Chapter 569: Token

Latest website: It's inexplicable to be pressed by such a fairy who keeps twitching and twisting her head.
This fairy's figure is indeed good, that is, the bright red mouth with no scalp, and more than twice the number of teeth of ordinary people, make many people discourage.
And this fairy is like having some kind of epilepsy disease, her head will convulse constantly.
The fairy did this to reward Han Dong.
"My name is Erutia ... Warrior, what's your name?" The fairy's teeth kept rubbing as she spoke.
"Oh! Brave Nicholas!
Just letting you go to the underground to get your heart, it's just to verify that you are 'trustworthy'.
After all, many brave people are essentially big baddies, and they used to talk to me and laughed, and turned away from their faces when they came back from the basement.
Now I need a warrior to help me do a big thing ... a matter of my status. "
"What's the matter?" Han Dong enjoyed being overwhelmed.
"There seem to be five warriors who came to the garden this time to get the golden apple ... but you seem to be one of the more brave ones.
My true sister is bound to make contact with other brave men.
At the same time, give a "stealth" to the warrior.
My request is simple, that is, you need to defeat one of the braves and bring back my sister's token ... so that I can report to the goddess Hera to communicate with outsiders in an attempt to steal the golden apple.
Even if you take away the golden apple in the end, you can plant misfortunes on them.
I will also receive the award from the goddess Hera. "
Han Dong did not agree in time, but further asked: "If it is done, can it be based on the previous reward ... plus some conditions?"
The fairy suddenly opened her mouth wide, and a slender flat tongue licked against Han Dong's face.
"What do you want ... do you want me?"
Han Dong was calm.
"The previous condition was to open a way into the garden for me.
Can the conditions be changed to: You personally take me to the depths of the garden? "
That's a word.
The fairy Urutia retracted her tongue, and her eyes flashed with interest, "Oh ... you are such a brave man with great ideas.
If you can do my commission, I will consider it. "
Han Dong continued to ask, "Since other warriors can get tokens from different fairies, should I also have one?"
"Of course ... this is a token for you, which will give you a more intuitive understanding of the outer area of ​​the maze."
Say nothing.
The fairy used her index and middle fingers to cling to her own protruding eyes.
噗通 ~
Not real eyes.
The back of the eyeball is not connected by nerve wires, but it is just a prosthetic eye with special functions.
"It will show you where the sister is not, and see some hidden roads in the outer area of ​​the maze.
Need to remind you yes.
Don't annoy my sister, brave you are great, but my sister can still easily kill you.
All you have to do is solve the brave men they recruited ... as far away as possible from the open area of ​​my sister. "
"Warrior, do you need to warm up before the war?"
"No way ..."
Han Dong took over the "Elysian's Prosthetic Eye".
Although, Han Dong does not reject fairies like this "sweet" look.
But currently it is not in private, but in the highly anticipated arena. The entire Cavaliers are watching the situation in the finals ... something is not easy.
Han Dongli immediately broke away from the fairy's depression and sat up on the bed full of mushrooms.
As for the use of the prosthetic eye, it is necessary to insert the prosthetic eye into the fairy eye to connect with the nerve.
For other graduates, this may be difficult to achieve ... but for Han Dong, it is too simple.
The G virus gives the body unlimited development possibilities.
Gao Gao ~
The flesh and tissue on the back of the right hand is sunken inward, and a "eyelet structure" is derived in a short time, and the visual nerve is directly connected to the brain.
Prosthetic eyes embedded.
Visual signal access.
"Are there four fairies? Everyone's looks are very special ... "
Divided into three different windows, watching the fairies in different areas of the garden.
In this visual comparison, the one Han Dong met was really sweet and cute. The other fairies were a bit beyond common sense ... but no wonder, after all, they were fairies.
Han Dong soon found his target in a fairy's house with a head that resembled a lamprey-[Guli. Chali].
Has become a fairy brave.
"Well? What token is that ..."
Han Dong spied through the right eye.
It was found that the lamprey eel raised a unique fang from her head's large mouth, made it into a collar and handed it to Guli. Cha Er ... compared to the auxiliary eye token obtained by Han Dong.
This dental token may be more aggressive.
"The prosthetic eye can obtain information in advance, and can see the hidden channel in the maze ... the teeth, which are also tokens, are not easy to come by. A
"Ultia, what effect does the dental token have?"
"Oh ... is your target Elder Sigler? Her teeth are sharp ... if you make a token, it will be very dangerous for you.
Don't get hit by your teeth, otherwise you will bleed ... "
Eyeballs against teeth.
It is equivalent to using vision and first mover in exchange for aggressive growth. From the perspective of Han Dong, it is still relatively balanced ... However, the increase in aggressiveness will increase the original mysterious graduates, adding greater variables.
In addition, another window picture corresponds to the "palace-headed fairy"-a fairy with a palm in her head.
Han Dong also saw Demps who also acquired the "Secretary-Tongue". He can only hope that the fairy entrusted to Demps, and try not to involve Han Dong.
In this way, the real commissioning task was officially opened.
At the door of the tree house, the fairy gnawed at the crow in her hand and waved goodbye to Han Dong.
With the help of the right eye, Han Dong has an absolute advantage in the outer area of ​​the garden maze.
Targeting the whole trend ~ ~ even slowly predicting the area it may reach.
In the end, Han Dong identified a labyrinth with a large area, and set traps in advance ... to maximize the advantages of the first move.
It wasn't for revenge for Mia.
In Han Dong's view.
In this way, those who kill the same humans, and even do not obey the management of the knight, are not worthy of being dubbed the official knight ... Such existence will hinder the development of human beings.
In addition to the judgment of some other factors, Han Dong did not regard the target as "human" at all.
A killing intention that can only be revealed outside the city and in the space of fate is constantly overflowing from Han Dong's surface.
An alternative battle is about to begin.
At the same time, the head of a certain leader also came to the audience seat of the arena.
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