Chapter 617: curse

Night fell.
[Misato Farm]
All the residents of the farm returned home before sunset, without exception ... the farm became silent.
Today, Bob, the convenience store owner who was in charge of receiving Han Dong and his party, took a very happy little step home, and hummed in his mouth.
Bob is a bachelor in his forties and an elderly mother at home.
Because today, he has received a few large foreign customers, and he has received a lot of money, and he has collected enough money ... I plan to leave tonight and take my mother to leave the farm that makes him feel sick.
"Mon, there are a few wealthy college students in the store today! I borrowed the old John's house, and I made enough of the last 100 dollars! And, there is a beautiful girl growing up among these college students."
Bob, who is in his forties, may be in his twenties. .
When the wooden door was pushed open.
The ground was covered with straw, and there wasn't even much place to fall.
Bob was accustomed to this situation and went straight to his mother's bedroom.
Lying on the bed was a 'scarecrow'. The whole body was covered with straw. The flesh was almost invisible ... You can only see two bloodshot eyes by dialing the layers of straw at the beginning.
"It seems a little more than yesterday."
Bob took out a simple type of weeder to remove the straw from his mother.
It took two full hours of work to shave the whole body of straw ... However, the mother itself was in a state of 'human-shaped culture medium'. The pores of the body were enlarged to the thickness of the little finger, and the inside was full of straw residues.
It won't be long before it grows again.
The body was dry and bloodless, and it seemed that the nutrients were squeezed out of the straw.
The mother opened her mouth to say something, but found that her mouth was also full of straw, and she could not speak at all.
"Mom, you don't have to continue suffering anymore, I have collected enough money today! We will leave here now, and your ill will gradually disappear as you leave the farm."
Bob puts his mother on a home-made wheelchair and traps her with a leash to prevent it from falling during the push.
Quickly pushed her mother downstairs.
A gas-filled minivan (pickup) has stopped downstairs.
Just as Bob tried to transfer his mother to the front passenger seat.
Perhaps due to the stimulation of the night, the straw in the mother's pores began to grow rapidly, and some sharp-edged straws directly penetrated into Bob's back.
Just punctured a little skin, not serious.
But because the mother's straw was growing at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, it was difficult for Bob to carry it on the co-pilot.
Without any choice.
I had to push my mother into the container on the back ... I fixed the wheelchair by a few hemp ropes, and by way of loading, my mother was checked out of the farm.
Return to the main driving position and turn the car key to ignite.
Bob accidentally glanced at the back of his own hand, and he even grew straw ... it seemed to be infected by his mother.
His obsession to leave the farm grew stronger.
Step on the throttle and follow the road he knows best.
It only takes half an hour to leave the farm completely.
During the journey, Bob also checked the backpack in the front passenger's seat from time to time to confirm that it was in a 'bulging' state.
It's full of banknotes.
Part of it was the living money he earned, and part was the money of the dead collected by Bob visiting some missing families.
He just wanted to stay away from the farm and live elsewhere in Maine.
Due to the large-scale disappearance that Maine is currently experiencing, the low housing prices are terrible ... such money is enough for him to survive.
Almost halfway through the road, Bob looked into the rear compartment through the rearview mirror ... accidentally, his mother was missing.
Squeaky ~~
Throttle to death.
Bob immediately got out of the car to check the situation, but found that his mother, who was covered with straw, was still strapped to the back of the car, no problem.
"Strange ... why can't you see it in the rearview mirror?"
When Bob returned to the main driving position.
However, it was found that there was an extra 'guest' in the co-pilot position. A child wearing a straw hood and a red cloth was only a six-year-old.
There is also a corn lollipop in the child's hand.
During the time that Bob lived on the farm, he experienced too many weird things ... He planned for a long time to escape the farm plan tonight.
Directly from the lower end of the steering wheel, pull out a homemade modified short shotgun, aiming at the child is a shot!
The impact of the shotgun sprayed the child out of the car, and all the small steel broke into the weird child.
"Go die! Scarecrow!"
After cursing, Bob stepped on the throttle and moved on.
Seeing that there were only ten minutes left to leave the farm, but on the road 100 meters away from the lights, a scary scarecrow he had never seen before.
The height of a normal person.
But under the straw husk, there was a rusty metal torso.
A grapple-type bent foot is inserted into the ground, so that its body stands on the ground ...
In the right hand wrapped in the straw bag, a horrible rusty iron sickle was dragged.
The other deformed arm obtained by suture was dragged to the ground.
However, on the shoulder of the scary scarecrow, the little boy who was just attacked by Bob was still licking the corn lollipop in his hand.
"Kill you."
Bob is still very confident in his new pickup, and no matter how scary the scarecrow blocking the road is, it's only the size of an ordinary person.
Fully stepped on the accelerator and speeded up to 80 yards.
Seeing that he was about to crash into the scarecrow.
The sharp object came and the body was disconnected directly from the middle ... and Bob's mother in the back compartment was chopped off together and the straw flew.
The pickups separated from side to side and crashed into the cornfield on both sides.
Bob flying from the main driver's seat was caught in the air by a scarecrow with stitching arms (mechanical, pork, bird eyes, and straw cloth ~ ~ ... because his neck was stuck and his mouth was completely stuck Open up.
The Scarecrow also opened his mouth wide.
Each straw covered with black motor oil was docked with Bob.
Absorb completely in a short time ... not only vitality, but also Bob's recent memory.
In this memory, the Scarecrow also captured a very interesting group of people, a group of young people who can withstand the power of the curse to a large extent, came to its territory.
Crunching ...
The scarecrow moved its rusty iron body and slowly walked back to the center of the farm.
The child sitting on it was still licking the lollipop-the child was wearing a straw mask, and his filamentous tongues protruded from the gap between the masks, licking on the surface of the lollipop.
"Li resident-Sam and its shell, come! A
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