Chapter 588: riddle

It belongs to a kind of special out-of-city life independent of evil and monsters.
Their individual integrity is higher and their numbers are very rare (see Volume 4 [Life Outside the City (Part 2)] for details)
Mia's existence is even more special among the worms.
She has neither shown much of the characteristics of life outside the city nor any pollution, and 90% of the whole is more human ...
Introduced by Demps.
Mia was perfected with the help of "Mother-Aya".
As a result, Aya ’s mother noticed Mia ’s differences, and she talked about ‘Mia’ in detail during her alone with Han Dong.
Part of the reason why Han Dong made Mia stick to herself like this is because of Mia's potential and her particularity as a "worm attacher".
Inside the lord bedroom of Stuart Manor.
Ms. Ya Yi came in person.
Due to the closed nature of the "sensory realm", even the elders of the crow who also lived in the castle did not sense the invasion of foreign objects.
With one hand on Mia's eyebrow, she slowly drew the cursed seal inside.
"Using the larvae of [Yuanmu Manchu], it really suits her very well.
The battle in the Cavaliers Election also stabilized her talent tree and possessed the ability to control 'worms'.
I am just lifting the seal of heart.
Most of the auxiliary seals were kept, so as to prevent the little spider from suppressing the worm, which would cause an irreversible "runaway".
Such a special insect attacher can help you and my 'son' very well at some moment.
Moreover, there is a "worm attacher" in your team that can save you a lot of trouble in the future.
Otherwise I wouldn't take a 'risk' and make a special trip to your estate. "
"Thank you, Ms. Aya."
"There is a disgusting strong smell in your manor. It seems that a special guest came today ... won't reveal your secret?"
"Just a businessman."
"That's good."
"Ga ~ Ga ~ Lord Lord! You haven't eaten for seven days!"
One week has passed.
A lot of meals have been piled up at the door of Han Dong's bedroom ... In a week, Han Dong never opened the door to pick up meals, and no transmission was received.
It's just that the Ravens can clearly feel the breath of the Lord.
They estimate that the lord may be doing unique cultivation with the tall horsewoman, and no one would dare to break the door and disturb
The time is getting longer and longer. Considering that the lord said that he would stay for a week this time out of town, today is exactly the time limit.
The elders decided to ask Dazor, who had the closest relationship with Han Dong, to come to deliver food. If the lord still did not open the door, Dazor would use the spare key to check the internal situation.
After all, in the view of the elders, even if the reproduction between the opposite has a certain process, it will not last for seven days.
Daze crow frightened the whole time, afraid to make Han Dong unhappy and make it into a roasted crow.
Crunch ~
The action of opening the door is very slow.
At the moment when the door gap was slightly opened, a number of purple spiders crawled out immediately, and Tasawa quickly protected his body with feathers to avoid being injected with toxins.
"This ... what is this !?"
Through the door gap.
I saw the lord's room full of dense spider webs.
Slightly different from ordinary spider silk, these silk threads are like a kind of vascular tissue with villi, and the whole body also emits radiant purple light, which completely illuminates the room.
Deep inside the cobweb, that is, inside the room, there seems to be a big spider hugging Han Dong. The situation is very 'dangerous'.
It was just when Tawara showed his courage to break in to rescue Lord Lord.
A voice from Han Dong echoed in his mind:
"Get out ... I'm fine, close the door quickly."
Dazawa quickly closed the door again. Although he was scolded, he did not have to fight against dangerous spiders, and the lord was okay. Tozawa itself was very happy.
Deep in the cobweb.
Takes a full week.
Mia has transformed from a completely violent eight-legged poison spider into a human form with eight arms, and her consciousness has slowly recovered ... except that the huge silk sac behind her has not disappeared.
The true purpose of "the curse is unsealed".
It is with the 'worms' that allow Mia to control her body.
Rather than continue to be suppressed by cursed seals imposed by others.
Only when she truly controls her body can she minimize the possibility of "runaway" and "worm transformation", and at the same time she can maximally inspire Mia's own ability ... to make her all-round attributes to a higher level.
Seven days.
Mia also 'enjoyed' enough of the duo world.
Even if her initial consciousness is not so clear, under her senses, she can always feel the embrace and warmth from Han Dong ...
"Thank you……"
"You are the only" worm appender "in the holy city that can sustain human form.
According to the book, the "worm appenders" are a rare species outside the city, are extremely dangerous and are mostly recruited by the old king, becoming special strangers under their command.
When the Great Expedition arrives, the Knights will inevitably not encounter the terrible bug possessors outside the city.
At that time, Mia, maybe you can play a more important role than the captain. "
"it is good……"
Mia didn't want to be so far, she didn't even want to participate in any expedition, she just wanted to stay with Han Dong.
"Today I have to go back to report ... you continue to stay in the manor to recuperate until you return to [humanoid] completely."
"You can't be with someone ..."
"Please take leave on the first day you have just become a knight, not too good ... Besides, I have been with you for seven days, take care of myself, come back to the city and come to me."
The crow carriage made a special response.
Han Dong rushed back to the holy city as fast as possible, and tried to report to the Secret Knights before sunset.
It is exactly similar to the experience in the dream.
[Secret Knights] The headquarters is neither in the noble area above, nor in the chaotic and mysterious underground area ... but on the second floor of the ordinary.
Hundreds of meters apart, you can see the dark gray building on the 'deepest street', five storeys high.
However, this kind of building looks quite 'strange'. It feels like the building is upside down, the doors and windows are in opposite directions, and the rooftop borders the ground.
However, as Han Dong approached the deepest street where the Whispering Knights were located, a weird feeling swept across his body.
Mr. Black's exclusive carriage was in front of the crossroads and could not continue to move forward.
Just as Han Dong was about to step into the deepest street.
Yu Guang glanced to the side of the intersection, and a bright yellow iron sheet mailbox stood.
On the side of the mailbox, a small [? 】mark.
"What's in the mailbox ..."
Han Dong presents the Secret Knight Sign that he has received ~ ~ 哐 当 ~
The mailbox is open.
Inside is a weird "radio".
"A product in the space of destiny? Somewhere between dead and living."
The radio suddenly throws a riddle: "If you know me, you want to share me. If you share me, I will disappear, who am I?"
"Secret." Han Dong immediately gave the answer.
"Welcome to the Secret Knights ..."
At one time, the structure of the deepest street changed.
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