crystals corresponding to the "source of the lighthouse".
When these staffs are sacrificed.
All Lucius team members were shocked, and Lenze, a graduate of the library, even showed a little greedy look ...
"Epic weapons ... combining destiny and chaos, Nicholas! From what source did you get it?"
These weapons are very rare in the Knights, but currently appear in the hands of a trainee knight.
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