Chapter 519: Underground city

[Dark side]
Han Dong wasn't surprised at such information.
Han Dong himself would build underground works in the manor, let alone a holy city.
From many details, Han Dong can guess the existence of the dark side.
After all, in this world structure, the inside of the holy city must guarantee absolute stability ... a lot of troublesome things need to be handled quickly in secret.
Moreover, the presence of spies outside the city in the holy city is also clear to the high-level. .
This requires jumping out of the bright side and investigating from the dark side.
It's just that Han Dong didn't expect it.
On the dark side, there is a 'school institution' similar to the National Royal Knights College ... special talents specially trained to work in the dark.
Mr. Black and White's reminder, to some extent, shows that the students below are necessarily unique and difficult to deal with.
"Well, I will pay attention to it ... just right, next time I take the opportunity to meet with Chief Ma Long, go down and see."
"You need to pay more attention to your first trip to the underground.
[Dark side] A certain degree of independence from the holy city, not subject to the holy city statutes, and not directly controlled by the Supreme Council. Humans living below will never take your identity into account.
However, in such an area full of disorder and confusion, there are unexpected opportunities.
Many rare materials that cannot be purchased in the holy city may be sold on the dark side ... At present, the dark side is completely open to the outside world, and opportunities will naturally increase. . "
"it is good……"
At this time, Mr. Black and White pushed the brewed cocktail to Han Dong: "The election is imminent. Have you already selected the Cavaliers?"
Mia replied in advance: "I'm not quite sure yet ... If any of the Knights' adults fancy me, I will go."
However, the purpose of Mr. Black and White's questioning was obviously directed at Han Dong.
It depends on how Han Dong answers.
Among the big betrayers six months ago, the two high-ranking knight commanders have thrown olive branches to Han Dong, especially Malone, and even blatantly wanted to recruit Han Dong into the Hell Knights.
"I wish to hear everything from Mr ...."
In this matter, Han Dong did not insist on joining a certain knight group.
Mr. Black and White is kind to Han Dong. As long as Mr. Black and White lets him stay in the Plague Knights ... even if the leader of the dragon team gives any benefit, Han Dong will not waver.
"I have no special arrangements for you ... just look for your heart to choose.
Hell Knights, Life Knights are very good choices.
But there is one thing to remind you.
Before making a decision, you must understand the characteristics and rules of the 13 Knights, determine whether the internal system of the Knights is consistent with your personality and goals, and whether it will limit your development.
This year's [Knight Election] is definitely the grandest ever. The conditions given by the 13 Knights are bound to be more than in previous years.
Strive for the top spot in the general election and get the greatest opportunity. "
"It must be done."
At this point, Mr. Black and White's call was over.
Han Dong was also a bit weird, thinking that Mr. Black and White would ask him to stay in the Plague Knights ... but during the talk, he did not give any requirements at all.
Han Dong stepping on the Dark Moon Tower, a flash of curiosity flashed between his eyes and pupils
"Mia, now that the dark side is completely open to the public, would you like to see it together?"
"Okay ... as long as I'm with you, I can go anywhere.
However, I heard the witch teacher say that [the dark side] is a lot more confusing than we thought. Before we pass, it is best to disguise our identity in advance.
Hee hee ... how about we play as couples? "
"Let's hide the appearance honestly."
Han Dong's beak costume is really tried and tested.
Mia could only mutter her mouth, cover her body with a cloak, and only reveal a purple lips ... silently followed behind Han Dong.
The only entrance on the dark side is the [Haddis Stairs].
It is not together with the Three Gods Ladder, but is hidden in a location on the Mosrabi River, which is the junction of the civilian area and the inner zone.
According to rumors, Mosrabi Hanoi hides the second city wall.
Once the outer city walls were breached, civilian areas fell.
The second city wall will be raised immediately to narrow the defense line to the inside to ensure the safety of the inner area.
By the decision of the parliament, after the dark side is completely open to the outside world.
There are many [Cross River People] wearing skull masks and black capes in the riverside area ... They are responsible for extradition to the entrance to the dark side.
You need to pay 10 copper coins to cross the river once you board the boat.
This is a lot of money for the average person.
The purpose of such high fees is also to ensure that those who go to the dark side have at least some spending power.
The wooden boat sinks gradually during taxiing.
The enchantment that comes with the hull envelops the occupants and separates the river from the enclave.
"The rumor of [Second City Wall] is true ..."
The bottom of the river is an all-metal structure with a large number of steam-driven devices embedded between the walls.
Once activated, the walls at the bottom of the river can rise quickly.
The entrance to the dark side also exists at the bottom of the river.
The second city wall, which is buried deep in the bottom of the river, is also a 'dark side' underground city wall, ensuring that the underground area is not invaded by foreign objects.
When the river hull collided with the sediment wall at the bottom of the river, it immediately penetrated the wall and entered a small river in the cave due to the coincidence of the same origin.
Not far away corresponds to the end of the river, and a downward ladder.
One of the components of the Hades Stairs will lead to the hidden dark area.
Down the stairs ~ ~ When officially entering the dark side.
When the magnificent underground city was fully exposed, Han Dong and Mia were both caught.
Inner city ring-The "Second City Wall" at the lower end of the Mosrabi River is a copper wall that surrounds the underground city.
The total height of the underground space is 300 meters.
Building a city of the dead similar to the one described in Homer's epic.
On each street in the city, there is a special building [pillar]-a cylindrical tower building with more beam columns or sharp ribbed vault structures. .
The tower is much higher than other buildings in the underground area. As the tallest building in the underground city, it directly borders the ground.
As a bird's-eye view point, it can provide the Knights to observe and investigate the overall situation of the underground area, and also serve as a supporting pillar to ensure that the holy city at the upper end will not collapse downward when subjected to strong impact.
Such [column buildings] are evenly distributed, with nearly a thousand buildings.
The number of other buildings in the dark city does not exceed three floors ... after all, there are not many humans living below, and the low-rise buildings are also conducive to management.
Open to the outside due to dark faces.
On the streets paved with black cold stone, a large number of outsiders wearing cloaks, face masks or masks covering their looks, the underground city, which was slightly dead, became lively.
Because it is not subject to the rules of the Holy City, many special items are sold here.
"Dear, shall we go there and see? The election is coming, maybe we can buy some powerful items below."
Mia stared at the store at the end of the street named [Market Entrance-7].
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