Chapter 561: Mystery

Temper the flesh with anger.
Such a situation is very rare.
Sean's demon flesh has been waiting for this opportunity.
I finally realized it at the Cavaliers Conference.
Under the anger, a young red-skinned man with perfect muscle contour came out ...
The exaggerated demon figure and arms have returned to normal human appearance, and only the muscle lines that can't find any flaws remain on the body.
However, the broken angle and tail of his forehead are still retained.
The injury to his right arm was also completely repaired.
Yeah ...
[Strength Field] Spread out.
Crushed stones within a range of ten meters are all suspended.
The corpse turned into a red shadow and rushed back to the church area.
I deliberately chose not to follow the route that was originally hit, and broke the stone walls of the churches along the way.
Two hell-like scary weapons "Mallom's Fist (Purple Unique)" and "Bone-Sharp Axe (Blue Fine)" have been put in Shawn's hands, colliding with Winry in the front.
when! when!
Two different kinds of ironing sounds rang through the audience.
The weapon fell heavily on Wen Li's body, but she was only 30 cm down.
The hammer in Wen Li's hand also hit Sean's face, but this time he just smashed his cheek in, his head slightly deflected by 30 °.
"It's tough! Your body is tougher than the same level of destiny equipment!"
Sean was shocked at the same time.
Wen Li is not surprised.
回来 Since returning from training, Wen Li has been looking forward to catch up with the deputy captain and never stopped in physical training.
She is very clear that she can beat the good materials with a hammer, but she can't fight off the youth at present ...
He stood in front of Wen Li, like a great demon who was desperate for battle and had endless anger.
Dangdangdang! !!
The thrashing of iron continued.
Beacon splash.
In the strange collision between the two, the church gradually collapsed and turned into ruins.
最 The most powerful and pure collision of power at this session of the Cavaliers Conference is taking place on the original stone platform.
"There are two knights who have just graduated who can reach this level of strength! The future of the Holy City is really exciting!"
The grand knight Roland (Head of Lion Heart) couldn't help but remember the knight convention he had participated in.
上 At the then Cavaliers Conference, no one could hold on to Roland's absolute power.
The so-called one-time breaking method was completely revealed by Roland ...
碰撞 The collision of such forces even made Roland regain his youthful feeling.
A situation where power levels are evenly matched.
"Mulloum's Fist" and "Blacksmith's Hammer" just hit each other in the front.
The pounding bang of the heavy hammer caused many people to cover their ears.
The entire platform was directly shaken to produce a terrible fissure with a length of 100 meters, but due to the special nature of the original stone, it healed by itself in a short time.
Two heavy hammers flew out of their hands.
The Blacksmith's Hammer flew directly out of the field and landed in the area of ​​the popular Knights.
The group of knights who are not good at power hastened away.
Boom! The hammer smashed the auditorium directly into a pit more than three meters wide.
The "Mullum Fist" also directly broke the wall on the edge of the arena and fell into the internal lounge.
"You ... very strong!"
Shawn hasn't encountered an opponent with the same strange power for a long time.
In case of loss of main weapon.
Shawn decisively gave up another huge axe and rammed Wen Li head-on with the most primitive ‘boxing’.
To punch.
Hell Knights also have a group of boxers, so Sean is not bad at fighting unarmed.
Conversely, Wen Li is much worse!
She needs a blacksmith's hammer every day to forge her weapon, and she is better at hammering ... Unarmed combat is still relatively unfamiliar.
The balance situation was instantly broken.
Wenli fell into a situation where she could only passively defend ...
Every punch hit Wen Li's body, and the debris around him will be scattered by the shock wave.
淤 Pieces of bruises started to appear on Wen Li's body surface, indicating that the internal high-density muscle defense was slowly disintegrating.
Han Dong, who was on the stage, also looked at the big blacksmith in the auditorium, Heidrich Emon, and his expression was not very good.
"Almost let Wen Li give up the game."
Han Dong slowly established a conscious connection with Wen Li through black magic, and prepared to persuade him to abstain.
在 At this moment, an unexpected situation happened.
莉 Wen Li, passive defense, is not a blank head, but thinking on her own, thinking about the opposite side of winning.
During the beating, she kept asking herself-"What would he do if the vice captain got into this situation?"
Suddenly ...
Wen Li suddenly gave up half of her defense, stretched her right hand to the side, and grabbed it in the air.
[Blacksmith's Grip]
强大 A strong gravitational force is formed at the grip position.
The gravitational field immediately affected Shawn, who was on the offensive, making her figure slightly deflected, and fists past Wen Li's cheek ...
use this opportunity.
Wen Li's right fist filled with gravity, and even with the waist turning, she directly waved a pretty terrible right upper fist ... The space around the fist was even slightly twisted.
Who knows.
Shawn stabilized his center of gravity in an instant.
Another fist locked Wen Li's defenseless right half, and also made a terrible punch.
Both fists hit each other's body at the same time.
The punch that contained "gravity" seemed heavier, and shot Sean out again.
Wen Li herself was being beaten all the time, her physical defense was already on the verge of disintegration ... This fist hit frontally, breaking Wen Li's muscles, and her internal bones and internal organs were impacted by force.
Tickling ...
After taking a full ten steps back, Wen Li's eyes were dark and she fell to the ground.
"Winner, Sean Naberez ..."
The final result announced by the observer Alonso ~ ~ Sean, who was blown out, took the punch stiffly.
One-handed buckle on the edge of the ring, supporting the body full of blood, like the undead in the deepest part of hell, climbed from the ground again ...
Raise your fist with one hand to signal victory.
The professional medical unit of the Holy Knights team arrived immediately to deal with Wen Li urgently, and then wrapped by the light shield and sent to the ring.
"It's a pity ... if you come up with this trick earlier, you might defeat this boy ..."
When Han Dong looked at Wen Li, who was sent down, she saw that she had a very good physical quality and she had been conscious after receiving medical treatment.
Squinting his eyes signaled that Han Dong needn't worry, he's fine.
"This little Nizi is really ... However, this boy has grown completely through this game, and it is really difficult to meet later."
在 At this moment, the personnel of the next game have come on stage.
Mia played against the most mysterious student-Gully Cha.
Ka Kaka ...
Some mechanized sound came from the plush coat of the mysterious student, and he set foot on the ring.
"I have to work hard ..."
I seem to be stimulated by Wen Li.
She Mia is also very aggressive.
But in Han Dong's view ... this is not a good thing.
:. :
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