Chapter 517: The Scarlet Mountain Lab

The chalet stepped back to the edge of the Gain Forest with long tentacles growing on its lower end.
After a full 90 hours.
Demps eventually broke the seed and formed a pretty perfect talent tree between his head. What is unknown for the time being ... but at the moment Demps opened his eyes, he could see the bright and pure magic element in the The eyes and pupils shine and flow.
However, Demps' overall image has not changed much.
"Such a pure demon body ... it really deserves my search for such a long time.
As long as you do not meet Nicholas in advance at the Cavaliers Conference, there is no problem in winning a good result ... After all, the excellent Knight's emblem directly issued by the Holy City is also very valuable.
There are still a few months, so get ready.
If he can be selected into the Knights in order, and obtain a certain position in advance, he can also take deeper root in the holy city and re-establish a private organization. "
Just as Demps returned to the log cabin's pivot hall with a smile because of his satisfaction with the seed breaking ... the smile suddenly solidified.
Inside the hall.
The mother has completely broken the 'sensory seal', and all four arms are off the head and spread out on the table.
Even Demps can hardly look directly at his mother's [Five Features].
This also completely disrupts the 'sense' in the current lobby area.
If a sentence is spoken in the current area, it is very likely that it will be disassembled and combined into a completely different rhythm, and then it will be transmitted to others' ears.
However, in such an environment.
Han Dong, while laughing, communicates with his ‘mother’ normally ... It seems that the protection of the brain domain by the giggling attribute can barely prevent this disturbance.
Seeing the appearance of Demps, the mother then re-blocked the 'sensory field', so as not to affect the just broken Demps.
"Congratulations, Demps!"
"It's the expected standard ... Where's Mia?"
"Her seed-breaking process seems a bit different, and it will take a few days ... or Demps, you should accompany me to Scarlet Villa, and wait for Mia to complete the seed-breaking, and we will return to the city together."
The chalet docked on the edge of Gainson.
Because there are no clans in this forest area.
"Landhold of Deed" was taken out by Han Dong.
The land title is activated through a special secret method and the method of verifying the identity by dripping blood.
In an instant.
A large estate appears directly in the current area.
On the black hollow fence, a blood gargoyle stands ten meters away to ensure that the Scarlet Manor is not invaded by other objects.
"Master Lord!"
The victory of the war, all blood that once belonged to the earl became Han Dong's captives.
Han Dong is quite a ‘benign’ lord, regardless of his previous suspicions. As long as he is a true blood surrender to his bloodlines, he will be acquitted and restored to their identity, and stay in the Scarlet Manor.
After Han Dong took over, Scarlet Manor changed.
[Pet Breeding Zone] located in the backyard has been completely changed to [Lab] by Han Dong.
Dr. Swell is responsible for the large-scale introduction of Stuart's experimental device, which is committed to optimizing the life of bloodlines and performing a new gene grafting operation.
Since the power of science was confirmed during the war, Han Dong must continue to develop vigorously.
Staring at the servant who was trimming the manor in the front yard area, he couldn't feel a trace of irritability from 'blood thirst', which made Demps very puzzled.
"Nicholas ... How do you solve the problem of blood brewing? If these bloodlines do not get blood brewing, it will cause severe 'thirsty blood' to fall into extreme madness within three days."
"It is true that this problem has been annoying me for the first month ... but it was finally resolved."
"Have you signed some sort of contract with the Blood God?"
"No ... I wouldn't do the stupid behavior of cocoon restraint.
To get the blood brew from the blood god, it costs too much, and I can only do it myself. "
"do it yourself?"
Demps understands that blood brewing is not an ordinary drink, but must be produced by the blood god, and a large amount of blood brewing is obtained through a thousand-fold, ten-fold dilution method, and distributed to the hands of his lord, maintaining the distribution. Stability of descent around the world.
"Come with me……"
Han Dong led Demps to the [Experimental Zone].
Pure white, huge circular vault area.
An improved sac cavity is densely arranged on the wall surface, which can normally cultivate a certain individual.
For six months, Han Dong borrowed money from Demps to buy materials in the holy city to create this [blood brewing laboratory], which was dedicated to the research of blood brewing.
Dr. Swell, who has advanced into a monster, stays here to overcome the problem of 'blood brewing'.
Based on cytology and genetics, Dr. Han Dong successfully completed an article entitled "Research on the Mechanism of Blood Fermentation and the Adaptability of Infected Bodies" with the doctor's scientific basis outside the city.
"The blood brewed by the blood is indeed irreproducible, and this is beyond doubt.
However, the general infectious body has an endless desire for blood brewing, which is derived from a 'bloody-hormone' contained in blood brewing. The existence of this hormone is only to make the infected body strongly dependent Does not improve their capabilities.
Such hormones are reproducible.
I only need to inject enough hormones into the reservoir of Scarlet Manor to satisfy the bloodlines.
At the same time, they can slowly reduce their dependence on blood brewing and focus on the development of their own characteristics. "
"Inconceivable, the first time I heard such a saying ... What are the cultures in these cysts?"
"Brand new project ... grafting the genes of the" blood bat "into the" ghoul "~ ~ temporarily named" bat ghost ", used to enhance the air combat power of the manor.
However, the current activity index is not high enough and further experiments are needed. "
"Say ... Nicholas, do you really want to create a different army, aggression everywhere?"
"I can't even do anything in the city. Why would I go outside the city to take the initiative to invade? It is just to improve the heritage of the manor so as not to be attacked by others.
And, in the event of a desperation, there will be a trick.
Besides, Demps, you are also the No. 2 Scarlet Manor. In the event of an accident, you can also hide in. "
Demps was also a wise man, and he roughly understood the meaning of Han Dong bringing him here, and immediately remitted money.
"10,000 copper coins have been transferred to the personal vault"
"If you don't have enough funding for the experiment, call me anytime."
"Okay ... Demps, it's okay these days anyway? The private theater is a good place for two to discuss ... The Cavaliers election is coming, how about we warm up first?"
Han Dong is still curious about Demps's "Broken Seed".
Along with giggling and thundering, a completely superb knight discussion broke out in Scarlet Mountain Villa.
The holy city has also begun preparations for this year's 'more special' knight election.
Due to the return of the Hell Knights and the leader of Malone, the rumored [Hadis Stairs], which is hidden at the bottom of the Three Gods Ladder, was officially opened, and a special area of ​​the Holy City officially reopened ...
(About the ladder ~ ~ description can go to [Chapter 42 Three Gods Ladder])
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