Chapter 540: rule

Play against an official knight.
Alonso just mentioned it so simply, without clarifying the detailed rules, the scene was uproar!
The formal knight is fundamentally different from the newcomer who just broke the seed.
Not only did they receive formal training from the Cavaliers and experienced issues.
一旦 Once the talent tree is formed, the fate space facing the knight will completely change.
The difficulty is naturally increased in all directions, and the internal rules have become completely different.
Every time a knight who can leave the space of fate will be greatly improved ... At the same time, new points can be assigned to the talent tree to strengthen the specialization ability after breaking the seed.
In the form of a formal knight battle, you can directly and comprehensively understand the individual strength of the graduates.
Uh ...
的 Han Dong five also showed different marks on the paper.
"It's over ... wow! Does anyone change me?"
She first screamed as if she had won the 'first prize'.
What He picked was the Hell Knights, the most destructive knight team ... Fighting knights directly, even if the other party did not kill, it would inevitably leave some painful scars.
"Mia, I change with you."
"You are the best Nicholas!"
Mia approached cheerfully and was about to pass the note ... After glancing at Han Dong's note, the original happy expression disappeared immediately, and she quickly drew back the note.
She Mia then smirked:
"Hee hee ... Suddenly I feel that [Hell Knight] is pretty good.
Moreover, such an important ceremony as lottery certainly does not allow us to exchange in private. "
Han Dong just smiled slightly.
In fact, he is quite satisfied with such a result.
【On the surface of the note is printed [the spooky skull enveloped in the cloak], which corresponds to the Knights of Life.
Abel pumped the Steam Knights,
Demps draws the Lion Heart Knights,
Wenli pumped the popular knights,
Of course, the lottery results cannot be changed ... After one hour, the semi-finals will officially start.
毕业生 Graduates who were previously eliminated due to hunting competitions, after knowing the rules of the semi-finals, a large part of them were relieved and not as upset as when they were just eliminated.
A lot of people have self-knowledge, even if they can barely squeeze into the top 50 ... If they are hit by a formal knight in the semi-finals, they will be ashamed, and in the end, there may not be any Cavaliers willing to accept.
During the break.
By preparing high-density stones in advance, a total of five 50m × 50m square rafters were constructed in the inner field area.
To save time, five matchups will be held at one time.
What I need to explain is that the fallen knights that Han Dong had defeated in the Scarlet Garden were a group of losers who abandoned the knight spirit and faith because of Jade Hope.
The ingestion of the blood brewing seemed to allow them to gain unexpected power, but in fact they let them depart from the creed of human beings, and their own destiny power was degraded and weakened.
He was just indulged in the paralysis of endless jade hope and blood brewing, and failed to detect his own degradation.
Uh ...
"After the break, I still read the detailed rules of the semifinals.
Semi-final-[Test of Quasi Knights], the 13 Knights will send official knights to test your personal strength.
的 Graduates who have been given the name please go to the Yantai area within two minutes and show the result of your lottery.
The corresponding knights will send an official knight to 擂台 to fight against you.
Mr. Kwong and the head of the team will score according to your performance on the ring. Important factors affecting the score include:
1. Strength of a formal knight
2. Net combat time (excluding non-combat time)
3. Comprehensive combat index (directly evaluated by the commander)
Dropping the platform, serious injury, loss of basic mobility or obvious cowardice (the latter three cases are judged by the referee) will force the game to end.
We will select the top ten who scored in the semifinals to enter the final ...
Next, please ask the five students who got their names to board the platform from left to right. "
Harold Garcia
Clarissa Hill
Sheridan Quaker
Louis Johnson
Winley Austin
"Ah ... my first group!" The blacksmith Wen Li had no idea that her name would be read first, and she was at a loss.
"Wen Li, come on ... this semi-final is in your favor."
As Han Dong pumped up for her, Wen Li's nervousness subsided more than half.
"Well, I will work hard."
Han Dong has never seen a ‘talent’ who has a higher level of humanity than Wen Li.
Moreover, in the next two years, Han Dong's contact with Wen Li has also become relatively small ... Want to come, the big blacksmith's requirements for Wen Li are definitely not low.
Right now I can see what Wen Li can achieve.
"As early as two years ago, Wen Li's was able to withstand the high temperature of thousand degrees and the physical strength was comparable to the excellent level of destiny equipment. She had unlimited physical strength and exaggerated strength.
If Wenli's physical defense cannot be broken, the semi-finals may have a ‘knight defeat’.
Specifically, it depends on what kind of talent tree Wen Li has formed. "
The others in the squadron naturally understood Wen Li's special characteristics and paid close attention to this game.
When Wen Li showed a note with the stamp of [Bow and Dagger].
The young knights who were ordered in advance in the Knights are about to step down.
Suddenly stopped by the head of a hand reaching out ~ ~ 枭 ≯Jack Mason sat in a matt seat, generating two pure white apertures between his pupils, and staring at the fiery red-haired on the ring Girl.
"The adopted daughter of the big blacksmith ... Is this hair color and figure, and the [strength] flowing in the body, related to that person? Saibins, your attributes are not suitable for this battle."
男性 The male archer has been in the Cavaliers for seven years, and he thinks he can easily end such a non-reciprocal match.
"Judy ... you go."
I followed the command of the regiment.
A knight wrapped in a cape in the Knights' Order, leaving only a ghost in his position.
I was standing on the platform next second.
"Commander Judy Becheran ..."
的 It was not the ordinary knights sent by the head of Jack, but the commanders of the popular knights-[Hummingbird Guard].
the reason is simple.
In the opinion of the head of Jack, Wen Li's physical attributes restrained her knights.
If the official knight loses in the conference, his knights will lose their faces.
"Head ... How much power can I give?"
"No limit ... only requires you to fight seriously and end the game in five minutes."
的 Judi Knight, who is shrouded in a cloak, is only 1.5 meters tall.
The unique cloak covers the body and appearance.
He Qi held a light wooden short bow on his right hand, and several daggers between his fingers with his fingers ... It seemed that these daggers were arrows.
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