Chapter 505: dance

Outside the manor-battlefield area.
Lucius cooperated with the dark shadow of Zhen Xue's sister, and directly entered the enemy depths.
At present, Lucius has beheaded the Baron Feast, completely crushing a baron's army, and is in clashes with the earl's guard.
Guards in crimson armor are very different from ordinary blood.
Although Lucius' blood sword can penetrate the armor and directly damage the interior, trying to kill a guard completely will still cost Lucius a lot of physical energy.
Sister Zhen Xue also repeatedly pierced the Shadow Dagger into the Guards from the gap in the armor, which was difficult to kill directly.
Lucius is currently facing the centurion in the Guards.
This centurion is the leader of the Guard who was commissioned by the Earl to manage the Guards. He is more powerful than the ordinary baron ... double-handed epee can bring considerable pressure to Lucius.
But ... not enough to suppress Lucius.
The leader is also very clear. Lucius had just won the top spot in the "Red Banquet", got royal blood and added the title of knight. If he was counted as the general identity, he would also call Lucius the "Viscount Lord" .
The count's delay in return also gave the centurion a strange heart.
Staring at the declining legion, he was ready to issue an order to withdraw the manor to defend.
At this moment, an extremely important origin connection was severed.
The centurion's pupils instantly showed surprise and fear, and the action stopped and Lucius cut off one arm directly.
Not just centurion.
The whole army of blood descended on it at this instant, the war intentions were completely lost, and the staff was reduced by 30% in an instant ... The situation that had been barely deadlocked was suddenly opened.
"What's going on ... Suddenly the war of these guys is gone?"
Just as Lucius raised questions.
The centurion's pupils with broken arms were full of panic and disbelief ... and even unwilling to accept the fact that, in his opinion, such ridiculous things would never happen.
Shouted in a near-desperate tone:
"Master Earl ... dead !!"
All bloodlines felt that the most important connection was cut off, and the sense of the Earl no longer existed.
As the centurion shouted.
The same cry spread across the battlefield ...
Even the staff at the Stuart Manor were shocked ... After all, the war was still going on, how could the count, who was a mature alien, die like this?
People who respond quickly are quickly aware of the root of the problem.
Only Han Dong found the count out of combat.
Obviously, a lord battle took place in the dark.
In the end, Han Dong won, and the Scarlet Count was completely beheaded by Han Dong.
The crows hissed!
Ghoul frantic!
Dr. Swell's eyes flashed with absolute respect for the Lord.
Lucius put away the blood sword in his hand and stared in the direction of Scarlet Villa, and made a huge wave in his heart, and couldn't help sighing:
"If these two people belong to human beings, in a few years, the holy city will reach its strongest peak in history! We may really be able to pursue true freedom in our lifetime."
Sister Zhen Xue also appeared from the shadows.
Although silent, she was unable to evaluate her schoolmates with conventional eyes.
Inside Stuart Manor.
Demps woke up about five minutes ago in a state of extreme weakness and sighed softly:
"You actually killed this ridiculous Count ... It's a pity that you did not see the scene of your fight. I really want to see what kind of means you have used to kill the entire mature alien.
And it is still a blood living body bred from blood brewing.
Breaking seeds with such blood, with your special head ... maybe it can be done. "
The lord died.
The third victory condition for the title war has been fulfilled.
At the end of the war, the remaining bloodlines will become captives of the new lord ... The defeated soldiers of Scarlet Manor will no longer have any resistance. From now on, they will obey the new lord.
Lucius Squad, Elder Raven, and Dr. Swell gather.
Dean Lenze, who was once biased against Demps, currently uses Necromancy to create a flightable bone seat, allowing weak Demps to sit and float on it.
"Let's go ... see what happened to Nicholas. This kid should be using the Earl's strange demon core crystal for seed breaking."
The defeated descent gave way.
When the whole staff set foot on Scarlet Manor, they immediately felt the strangeness.
The red and lush flowers that once flourished in the manor were all gray and white, in a state of withering ... The rich vitality of Scarlet Manor once nourished by blood brewing also disappeared.
The crowd even had the illusion of entering the cemetery.
"Dead ... what happened?"
As a necromancer, Lun Ze, there is a very thin death gas permeating inside the manor house. If he lives in this area for a long time, his life will be reduced accordingly.
The source of the dead air is the mansion located in the center of the manor.
Guided by Lunze, looking for the change in the concentration of dead gas, walking through the mansion ...
"This is a special route that Nicholas let me detect in advance. It corresponds to the earl's private theater in the depths ... There were many guards who were responsible for guarding." Jane said.
"Is this guy planning from the beginning?"
As Lucius and others walked through the building, they happened to encounter Han Dong's two belongings and met ... Tugu and Chen Li.
Chen Li's condition is pretty good.
Tuugu was all wounded, and he felt like he was swollen with nose and face, but he enjoyed this state ~ ~ Lucius and others have experienced too many strange situations along the way He was no longer surprised by the problems of Chen Li and Tuo Gu, and quickly went deep into the building to find the trace of Han Dong.
If Han Dong is breaking the seeds, he will need the asylum of everyone and must not be disturbed by others.
Inside the theater's open door, bursts of impassioned piano sounds were coming from the theater.
It's as if a drama is being shown.
Of course, at the same time, the tide-like death breath overflows from the inside.
Lunze cuts everyone away from the effects of death through the use of necromancy. When everyone enters the theater together, they are shocked by the sight in front of them.
There was a little suffocation on the stage.
A man in a black trench coat is stepping on the melody of a piano song and venting his turbulent emotions through a strong dance.
The dancers are thin, and even the ribs can be clearly seen through the clothes.
The pale face, with a thick black dye, draws a giggle mouth, and uses this art form to express his joy.
Holding the trophy of this title deed war in his hands-"Activity Title (Scarlet Villa)"
The man who releases his life and dances in the theater is exactly to complete the break.
The moment when my emotions were completely vented.
Han Dong is standing right in front of the stage ...
Move back and bow slightly to end the curtain.
At present, Han Dong has completed a unique seed-breaking ceremony. The two fate seeds in the head are perfectly fused under the nourishment of blood and water, and a unique talent tree has grown ...
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