Chapter 611: leave school

Everything is done.
Han Dong turned and closed the door, separating the rooms simultaneously.
This secret room created using the ancient female knowledge of [Female Corpse-Ammanet] was completely separated, and it was sunk into the lowest level of the school and reinforced with multiple layers of yellow sand and rock formations.
The location is about fifty meters below the artificial lake.
Of course, the seal belongs to the seal.
The key to suppressing [Ultimate Human Demon] lies in the means by which Han Dong remains in the coffin.
Inside the coffin is a tentacle organ.
It will be destroyed when Myers' mask recovers.
Let the "weak state" extend indefinitely until the Moonlight Enchantment collapses on its own
"You can go to rest ... I will take the rest to suppress it."
Han Dong must not relax his vigilance, and must monitor the situation inside the coffin all the way.
Any abnormal situation in fate space can happen ...
"Do you need to shift?"
Cass asked with concern, after all, forty hours before the disappearance of the moonlight enchantment ... Han Dong can maintain a high concentration of spirits for such a long time can be uncomfortable.
"No ... this is the only thing I can do. You go to rest, you need your help in case of an emergency."
Han Dong sat alone by the lake. .
Because the moonlight is not falling, and the night will not fade away ... The students also stay in the dormitory or the sports tube and dare not come out. The derivative human demon has been completely killed by Han Dong.
The plan was successful.
Han Dong sat cross-legged on the lake in this way and passed forty hours.
"The moonlight closure in" Bates College "has been lifted ..."
In an instant.
The night finally faded, and the moon also disappeared in a short time. Instead, the rising sun rising from the east ...
Han Dong's focus also loosened at this moment.
The bottom coffin was immediately shredded with a knife.
It wasn't just Myers that appeared from the inside, but countless evil spirits and horrible virtual images of fleshy stacks ... Several layers of enchantment couldn't hold the ultimate monster for long.
Wow! The water splash exploded.
A figure suddenly jumped out from the center of the lake, and his body fell in front of the sleepy Han Dong.
The knife in his hand did not wave out slowly.
The sun shined on the huge body of the demon, and the heavy evil spirit slowly recovered from the body ... Myers' body disappeared from reality, so he disappeared in front of Han Dong.
"Huh ... it's finally over, the pressure of real fate is really great."
Han Dong immediately lay in a large font on the lawn by the lake, feeling tired from all corners of his body like a flood.
The two teammates also rushed to the scene immediately, and the moonlight marks between their necks disappeared one after another.
The "Execution" effect does not always exist. As long as the night passes, the mark will be reset.
Diana stared at Han Dong lying on the ground, and she had an unspeakable sense of wonder ... This is the first time that she has cooperated with Han Dong. The real solution to the essence of danger is Han Dong. She feels that only 10% of To the contribution.
It gradually became clear what the meaning of [survival factor] possessed by Han Dong as mentioned by Chairman Kuran.
As for Cass, he was used to it, and he had known Han Dong's ability when he cooperated before.
"Kas, I have to sleep for a while ... go find a hotel nearby and wake me up before nightfall. [Security plan] has been completed, we rush on at night and sleep during the day."
After Han Dong explained the task, he fell asleep due to excessive fatigue.
[In a dream]
Development of special brain domain structure and laughter feature.
Han Dong's dreams have become completely different from ordinary people ... You can realize yourself in the dreams and construct a temporary dream space in your mind.
Even during bedtime, Han Dong can think about layout and problems in the dream space to maximize the use of time.
The dream space currently constructed is the private theater of Scarlet Manor.
The ups and downs of the piano song "The Devil" is on the theater stage, played by the Count's deity.
Han Dong sat in the first row of the auditorium of the theater and admired the count's solo.
"Is this the destiny space for your humans to gain power? It's really interesting ... this ultimate demon is also very interesting!
This level of physical strength is comparable to [mature body-alien monster]. To survive under this kind of monster, it is no wonder that humans like you who can't help but gain the power to confront our alien monster.
Say that the ultimate demon's flesh is ‘very fragrant’, do n’t you want it? "
"Myers's torso is indeed very fragrant, but the attributes of flesh stacking, evil spirits, etc. are not suitable for me ... and, once Myers' torso is assembled, it is likely to be restricted by moonlight."
"You're really picky ... I'm already curious about the people in [Derry Town]."
The earl popped several major keys in succession to express his excitement. It seems that he has not been too annoyed about his defeat. At present, following Han Dong, he has seen a lot of new areas that cannot be touched as strange demons.
"Through the moonlight event, it can basically be concluded that ... comes from the ability of the strange demon, which has great damage to the life of destiny. Your power may be frequently used in the follow-up."
"Although you can use it, you can even replace my arm directly as in the Cavaliers election ... by the way! Why haven't you seen the resident with the" mad laugh "attribute?"
"When you arrive inside Derui, you will meet."
"Okay ... it's really exciting to see such a group of devil dancing.
By the way, one of your two allies is very interesting ... I can clearly feel a strange demon who, although completely digested, still influences the outside world through participating materials. "
"Um ... very interesting little girl, like you, can defeat this rare alien.
You have to be optimistic about her. This little girl doesn't seem to be able to fully control this power. Once the bone is completely spilled, she may die. "
The count said that he would continue his performance.
Han Dong lay back on the soft chair and closed his eyes and tried to enter a deeper dream.
When I woke up, the light of the setting sun came into my eyes.
Han Dong is sleeping in a relatively humble, off-campus hotel.
"let's go……"
Good luck ~ ~ I met a big boss who tried to leave Maine and drove by on the side of the road. He got a big G with quite good performance through mind control.
Seeing Han Dong's ability to drive such a weird vehicle, Diana became even more curious.
"When are we leaving?"
"The bodyguard hasn't got on the bus yet, wait for the moon to come out ..."
Myers couldn't locate it because all the moonlight signs had disappeared.
If you do n’t wait for the ‘bodyguard’, the previous plan will give up all your merits ... Of course, if you are an ordinary person, you are definitely willing to get rid of the horrible humans and kill them.
But Han Dong was unwilling.
Such a brain is not particularly easy to use, and the ultimate terrible monster is a high-quality tool man.
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