Chapter 623: Expose

The main lifeline is completely broken.
The godmother, who can only put consciousness into the "stroll puppet", is currently sealed by Han Dong with yellow sand. If you rely on yourself, there is no chance of regeneration.
During this time, Han Dong quickly flipped through the documents in the office and used the magic eyes to find hidden dark cells.
"I am [Master] the only person in charge of the tailoring factory appointed. A large number of scarecrows have died and the factory is shut down! The Lord will soon arrive, and you and your friends will have no way to escape.
The curse imposed on the Lord is by no means able to resist flesh and blood.
You will drown in the endless quagmire of fear and become the lowest straw laborer, and work here forever and ever. "
Let the straw puppet roar here.
Han Dong completely ignored it, and inquired in the godmother's office of the evidence needed to hide the plot.
About three minutes passed.
Due to the death of the godmother's main body, the main control room was left unregulated, resulting in the operation of the tailor's factory being forced to stop ... the so-called [master] in the godmother's mouth came.
The godmother also trembled as a result, and straws kept falling from it.
After all, she still failed to defeat the invaders in the case of using a large number of mechanical scarecrows. This is her failure ... It may seriously affect her subsequent promotion to Li residents.
"Lord! This group of people maliciously damaged your tailor's factory, and also tried to steal core tailor information in my office ... please be sure to kill them with the worst evil curse."
Before the Lord had fully arrived, the godmother began to scream again.
Han Dong also seemed to have all the information to be collected and turned around calmly.
Chopped office iron door.
Distorted sutured left arm dragged to the ground,
The right arm of the machine grabbed a dark scary sickle,
A layer of straw cloth is attached to the rusty steel body,
A large mouth full of teeth and worms is born on the head, which can release high-level fear and coercion,
This is ... the "shell".
As for the special residents, members of the so-called neighborhood committees, are sitting on the shoulders of the shells-children licking corn lollipops.
The child was looking into the room with the eyes of a button sewn on a straw hood.
Han Dong was also slightly surprised.
Although there were some predictions in advance, I did not expect that [Li residents] turned out to be this kid who ate a lollipop ... Such a "good-natured" image can be very different from Myers, let alone it is Derui Neighborhood committee member.
"Lord, kill him quickly! He is the culprit in destroying the factory ..."
The words are not finished.
The child stretched out a finger and hooked back.
Forcibly pull out the tongue (soul) inside the straw doll.
The shell moved, the sickle waved ...
The soul was cut and the godmother's tongue was cut.
Destruction at the soul level.
The godmother will be permanently disqualified from speaking.
With a smile on his face, Han Dong, as a 'reporter', officially began to expose the unscrupulous workshop.
"Hello Chairman Sam, the information I have collected is enough to prove that Godmother-Edison borrowed the authority to manage the tailor's factory to privately occupy high-quality and perfect straw for his own use."
When Han Dong said this, his godmother wanted to quibble, but she couldn't speak at all.
"Moreover, when the amount of perfect and high-quality straws submitted every month is not enough, some good-quality straws that have been modified will be added to the interior to fill it up.
As for the high-quality or perfect straw that the godmother has secretly scraped, she is being used to make [perfect body]. "
Han Dong touched the dark grid on the wall he had just found.
Kaka ~ The cement wall on the side of the office is lowered, exposing a full-sized steel safe.
The godmother was scared to see this scene.
Without having to enter the password, Han Dong directly touched the surface of the safe with one hand, forcing desertification ...
A perfect female body is hidden inside.
The skin and basic frame are closely composed of "quality straw",
The whole body's blood vessels and organs are constructed with "perfect straw".
Flawless, comparable to a work of art.
At present, only the remaining brain and eyes have not been completed, and there is still a lack of perfect straw.
If such a perfect straw body is constructed and the godmother transfers her consciousness into it, Han Dong and Huo Ziping will need to spend a lot of energy to deal with the godmother, and it may even be dangerous.
With such a perfect straw husk, the godmother is indeed eligible to become a resident.
It's a pity ... was exposed in advance by the reporter Han Dong.
The sickle was cut off.
The godmother died, and even the last trace of soul was cut off.
The broken straw doll turns into a perfect straw that swims, complementing the godmother's final masterpiece.
After doing all this, the straw child Sam draws a smiley face with a black watercolor pen, and then takes out a special seal from his pocket and hands it to Han Dong.
The black round badge is engraved with the town logo of Derui.
Immediately, the child rode in its shell and quickly left the factory area.
"Completely expose the crime of Godmother Edison, hide the plot-[Heart Workshop] completed"
Hide rewards:
①. Perfect straw body.
②. Recognition Medal of the neighborhood committee (can officially open [resident task])
Han Dong immediately put the straw shell into his head area for later research.
As for the certification medals, please collect them together and wait until you leave the farm to use them.
Earlier corn lollipops donated by the straw child are grabbing Han Dong's hands.
"The reason why everything went smoothly was because of getting the good impression of the straw child in advance, so that the disclosure can be carried out so smoothly.
If you choose to "kill" or "ignore" the child in the straw field at the beginning, the ending is another matter.
Of course, it may not be possible to trigger such a hidden plot.
Being a good person in destiny is still important. "
After sending himself a good card, Han Dong sorted it out a little bit and waited for the arrival of his teammates.
The completion of hidden tasks means that the factory area is no longer dangerous.
After a while.
The two teams were led by Huo Ziping to the deepest part of the underground factory, and the exit was right in front of them ... but the crowd seemed to have a certain smell of gunpowder.
Conflicts of interest appear to be in the group looking for a curse cure in Cornfield.
Or, Diana's personal problems provoked disputes.
Han Dong also occasionally heard that the youngest man in the opponent's team gave a key word-'Daughter of the Bone Demon'. UU reading books
Along the factory's secret road, a group of people smoothly left the farm and appeared in a small wood.
Who knew ... as soon as I left the danger zone.
Diana, with her head down all the way, showed a fierce look, and a spiral bone spur of more than one meter long was grown directly in the palm, killing the accidental exposure.
Seeing this, the most belligerent Gongsun Hao in the Kyushu team also put his anger out and punched him.
Between Han Dong's waving hand, more than ten yellow sand arms raised from the ground, forcing Diana's attack behavior to forcibly stop.
Huo Ziping is more direct.
Hung the sword directly in front of Gongsun Hao's neck, scaring the latter to sweat.
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