Chapter 615: country

Perspective switch.
[Mr. Jade's Pasta] where Han Dong and others are.
Poor boss Mr. Jed, because of the delay in serving, the moonlight came ... directly killed by irresistible forces.
During the death of the boss, Cass gave a "Barbarian Crash", along with the white pork piled up at the restaurant door, and crashed into pieces. He sat on the Mercedes-Benz Big G parked at the door as quickly as possible.
However, Han Dong was deliberately full of speed.
"Unlimited G virus liberation"
This is a trick used in the Cavaliers election against the leader of the battle ...
Deliberately does not limit the stimulating effect of G virus on cell proliferation, so that the right arm turns into a large mass of amorphous deformed tissue and grows rapidly.
The violent impact of the hyperplastic arm directly knocked Myers back about a distance of about three meters.
The next second, something unexpected happened.
The arm was forcibly broken by the middle.
Han Dong immediately withdrew the remaining proliferative tissue and turned on the car.
The main purpose of this is not to delay Myers' pursuit, but to be intentionally 'branded'.
Hit by a table knife.
A lump of moonlight imprinted on Han Dong's neck ... it was neither a curse nor a magical skill, and it was impossible to stop the imprint from forming.
"Execution" is inevitable.
By being deliberately branded in this way, Han Dong can ensure that the 'bodyguard' follows him all the way ... and will not give up hunting.
Jump into the main driving position and step on the accelerator.
It directly exceeded the limit speed of a batch of high-quality carriages.
Because in the world corresponding to "Lin", everyone is trying to move out of Maine, and very few people go out during the night. The streets are extremely empty and it is not difficult to drive ...
"This vehicle is really fast, and it can be compared with the vehicle of Jinzhu ... It would be nice if we could bring this technology back."
Cass could not help but sigh at the surging power of Big G.
"Unfortunately, there is no way to introduce technology in Destiny Space ... Cass, do you see if our bodyguards are behind?"
Han Dong needs to keep his speed up to 100 yards.
At the same time, it is necessary to make a non-decelerating drift and turn ... It is currently impossible to confirm what the `` critical speed that will not be caught by Myers '' is.
Cass turned his head to look at the car and was taken aback by the ultimate hunting method.
Myers belongs to the kind of demon who doesn't like moving very much. In the movie, he often kills by walking and rarely runs ... The current situation is the same.
Miles followed the car in the simplest way.
The only difference is ... he will perform "moonlight teleport" indefinitely.
Every time he stepped into the moonlight zone, he would appear in the moonlight zone next month ...
But after careful observation, there are certain restrictions.
Myers' "continuous" moonlight teleportation will be subject to [Distance Limitation] ... The distance of each teleportation is about 30 ~ 50 meters.
If you want to perform long-distance teleport, you also need a certain time to buffer.
"We're lucky."
The national road that connects the current town is mostly built in the hills due to the terrain of New England Heights in Maine.
There are dense and lush tree houses on both sides, plus some large billboards soaring on the side of the road, which can create a lot of moonless areas on the national road. Myers' teleportation will be forcibly blocked.
In this way, after a period of chasing, Han Dong estimated a critical speed range, which can basically guarantee that it will not be overtaken by Myers.
A dutiful security guard will Han Dong and his party and arrive safely in Derui.
On the way, the main road was blocked (a large number of vehicles collided on the road, and more than 20 vehicles completely blocked the road). In normal times, the strong guy Cass could get off the vehicle to clear the obstacles.
With Myers catching up, it is impossible to stop.
Immediately off the main route, driving in the fields ... unexpectedly entered a large-scale cornfield farm area. A large number of farmers lived here and grew rich by growing corn.
There are also many wind turbines and a few homemade scarecrows in the vast cornfield.
Not long after the car drove into this cornfield.
The rising sun on the horizon slowly rises, day and night alternate ... When the sunlight flows into this cornfield, it immediately glows golden.
The ultimate demon chasing after the car also disappeared as the sun shone on him.
The night's rush is officially over, and you need to find a place not too far away for a short rest.
Follow the directions on the map.
Han Dong and others have traveled more than 200 kilometers.
However, in a straight line comparing with the town of Derui, it has only advanced more than 80 kilometers ... It will take at least 1-2 days to officially arrive in the town of Derui.
[Misato Farm]
Due to the blocked road, Han Dong and his team accidentally drove into this farm area mainly planted with corn ... the scale can be ranked third in Maine.
Disappearances have become more frequent as they are closer to Derui.
"Well ... many people still live here.
But yes, it is extremely difficult for people in the city to obtain a "relocation permit," let alone a farmer in a rural area.
Moreover, the peasant households living here are too old, and at a certain age, they are not so afraid of death.
Rather than die in another country, it is better to die in the homeland where he is most familiar. "
Drive slowly on country roads and slowly arrive at the center of the farm, similar to a small village.
After all, the farm is very large, with a larger supermarket chain in the central rural area.
The first thing is to fuel the car and eat personally.
Han Dong felt hungry for a while.
Three extraordinary college students (especially Cass and Diana) drive these luxury cars and go to the farm in a situation where everyone wants to leave Maine, and it will be strange for anyone to change.
Convenience store
Han Dong sucked onion and corn noodles with a big mouth, holding an oversized hot dog in one hand.
There was also a real roast chicken on the table.
It feels really good to be free.
At this time, the owner of the convenience store wearing a peaked cap brought a corn salad with a smile on his face ... After all, Han Dong gave a lot of tips ~ ~ I would like to ask where you have accommodation ? "
"Yes ... a lot.
However, this period of time is very special. There are a lot of people on the farm, and I do n’t know how many hotels are still open.
Let's go and make a call ... Everyone on the farm knows more or less. If the general hotel is closed, we will arrange for you to live in some farmer's homes.
Everyone is hospitable and the accommodation problem is easily solved. "
"sorry to bother you."
"no problem."
Give enough money, everything is easy to handle.
Just as the store manager left, Han Dong suddenly felt a weird peep ... something was peeping into his party secretly.
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