Chapter 536: hunting

The above twelve commanders have been introduced, each of them corresponding to a powerful Cavaliers squad.
However, the last thirteenth head of the team was a bit off the chain.
普通 An ordinary stone bench without too many features, with [? 】mark.
Since the [seat] was supported by a three-meter-high stone pillar.
The thirteenth commander managed to climb up to his seat with the support of several players. Grasp the handrail, for fear of falling down without sitting firmly.
There were only a few scattered members.
Just because the internal work of the Whispering Knights is relatively busy, it is the limit to find eight people to participate in the conference today.
If there is no suggestion of submitting the work report, the supply of the next quarter will be all deducted, and the overall "comprehensive score" of the Knights will also fall accordingly.
Although the Secret Knights are the bottom.
If the score continues to fall, I am afraid that even a small amount of materials will not be allocated.
After the head of Hugo climbed into his seat, he did not even watch the admission of graduates.
Instead, I took out working documents from my backpack and planned to use the time of the knight election to write a draft paper on "Theoretical Design of Semi-Automated Management of Underground Water Channels Through Steam Dynamics and Magic Monitoring".
As for the other members are doing their own things.
In addition to the above 13 knights.
[Holy See], [Royal], and a large number of students from the Cavaliers Academy also came to the scene to watch the game.
The blood-blooded knight Lucius, Sister Jane, and Necromancer Lunze are also in their respective knights. They want to see how Han Dong and Demps will perform in this conference.
Brother Casas followed the Lions Knights and watched silently.
Other than that.
十 In the panoramic glass stand facing east of the auditorium, there are also ten center members from the [Supreme Council]. Such a situation is absolutely unique in history.
"This is what the Holy City currently has, enough to fight the" old king "combat power! "
Han Dong was quite emotionally shocked when he saw such a picture.
In the last days, human beings, who are weak and small, have fallen into the abyss to gain the destiny force against life outside the city, and have reached such a powerful level through continuous hard practice and struggle with life and death.
When all members arrived at the center of the arena.
Faintly heard the sound of gears turning underground.
The underground facilities and magic array began to interact.
The fighting arena is changing.
The smell of dirt and vegetation is added to the air, and there is a little rotten smell.
地面 The yellow sand ground has become "moist soil" in a short period of time, and even has a large number of pits. The pits are filled with a liquid mixed with a small amount of pollutants.
The weeds, which are about one meter high, grow quickly from the soil.
The sharp weed leaves can cut the skin by accident.
He followed closely, and every ten meters apart, the big trees with ‘sucker structure’ stood up. The height of the trees was equal to that of the arena. The lush branches and leaves structure blocked all the sunlight that entered the arena.
Forged "Night outside the city".
Aronso Observer announces the ground rules for the first game of the official match.
The chirping sound was amplified and diffused through spatial means, echoing in this wood.
"The first game of the official match will be used to test your 'out-of-city adaptability'.
Due to [Betrayal] that occurred half a year ago, even though the ambassador was beheaded behind the scenes, with the writer Stephen as the main focus, he pulled out more than ten alien monsters lurking in the holy city, and a large number of higher evil , Monsters, and the fallen.
After deliberations in Parliament, the invaders were not immediately executed.
Instead, they were completely sealed off by means of seals and used for the Knights' Assembly.
The first game of the official match-"Hunting".
I need you to show your own experience outside the city and hunt down invaders in different areas while resisting pollution.
For each non-strange monster killed, you can earn 1 point.
Each point you kill a "degenerate" earns 2 points.
Each point you kill is a strange monster, you get 10 points.
You can form your own squad, but points will only be given to ‘kill the biggest contributors’.
Ranked in the top 50 points, will advance to the semi-finals ... Knights who have not reached the top 50 will be ranked based on your points and qualifiers.
It is important to note that 'infighting' during the game is absolutely prohibited.
Any personal behavior that threatens the safety of other graduates is prohibited, and serious cases will be dealt with by law.
Next, you have ten minutes to warm up. "
时 When the rules are announced.
A high-level knight belonging to the Holy Knights, suspended in a circle on the edge of the arena.
It is used to deal with unexpected situations during the game (such as a strange demon sacrifice itself, trying to summon a high position).
Or a knight was unable to play due to deep pollution, and they will be taken out of the field to quickly purify his body.
Uh ...
"Such a huge arena and the imitation of the night environment may indeed be dangerous.
Although the points are only personal, considering the danger, there are naturally many people who choose to form a team, but we are not necessary.
Everyone is a team, hunt as many targets as possible, and get a place in the next game. "
Han Dong's five people each have the ability to fight against the newborn body demon.
The voices just fell, and they spread out in different directions.
"Cooperation with Ravens" has been reported by Mr. Hei Bai, and it is irrelevant for Han Dong to use Ravens-related abilities.
融合 Integrate with Dazawa and migrate to the uninhabited area of ​​the arena as much as possible to enjoy the joy of hunting alone.
Soon after, Han Dong flew to the end of a branch of a large tree on the edge and sat waiting like a crow.
One minute before the game was about to start.
A special two-man squad also came to Han Dong's' hunting area ~ ~ underground students ... In this case, the magic eye's ability can only dare to use 30%, and some more will be The heads found this to be an out-of-city capability.
He couldn't get a full glimpse of their outfits, it didn't seem to be a simple character.
Do you want to change places? "
Just as Han Dong was thinking about flying away.
The two below suddenly turned their heads and looked at Han Dong at the end of the branch.
Under the hood, a kind of gloomy eyes slowly revealed, with the weird smile on the corner of the mouth and the moving fingers, apparently deliberately provoked Han Dong, leaving him to compete in hunting.
Confidence in her own strength may remain as soon as she is impulsive.
The actual situation is ...
Han Dong flew away.
Such a scene shocked the two underground students, "Are you sure this is really the special graduate headed by the" Head of Couran "? How can you so advise ... It is clear that we have expressed the intention of competition.
"Come on ... as long as we can do this, we can also successfully get the Black Rose Knights and get certain preferential treatment."
I was just as the two followed the crow and left.
A large amount of yellow sand overflowed from the end of the cymbal branch, and slowly built into Han Dong's body.
嗯 "Hmm ... it really came against me. The Black Rose Knights ... Is Captain Kuran so deserving of me?"
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