Chapter 619: Child

Both the farmer and the son became scarecrows.
Thanks to the full activation of the curse, they have been given the opportunity to 'regenerate' ... even if the blood vessels and organs have been replaced with straw.
With the support of the cursing force, normal physical activities can be performed, and even straw and some weird tissues and organs can be released for attack, which can easily kill ordinary people.
Since Han Dong helped his father and son when he first came to the farm, the two were not hostile. "Isn't it for you to leave quickly? It's really impossible to go now."
"Is there any other way to leave?"
The farmer shook his head and stared at the straw growing on the back of Han Dong's hands. "Method ... the method of leaving ... all the people who cursed and tried to leave this farm would be completely killed. When you first came to the farm, He hasn't been cursed yet, and he has a chance to leave.
It's too late now, you can't go. "
"Is there any way to delay the curse?"
"The curse it brings is irresistible and unavoidable ..."
At this moment, the farmer's son hanging on a wooden post, the early straw disease patient suddenly deflected his head, stared at Han Dong with the button eyes sewn out, and slowly spit out a dry tongue in his mouth. "The tailor's church on the east ... there may be the answer you want."
"Tailor's Church, east?"
Han Dong's eyes changed, and he did not expect to obtain unexpected information.
"Yes, our church here is very special. It is managed by Goddess Edison, and it also works as a tailor ... Weak scarecrows were made by godmothers.
She must be hiding something secret.
Because all the devout worshippers in the village are sick, the prevalence is much higher than other villagers.
There are still many missing persons in the town that are also directly related to the godmother ...
We can't enter the church if we have a complete outbreak of straw disease, you may find the answer in it. "
"Thank you."
At this moment, the farmer's son continued to add: "If Godson Edison is still alive, you must kill her.
The moment the straw grew on me, and I fell completely into darkness, I saw the true face of the godmother ...
Fa Xiao, who had disappeared three months ago, was also hit by her poison.
I was so stupid to believe that the priest would not do this kind of thing ... Susannah had mentioned the church many times in her notebook.
If you can kill her, I will help as much as I can. "
"no problem."
For this kind of intelligence with clear destinations and goals, and it seems weird, it is not unexpected that a branch story will be opened.
"I will leave the farm area due to the recurrence of the moonlight ... In order to avoid grass and snakes, I did not release the crow on a large scale.
I did not expect such a weird church on the east side.
Good luck, there is nothing to help others in the fate space, it is still very good. A
When Han Dong was about to leave, he turned to look at the farmer.
"Mr. Anderson, can you borrow your hat and a straw?"
In an instant.
Han Dong transformed into a scarecrow like a farmer, perfectly imitating, even the body is covered with straw-covered blood vessels, the breath is exactly the same ... After continuing to ask some basic rules on the farm, Han Dong, a scarecrow, limped To leave.
During the secret trip to the church, Han Dong temporarily closed Tuogu, and the success rate of one person sneaking was much higher.
After Han Dong left against the cornfield path.
The father and son whispered in the cornfield:
"Rams, this young man is kind-hearted, isn't it good for you to trick him into church?"
"Father ... this man is awesome. When he was carrying me today, my straw felt a pretty terrifying power in him.
He might really kill the priest. "
"But the priest ..."
Just as the father wanted to say this, the child licking corn lollipops and wearing a straw hood suddenly passed by ... A finger made of creeping straw stood in front of the child's mouth and signaled them thousands Don't talk too much.
The straw on the father and son's bodies kept falling, and even the straw-structured organs were exposed.
After about five minutes, the child licked the lollipop and left.
Han Dong, pretending to be a straw, went to the Tailor Church according to the father and son.
The church was originally a place of pilgrimage, and there should be no other work positions. Combining the tailor's shop with the church had its own problems ... Han Dong was also the first to hear about it.
While Han Dong was marching toward the east church.
Han Dong, with a small devil's eyes, saw through a layer of straw, a mechanized weird scarecrow, dragging a huge weird stitching arm and a weird sickle, walking towards the church.
The whole is shrouded in darkness, making it difficult to identify its intensity.
Han Dong immediately changed course and moved tens of meters horizontally, pretending to be an ordinary scarecrow and slumped in the cornfield.
As Han Dong lay down, he didn't know when a little boy with a lollipop appeared in front of him.
Smaller than half a meter, burlap hood and red dress ~ ~ will make the child look a bit cute.
The child just sat in front of Han Dong and seemed to avoid the scary mechanical scarecrow.
Looked at the little child in front of him through the vision of little magic eyes.
The child is just a very ordinary scarecrow. Under the hood and clothes, they are stuffed with very ordinary straw ... Han Dong estimates that it should be a five-year-old child at a farmer's house, and was cursed by the scary straw Becomes like this.
"Don't move ... that thing is here."
Han Dong grabbed the child next to him.
Pretending to be two ordinary scarecrows, lying in a cornfield ... then deepening camouflage with "death mood".
Squeak ...
The scary scarecrow dragging the sickle came here in search of breath.
Han Dong is ready, as long as the opponent shows willingness to attack, he will immediately counterattack.
However, with the combination of straw clothes and the mood of death, he successfully deceived the mechanically driven scarecrow, leaving behind a dark pool of mechanical oil, and the other party slowly left.
Confirming safety, Han Dong retrieved the field of death from his body.
The reason why the Scarecrow children were assisted was because Han Dong had contact with Scarecrows transformed by other villagers.
The so-called 'straw disease' only changed their bodies, and their mentality was not directly affected by the curse. It's just that a few people are willing to degenerate during their illness.
This kind of child who has not yet grown up still maintains the child's innocence.
The straw child did not know where to take out a corn lollipop and handed it to Han Dong.
"Thank you." After receiving the lollipop, the straw child left and left.
Afterwards, he didn't get any trigger prompt or change of favorability ... Han Dong shrugged and continued to walk towards the weird church.
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