Chapter 526: Hell student

"Um ... underground students? Cut in line?"
Han Dongming remembered that behind Mia was a Crusader graduate with a spear as a weapon.
Currently, there is a cape wearing a cloak, faintly printing the outline of a healthy body, and a student wearing a skull mask suddenly jumps in line and follows Mia to participate in the fighting test.
Because of the horrific power of the instructor, the students in the back line also need to rest a little bit and don't care about the line cut.
Mia ’s battle test received an A rating, but she was not satisfied.
"People can actually do better. If you let me show all my strengths, I can definitely persist for more than a minute ...
Also, this difficult test is bullying.
教 This instructor is definitely stronger than the elite knight. "
"Since it is the arrangement of the Cavaliers headquarters, it naturally has its meaning. Besides, Mia, your registration score is also very good, and should be able to be assigned to a better team in the subsequent Cavaliers election.
完 After reading the performance of this underground student, let's go back. "
"Well ... I'm not very happy today. You can stay with me later."
Han Dong stared at the underground student seriously.
After all, Mr. Black and White and Chairman Ma Long have reminded Han Dong to pay attention to the special students from the underground ... It is just such a difficult test to see the true strength of the underground students.
Instrument detection: double S.
Han Dong looked at the underground student with a strange look, and muttered quietly:
"This guy has clearly seen Mia's confrontation with the instructors. Such instructors have exceeded the level of the knights, and it is impossible to confront them at all.
I didn't choose to open the distance the first time, to fight for more time ... Are you going to abstain? "
However, graduates wearing skull masks chose to bow to the dark-skinned instructor, signalling that the second phase of the test could be started at any time.
The hot-character instructor doesn't even care about 'junior issues'.
See people!
毕业生 The graduates hiding in the cloak had no time to dodge.
Hit with one punch! Snapped!
But the ending is different than everyone expected.
学生 The student was not beaten and flew out ... but stabilized after taking nine consecutive steps back.
Xie Quanfeng also completely lifted the cloak that the underground student used to cover his body, revealing a red iron body that was knocked out on the `` iron drill ''.
"This hard-to-get is the‘ boy ’in the mouth of the commander of Ma Long ... physically similar to Tuogu.
Alas, this guy ’s body tends to be more 'metallized', which is no longer part of the conventional body.
Alas, there is pure demon blood flowing in this guy.
竟 Can Hell Knights make such students? "
Han Dong deliberately used the word 'made'.
He explained that such a student in the Hell Knights must have undergone an unknown physical transformation, and even his blood had undergone replacement.
Of course, the body must also be strong enough to withstand such a "metal demon swap".
的 The student named Sean is grabbing the instructor's fist and taking the attack completely.
Because he wore a skull mask, he could not see the change of his expression.
The next second, an unbelievable scene happened ... In the case of blocking such a heavy fist, Sean chose to take the initiative to attack.
Take a side kick and hit the black instructor's side precisely.
When kicking on the instep, there were still some fire cores and steam splashing out.
With the huge power of this foot, the instructor's head was slightly deflected ... Of course, the instructor was also angered to a certain extent.
A dark golden energy instructor flowed in the body, and the power gathered.
When he punched his fist, the surrounding space was violently compressed and made a huge hissing sound.
Can't escape, can't defend.
With one punch, the boy was completely blown out.
The sound of the red iron body was similar to the sound of a metal break.
的 Shawn, who was blown out like a bullet, directly crashed into the reinforced wall of the test room, and debris was scattered ... The flesh was embedded in the wall on the opposite side of the corridor.
"This ... is it dead?"
Not only the graduates present, but also the staff who recorded the data, even Han Dong was taken aback.
If he gets this punch, I'm afraid it will take a week in the dormitory to recover.
However ...
Shawn, who had a recessed fist print on his abdomen, did not lose consciousness, but slowly moved his body after ten seconds to break away from the broken wall.
He lowered his head and seemed very dissatisfied with his performance.
Put on the spare cloak and turn away from Knights headquarters.
"Shawn Naberez, the second stage persistence time: 27 seconds.
Note: Injury to the instructor is positive.
Evaluation: S. "
Han Dong stared at the distant underground student, about three seconds later.
"噗 ... hahaha!"
I couldn't hold back for a while, and crazy laughter rang through the hall.
Unexpected circumstances happened, which prevented Han Dong from suppressing the constantly rising laughter, which led to a long-lost laughter.
Such laughter immediately attracted a large number of people's attention.
Twenty-six years ago, the [Betrayal] incident was so popular that almost everyone knew ... and heard more or less details of the rumors.
It is rumored that the head of Ma Long has not arrived before, when the atmosphere is tense.
见 As a trainee knight at the core of the incident, he ignored the pressure of the head commander and ignored the death threats from the higher aliens, and laughed wildly under the gaze of all the knights.
The current laughter echoing in the Cavaliers headquarters makes a lot of people look surprised.
Han Dong realized that he was in a bad state and his identity might be leaked ~ ~ Pinch his cheek with his hand immediately, hold down the laughter, and quickly leave with Tong Mia ...
"what's wrong?"
娅 Although Mia is able to accept the [crazy laughter] attribute that Han Dong suddenly added, she feels a bit strange.
"Nothing ... I just feel this Cavaliers election will be very interesting.
I did not expect that the students on the dark side could achieve this intensity. "
She Mia naturally knew what Han Dong meant, and she was also dissatisfied with her performance today. She bit her lip slightly and said, "I have to retreat in the witch's secret room for a while.
Alas, today you have to accompany someone! The test was messed up, and people were particularly sad. "
嗯 "Hmm ... to accompany you to learn."
Uh ...
骑士 This [Knight Election] has reached the largest number of registered people in history: 210.
Correspondingly, the rules of the Cavaliers General Election will also be changed to a certain extent in order to better evaluate the characteristics and potential of each graduate, so that more fresh blood can be injected into the Cavaliers.
预 One month after registration, the qualifier will officially begin.
All registered students will meet in the central lawn area of ​​[National Royal Knights College].
The Thirteen Knights will each send a representative to lead the qualifiers and find some outstanding graduates that have not yet been discovered.
最为 The grandest Cavaliers election ever is about to begin!
:. :
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