Chapter 600: White mask

Compared to panic and chaos in the city.
Bates College, a school built in the suburbs, is in a good condition because it is equipped with sufficient police forces around it.
The only thing a student at school can do is continue class and wait for their parents to get a migration certificate.
The canteen area at dusk.
The three of them were sitting in a corner of the cafeteria, and they just had several local large lobsters.
The plan has been set.
The three will only stay at the school for one day. If the ‘thing’ hidden in the school is not found, Han Dong will not force it and rent a car directly to head towards Derui Town.
Just before the three had dinner, just before leaving.
Cass's handsome appearance matched his baseball captain's school-level setting.
A blond girl took the dinner plate and sat next to Cass.
Because it may disappear from the world at any time.
The girl also wanted to tell the emotions deep in her heart in advance.
Not to mention, except for a few more obvious freckles, the blonde girl looks and looks very good ... especially the two proud parts, few students of the same age can compare.
"Kas, I've always loved ... Can you stay with me tonight? My roommate disappeared a few days ago, and I was alone in the bedroom.
Moreover, I also heard a very scary thing.
Someone also found the body in the old school building ... can you stay with me? "
The girl who offered to take care of herself gave an information that interested the team-[Body].
All the information we have learned so far are missing.
At the same time, through the perspective of the little magic eye, Han Dong saw the school card in the pocket of the girl, with her name written on it-[Winger Cecil]
Cass took the opportunity to ask: "What body?"
"It's pretty scary. The bodies found in the old teaching building where no one went, I heard that they have been dead for many days.
The odor was smelled by the cleaners passing by, but the odorous room was locked from the inside. The police were eventually notified to come and found that a large number of dismembered corpses were accumulated inside.
The police have also been investigating this matter, but it seems that the killer has not yet been found ... I suspect that a perverted murderer mingled into the campus during special times and specially selected some people who placed orders.
I'm really scared. "
When the girl finished talking.
The three Cass stood up at the same time and walked towards the restaurant exit.
Cass also put a hand on Han Dong's shoulder, turned his head and waved goodbye to the blonde girl:
"Thank you for your information, I have to accompany my good brother tonight ... I heard that many students will gather in the gym every night to rest. If you are afraid, you can go to the gym."
Staring at the three men who are going away.
Wenger's expression solidified immediately, and even turned into hatred in a very short time!
In her eyes, Cass's so-called companion is obviously just an excuse.
The outstanding looking Asian student who was next to Cass was the one Cass wanted to accompany.
"Damn student! Cass should be mine."
Just when she turned her head back in disgust, ready to continue eating.
Next to the dinner plate, I don't know when an extra white mask will appear.
The material of the mask is between the leather and the glass. It is very soft, but the surface is shiny and shiny.
The inexplicable attraction leads directly to Wenger's brain.
Prompted her to reach out and hold up the mask, and slowly put it on her face.
Click! Click!
The moment he put on the mask.
Wenger's head suddenly deflected 180 °.
With your chin facing up and your head down.
The white mask slowly integrated into the skin during this process.
With the mask fully integrated, Wenger turned his head back ... The only change brought about was that the freckles on Wenger's face disappeared and the skin became fairer and more delicate.
"Kas, it's mine! Any woman who seduce him must die!"
Night fell.
Disappeared because of completely unpredictable circumstances, as well as the terrorist dismemberment circulating in the school.
During the night, almost no one walks around the entire campus.
Either stay in the bedroom and call their parents to ask for the migration certificate, or friends gather together and spend the night in the bedroom or some public areas.
Late at night.
There was a sound of stomping on the ground in the hallway of the boys' dormitory.
Footsteps stopped in front of Han Dong and Cass.
Uh ...
A fairly regular knock sounded.
It seemed to be sleeping so hard that no one came to open the door.
For a little while, the knock on the door stopped.
About ten minutes later, the locked window was pried open from the outside, and a blonde woman crawled into the room immediately ... still holding a sharp knife in her hand.
Wenger's complexion was paler than a few hours ago.
"The shameless woman is in Cass's bedroom, and I can smell her ..."
Wenger, carrying a knife, went straight to the wooden bed where Diana was sleeping.
Aim at the neck and cut it off with one stroke ... powerful enough to behead directly.
Uh ...
Wenger's knife was broken directly.
Diana's neck is stronger than the alloy ...
The quilt opened, temporarily blocking Wenger's vision.
Huh! !!
Diana spurs from both palms, penetrating Wenger's left and right shoulders precisely, rendering her arms incapacitated and picking her entire body in the air.
Han Dong, who was also on the other side of the bed, quickly arrived, pinching Wenger's head.
Gao ...
A tentacle passed through the skull, forcibly pulling the white mask fused into Wenger's head.
Next second.
Han Dong made an incredible action.
He put such a dangerous leather mask on his face ...
The same effect.
With the attachment of the mask to the skin, it melts directly into Han Dong's head and affects the brain.
"Hahahaha ... haha!"
At this moment, Han Dong burst into laughter.
Even the boys' dormitory can hear such weird laughter.
[Laughter]-Greatly improve mental resistance, reduce 90% of the effects of mental impact and suppression (the effect of high-level mental ability reduction is gradually reduced ~ ~ can keep the brain awake at any time.
Completely unaffected by the spiritual influence of the mask.
Han Dong did this for one purpose, to establish contact with the guy behind the mask and lock in position.
Indiana determined that another team was not in the school. Han Dong had already scattered the crows around the campus. He also had a panoramic view of Wenger's 'mask invasion' in the restaurant.
Continue to pretend to be an ordinary student and go back to bed to prevent the "things" behind the scenes from being too vigilant.
Take this opportunity to directly lock its position.
"The main school building-the third-tier classroom."
When Han Dong gave this information.
Diana has disappeared ...
"Kas, let's quickly keep up ... in case the target is a [resident], Diana should not be able to deal with it alone."
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